Ozonized oil: features, properties and application

In modern cosmetology, such a concept as ozonized oil is increasingly common. Naturally, girls wonder what it is and how to apply it. This article will help answer these and other questions.
Ozone is a fairly reactive gas that quickly decomposes to oxygen. But in the reaction with oil, part of the ozone saturates it with useful microelements, and part of it dissolves in the air. Even this small part is enough for the oil to acquire a number of useful properties, among which the following are distinguished:
bactericidal properties allow you to quickly heal wounds and restore skin cells;
cleansing properties allow you to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body;

fortifying properties allow you to maintain and restore immunity, as well as fight viruses and bacteria;
this product helps to expand blood vessels, thereby helping to reduce blood viscosity;
normalizes metabolism and promotes the breakdown of body fat;

reduces pain in the body and prevents the development of inflammatory processes;
participates in the production of skin collagen and has a rejuvenating effect.

This product will retain its useful qualities for much longer if stored properly. It is better to keep it in a dark glass container in a cool place. A refrigerator is suitable as such a place. Under these conditions, it can be useful for up to 2 years.
Due to its beneficial properties, the oil has found wide application in many areas of human life.
Application area
Most often, the ozone product is used in medicine and cosmetology.
Due to its disinfecting properties, it is used to treat wounds, burns, cuts and many skin diseases.
It is also used to treat ulcers and bronchitis as it has anti-inflammatory effects. It should be used for 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.
For a disease such as psoriasis, the oil should be applied to the damaged area up to 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes for 3-4 weeks.
Fungal nail diseases can also be treated with this product. A lotion or a cotton pad soaked in oil is applied to the affected nail up to 2 times a day for 40 minutes. As the affected nail grows, it should be cut off, and the healthy plate should be lubricated with oil.

For gum disease, oil can also be an indispensable aid. In this case, special lotions based on this product are applied to the gums, and additionally rinsing the mouth with a mixture of oil and saline solution is used.
Trophic ulcers and bedsores are treated with oil dressings. Before this, the affected areas are pretreated with an antiseptic.
For gynecological diseases, such as erosion, colpitis, tampons soaked in oil are used.
It should be remembered that before treating a disease with the help of this remedy, it is worthwhile to coordinate actions with a doctor, since self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Ozonized oil is often used to treat thin and weak hair. To do this, it is rubbed into the scalp and covered with a cap or towel to create a greenhouse effect. This procedure should be done once a week for 1–1.5 hours during a month.
In cosmetology, oil is used to combat cellulite and stretch marks. In this case, wraps and massage with this product are used. They also make face masks for a lifting effect. This mask should be done once a week and kept for no more than 10 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the remaining oil is removed with a napkin. This product can also be applied alone as a makeup base. For this, a few drops are enough, which are thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the face, after which a regular cream is applied.

Advantages and disadvantages
This product has proven itself on the good side. This is proved by the reviews of people using this product. Noticeable results are already starting to appear after the first two procedures, and this is the main advantage of the product. Women notice a decrease in expression lines and deeper wrinkles, a decrease in body fat, an improvement in the scalp and condition of hair and nails. Also, the metabolism and the general condition of the body are normalized. Another pluses include:
the ability to create this product at home, where the main "component" is a household ozonizer;
long shelf life: concentrated oil can be used for two years if stored properly;
minimum side effects.

Most women note positive results from the use of such a drug. This oil also has disadvantages.
A rather time-consuming product to manufacture at home. To prepare partially concentrated oil, it takes an average of 3 days, and for highly concentrated oil - up to a month. In this case, the first version of the oil can be used only for one month. Then he loses his useful qualities.
To prepare the second option, you will need a commercial ozonizer, which is several times more expensive than a household appliance.
Oil should be used with caution and only after consulting a specialist. You should not use it thoughtlessly on the advice of friends and relatives.
Only by taking ozonized oil correctly can you achieve quick recovery and get rid of many imperfections of the face and body.
For what ozonized oil is, see the next video.