Properties and uses of nettle oil

Nettle is a plant known to everyone since childhood, which leaves an indelible impression on itself in the form of unpleasant, burning pimples. But how many times people have not been burned by it, no one even thinks to argue that this is a useless and unnecessary plant.
Beneficial features
In its composition, nettle contains essential nettle oil, which allows it to be used and consumed in almost all types of decorative and medical cosmetics, medicines and simply for aromatherapy. Rumor has it that nettle oils have a very good effect on human skin, minimizing problem and inflammatory areas, as well as on hair, which becomes thicker and silky. And the most interesting thing is that this plant does not need to be specially planted, most often it grows by itself, without any fertilizers and special care.
But at the same time, while eradicating it from their plots, people do not even think about what useful plant they "kill" with their own hands and deprive themselves of all the useful privileges of this product.

Nettle juice has a very good effect on immunity, increasing it, thereby helping to reduce the number of colds, is used for bronchitis and sinusitis, and even gastritis. Quite often, nettle is used in diabetes mellitus, since its effect has a beneficial effect on the intestines, removing all accumulated toxins from it. If there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system, then nettle will be an excellent treatment option, which will calm your heart and tone the muscles, relieve pain and fatigue, and increase the level of hemoglobin if it is not high enough.
Women who often suffer from female problems can also take advantage of this miracle plant, as it will help maintain the microflora of the body in the right state. Very often the fair sex is disturbed by abundant monthly "joys", but with the help of nettles, they say that it is possible to control the intensity and soreness of the discharge.

Women of age, namely in the period when menopause is approaching them, very often feel uncomfortable: constant hot flashes, which are accompanied by reddening of the face, profuse sweating, fever, can also be minimized with the help of a decoction of nettle. It will help to normalize the condition of a woman during such a period and make it invisible.
Vascular network hated by girls on the beautiful skin of the face or constant morning swelling due to the fact that they drank a lot of liquid at night, pigmentation and swelling - nettle essential oils will help get rid of all this. Just wipe the problem areas regularly, over time, there will be no trace of problem areas. For teens and people who suffer from acne, stinging nettle can also help. It reduces comedones and all inflammatory processes that provoke certain associated factors.

The stronger sex will not be ignored either. Men can also feel free to heal or maintain their health with nettles. The beneficial substances contained in nettles will help increase blood circulation in the intimate area of a man and regulate potency. It also increases sexual desire, increases sperm count and improves reproductive function. Thus, decoctions, nettle essential oils can be used to treat impotence. In addition, if a young man suffers from premature ejaculation, nettle infusions will help him to regulate and increase the duration of intercourse.
Very often men are weak to the effects of narcotic, alcoholic and tobacco substances. Therefore, most often their body is very polluted and intoxicated. Nettle is a remedy that will help cleanse the body, relieve hangover syndrome, and reduce nicotine addiction. For the treatment or prevention of diseases, as well as for personal care, tinctures and decoctions are most often used, but do not forget about the beneficial properties of the roots, seeds and stems of the nettle itself. Today, all this variety can be found in a pharmacy or special phyto-shops.
Whoever does not trust pharmacy products can make the necessary therapeutic solution from nettle oils with their own hands.

How to make a remedy at home?
In order to prepare this miracle cure at home, you need to know what exactly (from which part of the nettle) you need to make an elixir. An important point before cooking is that you need to harvest correctly, otherwise the end result will not be what you would like. If the goal is to prepare a medicine from nettle leaves, then you should wait for the period when it will bloom. It is during this period that nettle contains the largest supply of nutrients.
The leaves should be carefully separated from the stem, after which they should be laid in two layers to dry. A very important point is that the leaves must be constantly turned over, otherwise they will turn black. When properly dried, nettle leaves remain healthy for another two years.

Nettle seed medicine is made using almost the same technique. Seeds are harvested when the plant is fully ripe, after which the buds are cut and dried for 5 days. After that, you should thresh the buds to get the seeds, and then dry the seeds for a few more days.
One of the options for "extraction" of nutrients from nettle is the roots. They are collected before the ripening and movement of the nettle juice has gone. The roots must be peeled, then chopped and dried in the sun.The roots are said to be much healthier than the leaves themselves. It is also possible to make medicinal drugs from nettle juice.
Nettle bushes must be cut and chopped in a meat grinder. After that, squeeze the crumb and mix the juice with sugar one to one. Next, add alcohol and refrigerate.

Before you start preparing this elixir, you first need to decide on the goal: therapeutic, cosmetological or prophylactic aspect. After that, you will need to decide on the amount of the desired product, since at any time you can do more than throw away the spoiled medicine. And you can also add any other oils: chamomile, lemon, lavender, burdock - whatever you want. But the main aspect is that there may be allergenic reactions to any components of this medication, so do not forget and check. Place a few drops of the solution on the back of your wrist.

One of the simplest and relatively quick recipes for making nettle essential oil is such a standard option as:
- nettle plants need to be chopped in a meat grinder or blender;
- then pour in sunflower or olive oil;
- let this mixture brew until it starts to darken, it is advisable to store this mass in a cool, dark room; the approximate time for the nettle oil to infuse is two weeks;
- all other ingredients can be added to your taste.

Application options
The resulting oil can be used for treatment and hair care. For example, the resulting mixture can be rubbed into the scalp before washing your hair, or you can add a few drops to shampoo or hair balm, after which you can wash your hair in the usual way - all this will give your hair a new life, it will become fresh, light and silky. Skin care has not been canceled either, so the same extract can be added to existing body or face creams.
A pleasant bonus will be the fact that nettle oil has a "healing" property against cellulite and stretch marks, which are so hated by the fair sex. The recipe is also very simple: just add the previously made nettle ether to an anti-cellulite cream or massage oils.

Another Uses for Nettle Oil? this is hair removal. For this method, seeds are most often used. In one use, the seeds should be rubbed into the areas of the skin where unwanted hair is growing. And also the seeds can be poured with oil and allowed to brew, and then apply the resulting emulsion to the hairline. This method of hair removal is very individual.
Contraindications and harm
However, along with the benefits, nettle can also harm if consumed excessively or if you do not adhere to safety rules. Nettle extract should be used very carefully for pregnant women, since its substances are actively absorbed into the bloodstream, increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth. If you want to be beautiful and give birth on time, you need to approach the treatment with nettle wisely and with a competent dosage. It is not recommended to use nettle for people with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and those with thick blood. The constant use of nettle oils helps to thicken the blood, which is not very good for people with problematic blood circulation.

It is strictly forbidden to use nettle for people who have an individual intolerance or allergic reaction to any of the active substances in the composition of nettle or oil components. You should not eat the nettle plant for food if it has not undergone good preliminary heat treatment, since it can burn the entire mucous membrane of the body.
And it is also not recommended to collect the plant in polluted places, because you can only get harm from the plant, since the nettle, like a sponge, absorbs all the useful and harmful substances into itself. Absorbing it, you can get a strong intoxication of the body.

Various responses can be heard from people. Some are categorical and claim that there is no benefit from it, while others, on the contrary, inspire everyone that nettle saved them from hair loss, from problem skin or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not be guided by the opinion of people, since everything is individual. Each human body is able to perceive and respond to certain factors in its own way. Someone will not have any allergic reaction, and someone from one species can have a severe allergy. The main thing to remember is know when to stop and always consult a doctor, listen to your own body or watch the test results.
For information on the healing properties of nettle oil, see the next video.