What is mink oil and how to use it?

Mink oil has amazing properties, which allows it to be actively used in cosmetology. It can slow down the aging process, relieve skin irritation. In addition, the product is often used to treat acne, which is especially important for adolescents.
Composition and method of extraction
Mink oil is extracted from the subcutaneous fat of the mink. For this, special processing is used, thanks to which the composition retains all useful qualities. It is believed that this product is similar to the composition of human tissues, which allows it to be safely used for cosmetic purposes.
Most often, American and European species of animals are taken for the production of mink oil, since their fat contains saturated fatty acids, glycerides and palmitoleic acid. The composition of these substances allows the product to penetrate deeply into tissues and fight various skin diseases.

Mink fat contains acids such as myristic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid and myristoleic acid. This allows the product to have a beneficial effect on the dermis. Fat is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, it is completely safe for humans.
Even after several years of storage, mink oil retains its unique properties.
Benefit and harm
Mink oil contains a special type of saturated fatty acids, which allows it to have amazing emollient and penetrating qualities. When it gets deep into the dermis, the product improves the quality of the tissues, making them soft and velvety. It protects the skin from sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, which is due to the high content of vitamin E.
The fat does not change its consistency and smell even after ten years.The product is used mainly for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of the skin and hair. It is found in many creams and lotions that are designed to restore and nourish the skin and hair follicles.

Mink oil is necessary for the regulation of lipid metabolism of the skin, as it has the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and affect internal processes. The product softens the skin, nourishes them.
With the help of mink oil, you can moisturize and tighten the skin of the face, while improving its complexion. The composition allows you to smooth out fine wrinkles and protect tissues from a lack of moisture, which visually rejuvenates the face. Thanks to these properties, the oil slows down the aging process and preserves the youth of the dermis for a long time.

This product helps to regenerate and heal damaged tissue. He is able to relieve the skin of peeling and diaper rash, will help to heal scratches and small wounds in a short time.
Mink oil is necessary to protect the skin from the effects of cold winds. It is often used to reduce the effects of insect bites such as mosquitoes, bees and ants.
This product has excellent hair care properties. It prevents hair loss and promotes faster hair growth. After using the fat, the scalp becomes soft and moisturized, and the hair takes on a lively appearance.

Pure mink fat cannot do any harm, as it is an absolutely natural remedy and does not cause an allergic reaction. Due to the absence of contraindications, the oil can be used even by children of different ages.
Indications for use
Mink oil has a huge number of unique properties, which makes it indispensable for a certain category of people. It should be used by older people who dream of getting rid of fine wrinkles and tightening their skin.
In addition, fat is indicated for people suffering from pigmentation, dryness, irritation and flaking of the skin. The tool can even relieve a person from skin rashes and itching caused by allergies.
For young children, the product is necessary for the treatment of prickly heat, as well as other skin inflammations. For teenagers, mink oil will become an indispensable aid in the treatment of acne, acne and psoriasis.

Pregnant and lactating women can use it to prevent or treat stretch marks. Among other things, fat has been shown to reduce scars, scars and burn marks.
In the cold season, mink oil is able to protect sensitive skin from frost, and on hot days it can repel the sun's rays and ultraviolet light.
Applying fat will help people with dry, damaged hair. It is effective in treating dandruff and hair loss.

Mink oil can be used in two ways.
- In pure form - suitable for nourishing the skin of the face and neck. It can help treat skin ailments such as burns, cuts, pimples and pigmentation.
- As part of other funds - is a dietary supplement and is included in many creams, ointments, shampoos and even soaps. These products are suitable for improving skin and hair, as well as protecting a person from ultraviolet radiation and frost.

Cooking methods
Modern manufacturers of cosmetics offer many different preparations containing mink fat in their composition. Many people can make a cream based on this oil at home.
- To prepare a hair loss mask, you need to take 30 g of heated mink oil and mix it with 30 g of honey, 25 g of glycerin, 25 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 5 ml of lavender extract. The composition is applied to the root area and kept for 60 minutes, after which it is washed off in the usual way.
- To make a product to nourish the skin around the eyes, you need to take a moisturizer and add 20 g of mink fat to it. This mixture must be applied to the area around the eyes at least two or three times a week.
- To create a composition designed to eliminate peeling, you will need to take a chicken egg, sour cream and flour. The yolk should be mixed with crushed shells, 40 g of sour cream and 40 g of flour. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, it remains to add 20 g of mink fat to the product. With this composition, you need to lubricate the damaged areas once a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

Feedback from users allows us to verify the effectiveness and safety of mink oil. They say that the fat of this animal has no contraindications and is able to eliminate many skin problems.
Most people with the help of mink oil not only got rid of hair loss, small stretch marks and wounds, but were also able to protect the skin in the cold season.
For more information on mink oil, see below.
Poor minks! They have no chance of surviving!