Castor oil for the face: features of application and results

Cosmetic oils are a popular trend; they are used for procedures in beauty salons and are added to various caring creams and masks. However, you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive cosmetics. There is an affordable and proven remedy - castor oil for the face. The features of the application and the results that such care gives are described in this article.

Oil is a vegetable product, it is obtained by processing castor beans, usually by cold pressing. Despite the fact that the plant itself is considered poisonous, the oil has many useful properties, it is used in cosmetology, it is not bypassed in medicine, prescribing both externally and internally. It looks like a liquid with a yellowish tinge and a weak odor.
Castor oil for the face is commonly used in various masks. Such cosmetics have a rejuvenating effect, help fight the first signs of aging, and get rid of age spots. Due to the emollient effect, the products will be especially useful for dry and dehydrated skin prone to flaking due to external influences.

The secret of the oil and its effectiveness lies in the composition of the product, containing many useful components:
- lipase has a rejuvenating effect, it is an enzyme that prevents the development of dermatological pathologies and slows down age-related skin changes;
- stearic acid is responsible for moisturizing, creates a kind of protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating too quickly, so the skin dries and flakes less;
- ricinoleic acid softens the skin, helps maintain lipid balance;
- oleic acid helps to restore cell membranes damaged due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
- linoleic acid accelerates the processes of cell regeneration and renewal, which helps to maintain youthful skin, and also has an antioxidant effect;
- palmitic acid stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
- plant alkaloids form protection against free radicals;
- vitamin E is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes;
- albumin provides a lifting effect;
- vitamin A helps to get rid of superficial wrinkles and slows down the appearance of signs of aging;
- bioflavonoids fight increased dryness;
- phytosterols are anti-inflammatory, reducing redness and soothing irritated skin.
These substances help to provide comprehensive care for the skin of the face, while the oil is a completely natural product, so you can not be afraid of any chemical additives in the composition.

Beneficial features
Cosmetologists have not identified any restrictions on age or skin type that prevent the use of castor oil, in addition, it has a broad spectrum of action:
- helps to get rid of wrinkles, smoothing out minor irregularities and making them less noticeable;
- eliminates age spots, and can also be used to lighten and even out the tone;
- suitable for adolescents, helping against blackheads and acne, normalizes sebum production;
- moisturizes and softens the skin, eliminates seasonal peeling in winter and irritation.
The benefits of the oil will be more noticeable if you apply it regularly. This will help to achieve a pronounced effect, especially if you want to get rid of pigmentation or age signs. You can apply the oil pointwise, for example, if you want to lighten freckles, or use it for acne.
It is also useful to add it to ready-made cosmetics - masks, creams, eye gels, or to make homemade compositions from natural ingredients.

The oil is considered a basic cosmetic product and does not have any specific contraindications, however, sometimes there are cases of individual intolerance. That is why it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction if you are using the product for the first time. To do this, you need to apply oil to the wrist from the inside - there the skin is sensitive, about the same as on the face. If in 2-3 hours no redness, itching, burning or other suspicious manifestations appear, then everything is in order, and you can start caring procedures.
Avoid getting the oil in your eyes, so apply all products carefully. If this does happen, use a dry paper towel to remove the remaining mixture, and only then gently rinse your eyes with copious amounts of water.

How to use it correctly?
It is important to store the oil correctly, it is not recommended to use a spoiled product, it can harm the skin. The lid of the bottle should always be tightly screwed, then the product will not lose its useful properties, it is also better to place it in a dark and cool place, for example, in a refrigerator. If you are making an oil-based product at home, use glass or ceramic utensils, as metal cups can oxidize some of the ingredients.
There are various options for using castor oil in cosmetology or at home, however there are general rules that must be followed.
- A mask or cream, not to mention undiluted oil, is applied only to a cleansed face to avoid clogged pores and inflammation. An additional steam bath can be used to fully prepare the skin.
- Warm up the oil to a comfortable room temperature before use.
- Any products prepared using oil should be kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes. And if the skin is prone to swelling or irritation, then reduce the time to 15 minutes.
- If you have prepared an eyelid product, apply it carefully to the area around the eyes with a cotton swab so as not to hurt the mucous membrane.
- After the procedures, it is better to rinse off the remains of the cosmetic product with warm water and wipe your face with a prepared chamomile decoction or ordinary green tea. This will achieve the best result.

Most often, oil is used as an additional ingredient, but you can smear it on the skin of the face and in its pure form. This is done in cases where it is necessary to whiten the skin, but it is important to follow the instructions.
- First you need to remove your makeup and cleanse your face. You can also additionally use a towel soaked in hot water as a compress to help enlarge the pores, or simply do a steam bath before the planned procedure.
- For oil, it is better to take a separate small container so that it is more convenient to apply it. In this case, do not pour too much, since it is not recommended to pour the unused product back into the bottle later - because of this, all the oil may deteriorate.
- Dip your fingertips in oil and gently massage it onto your face.
- Do not rinse for 10-15 minutes.
You should not use the oil if you have scratches or acne wounds on your face, and it is also not recommended to apply the product too abundantly. If you only want to get rid of freckles or age spots, then take a cotton swab and apply the oil pointwise. Warts can be treated in the same way.

Anti-wrinkle products
Signs of aging skin are not at all what you want to see in a mirror. For many women, the first wrinkles appear at a fairly early age, which makes them even more worried about their appearance. You can prepare an effective remedy - a cream with iodine, petroleum jelly, honey and castor oil. You will need to take a tablespoon of oil and the same amount of honey, a teaspoon of petroleum jelly and add two drops of iodine, thoroughly mixing it all until a homogeneous structure. It is better to apply such a cream in the evening after cleansing the face, while the finished product itself should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.
Mask-compress for dry skin, restoration of oxygen balance and fight against age-related changes. Procedures of this type are often offered in beauty salons, but they can also be done at home. This will require natural ingredients, some of which are in the pharmacy, and the rest in the grocery store. And you also need a sheet mask - you can find it in the departments selling beauty products, or cut it yourself from a thin cotton canvas. The procedure is as follows:
- boil 100 ml of artesian water, then take a mixture of chamomile and hop cones in the amount of two tablespoons and pour boiling water over, leaving to infuse for half an hour;
- at this time, you will need to grate a fresh cucumber on a grater, you will need 100 grams of pulp, from which you need to squeeze the juice and add to the herbal infusion;
- a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of castor oil are also added to the existing mixture;
- everything is thoroughly mixed, after which it is necessary to soak a fabric mask in the resulting composition so that it is properly soaked;
- at this time, cleanse your face from makeup, you can also do a steam bath to enhance the effect of the care product;
- apply a cloth mask to your face and leave it that way for 20 minutes;
- Finally, wipe your face with micellar water or chamomile decoction.

Aspirin mask for mature skin. Aspirin tablets are useful not only as a medicine, but can also become an ingredient for a cosmetic product. They are affordable and have a gentle exfoliating effect to help smooth wrinkles. And also for the preparation of the composition, other components will be required:
- a chicken egg, from which you need to carefully remove the yolk and beat with a mixer or whisk;
- aloe leaves, you need to squeeze out the juice in the amount of a teaspoon;
- a tablespoon of castor oil;
- the resulting mass of the above components should be whipped for a few more minutes so that the composition becomes completely homogeneous;
- half an aspirin tablet must be dissolved in a tablespoon of water and poured into the resulting mixture;
- the mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and left for 20 minutes.
The advantage of this tool lies not only in the fact that it helps to give the face a younger and healthier look, but also eliminates pigmentation marks, which can also appear with age and cause a lot of inconvenience. To whiten your skin, you need to use the product regularly.

Vitamin mask for problem skin
Natural fresh juices contain many beneficial elements. Lemon and carrots are easy to find in the store, they are useful for cleansing and preventing clogged pores, as well as the appearance of acne. Castor oil added to them will provide protection against dryness and help normalize metabolic processes. This remedy is suitable for adolescents who are faced with the appearance of acne, as well as for those with oily skin prone to acne. To get a mask, you need to follow these steps:
- fresh carrots need to be chopped with a blender or a regular grater - you need a little, 50 grams;
- squeeze the pulp using gauze or a strainer to get juice - you need two tablespoons;
- take a lemon and squeeze out a tablespoon of juice, then add a similar amount of castor oil;
- Mix the resulting liquid with oat flour and apply in an even thick layer;
- the mask must be left for 20-30 minutes, after which it can be washed off.
If you have manifestations of rosacea ("stars", vascular networks), then you can not use the remedy with lemon juice. It should be replaced with an infusion of mint leaves.

Mattifying agent for oily skin
One of the problems with high oil content is an unpleasant shine caused by excessive sebum production. To normalize metabolic processes and put your face in order, you can use a special composition. It not only mattifies, but also smoothes small wrinkles, if any, evens out the color, acting as a rejuvenating agent, therefore it is suitable as a measure to prevent the first age-related changes if your skin is oily. Follow the instructions to prepare the mask.
- Boil a small amount of artesian water (50 ml) and pour it over the nettle leaves. They can be taken both fresh (2 tablespoons) and dry (1 spoon).
- Leave the infusion for half an hour under the lid, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and add castor oil - 1 tablespoon.
- Take a separate container, pour 50 ml of kefir there and add a teaspoon of soda to the dairy product. The mixture will sizzle and bubble - this is a normal reaction, just wait until it finishes.
- Mix all the ingredients you have in one container and use a cloth mask to soak it in.
- Apply the mask to your face and leave it there for 15-20 minutes, which is best done in a horizontal position.
Cloth masks can be purchased at beauty stores, and with regular use, this procedure gives an effect no worse than salon products.

Firming mask for the prevention of age-related changes
With age, the skin does not retain moisture so well, cells regenerate more slowly, metabolic processes can be disrupted. All this leads to the fact that the face looks swollen, the contour of the chin becomes less clear, there is a constant expression of fatigue. To get rid of this, many women go to a plastic surgeon, but it is not necessary to resort to such drastic measures. Timely prophylaxis allows maintaining youthfulness of the skin for a long time even without complicated procedures. Here's what you need to do for this:
- take two tablespoons of gelatin granules and soak in 100 ml of mineral water, leaving for half an hour;
- to achieve a homogeneous structure and dissolve the granules completely, put the mixture in a water bath and heat;
- add a tablespoon of unrefined olive oil to the existing composition and take another teaspoon of castor oil;
- Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer on the face, and when it dries up, collect the remains and distribute them in another layer;
- the mask is kept for half an hour, after which the frozen film can be carefully separated, and the face can be wiped with mineral water.
Olive and castor oils work well to provide nourishment and protection to the skin, while gelatin has a lifting effect for a youthful and toned face.

Compress for the area around the eyes
This area is considered by many to be the most problematic - fine wrinkles betray age, and dark circles are companions of stress and lack of sleep, which can be difficult to avoid. But even in such a situation, you can remain beautiful if you do this simple tool.
- Take a teaspoon each of sour cream and castor oil. Mix them in a glass or ceramic container to prevent the components from oxidizing.
- Add a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of vegetable glycerin there, such an ingredient can be found in the pharmacy.
- Dip two cotton pads in the liquid and place them on your closed eyes. Compresses should be kept in this position for half an hour.
- After completing this procedure, wipe your skin with micellar water.
Handle the discs carefully, wring them out well so that the mixture does not run into your eyes, and be careful when removing residues. If it gets on the mucous membrane, it can cause not only unpleasant sensations, there is a risk of developing conjunctivitis.

Castor oil combined with essential oils
You can mix oil not only with various juices of fruits and vegetables, dairy products or herbs, but also with plant esters, which have no less useful properties. Such combinations can give, indeed, a noticeable effect, since some oils are capable of enhancing the action of castor. The proportion should be observed - 2 drops of ether per 10 ml of castor oil. If using two different essential oils, add each one drop by drop. All broadcasts have their own characteristics.
- Orange or tea tree has a disinfecting effect, helps to get rid of acne, cleanses pores and gives elasticity. They can be combined with castor oil if you have oily skin or acne and blackheads.
- Have a similar effect pine and bergamot.
- Geranium and sandalwood help to get rid of wrinkles, restore firmness and elasticity, make the face contour more toned. With them, you can make a remedy for the prevention of age-related changes by adding castor oil.

- Damask rose and lavender able to remove toxins, they make the complexion look healthier and more fresh, maintaining the oxygen balance. Combine with castor oil to create a tonic skin care product suitable for all skin types.
- Fennel and Geranium they even out the relief, creating a lifting effect, while neroli and incense smooth out wrinkles. Using these oils and castor oil, you can get an anti-aging formulation. These mixtures can be used as an alternative to conventional skin care creams.They should be applied to the cleansed face, gently spreading them along the massage lines with your fingers.
If you don't want to waste time making homemade masks, just add a few drops of castor oil to your regular cream or other store bought product. This additional ingredient will enhance the effect of the composition and make it more effective. It is better to add oil just before applying the cream, mixing everything in a separate container.
Do not pour castor oil into a jar of cosmetics - because of this, its shelf life is reduced to two weeks, in addition, it will need to be kept in the refrigerator.

Women who have used the oil for cosmetic purposes notice a noticeable effect when comparing the face before and after using this product. However, in order to achieve a result, one must not forget that the procedures must be regular. After a single use, you should not expect magical transformations, but if you do course of masks, it is quite possible to get rid of such defects as age spots or warts. In addition, the face begins to look younger and healthier, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and a lifting effect is present.
Castor oil aficionados find this remedy suitable for any season. In winter it helps to get rid of dryness and flaking of the skin, and in summer it evens out the tone and removes freckles if they appear.

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