Benefits and harms of peach oil for the face and tips for its use

When choosing a face cream, many women find themselves in confusion: they do not want to overpay and use a product with preservatives and chemical additives. But contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to use expensive chemicals to be beautiful. You can get by with natural peach oil bought for a penny.

Features and composition
Currently, the choice of facial cosmetics is so great that not every woman can easily decide and choose a cream for herself. Previously, girls often could not find funds to their liking due to their shortage and used what nature has to offer. And in fact, natural oils are in no way inferior, and in some sense even superior to purchased factory creams. One of the most popular facial oils is peach, which has its own distinctive qualities. Everyone knows what a peach and its seed look like. To obtain high-quality cold-pressed oil, the core of these very seeds is squeezed by industrial presses. As a result, the most useful and natural peach oil comes out, which has a pleasant color and an incomparable aroma of a bright southern fruit.

Such an unrefined product is stored for a very short time, so it is rarely found on the shelves of ordinary stores and pharmacies. Most often, the oil is refined and refined. It becomes pale yellow and smells less intense, and the beneficial properties are somewhat reduced. But on the other hand, it can be stored for a long time and, accordingly, is easier to find on sale. The cost of peach oil is ridiculous - about 100–150 rubles per 30 ml.This bottle will last for several weeks at an economical expense.
The chemical composition of this product is very impressive. Even the most picky ladies will not be able to resist such an impressive list of vitamins that are found in peach oil:
- vitamin A or retinol acetate - is a building block of cells, as well as a natural antioxidant;
- B vitamins - external use helps to smooth wrinkles and removes a double chin;
- vitamin E - relieves puffiness and minor inflammation, is used to get rid of unwanted freckles;
- vitamin C - improves the elasticity of the epidermis and reduces rashes;
- vitamin P - makes the face look fresher.

Important! In addition to the huge amount of vitamins, peach oil also contains macronutrients, minerals and other beneficial components. What nature has created is always the best and safest for humans.
What is useful and harmful?
The valuable chemical composition could not but affect the beneficial properties of peach oil. They are so extensive that they will bypass even the most expensive professional creams in quantity. The benefits of the product are as follows:
- minimizes the appearance of acne, as it has antiseptic properties;
- reduces wrinkles and smoothes the skin, preventing signs of aging, which is achieved with the help of fatty acids contained in the composition;
- improves complexion due to carotenoids and vitamin P;
- during regular use, there is a decrease in the number of freckles and unwanted pigmentation;

- spider veins on the face will no longer appear if you constantly wipe your face with peach oil;
- toxins are removed from cells and the epidermis is healed;
- fights dry skin, but does not make it too oily;

- suitable for those individuals who are allergic to oils from nuts (almonds, cedar), since it has similar properties, but no less useful composition;
- suitable as a base for the preparation of creams - the product can be mixed with other oils, added to a ready-made cream, made masks based on it;
- moisturizes and nourishes even oily skin in the composition of creams, leaving no excess, as it is well absorbed;
- can be used at any age, as it has universal beneficial properties;
- promotes the regeneration of small cracks on the lips and the rest of the skin of the face, which may appear due to wind and frost;
- has a slight degree of protection from the sun, which allows you to protect the skin of the face not only from dryness, but also from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

As with all natural remedies, peach oil has a contraindication. It concerns only those people who are prone to allergies, because there may be an unwanted reaction of the body to it. It should not be used if the allergy has already occurred. Before applying it to a large area of skin for the first time, you need to test the body's response a day before. To do this, a drop of oil is applied to the elbow and wait 24 hours. If irritation and redness do not occur, then you can use this product safely.
Important! Cosmetologists also do not recommend that girls with problem skin and acne completely replace the face cream with peach oil, since oversaturation with fatty acids is possible. To nourish the skin prone to excess oiliness, you can and should add a drop of oil directly to the cream, suitable in such a situation.

How to choose and store?
In order not to run into a low-quality product, it is better to purchase peach oil in pharmacies. But if this is not possible, when buying, you need to carefully pay attention to the quality certificates that must be provided in the store. To choose the best product, you need to evaluate it according to the following criteria:
- compliance with the expiration date;
- tightness of packaging;
- the best product will be made in the fall due to the ripening period of the peach fruit;
- the label must indicate that this product is 100 percent natural;
- it is better to choose oil of a domestic manufacturer, since it has undergone fewer transportation and other changes for longer storage;
- the best container for oil is dark glass;

- it is better not to take a large package so that it is kept open for a minimum time.
In order to prevent peach oil from deteriorating during operation, it must be stored in a dark and cool place. It is best if it is a dresser drawer or makeup cabinet. After each use, close the lid tightly, preventing oxygen from entering the container. The oil should not be stored in the refrigerator, as its quality may deteriorate and sediment separates. But it also should not be heated and boiled, as it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Peach oil for the face is used both in pure form and as part of masks, creams, scrubs, lotions. It is also suitable for the care of the skin around the eyes, as it is a very gentle and nourishing product. In addition, it will help reduce the appearance of bruising under the eyes. Recently, it has become fashionable and quite effective to carry out facial massage. This treatment helps reduce puffiness, smoothes wrinkles, lifts skin tone, removes double chin and improves blood circulation for a healthy glow. Massage should be carried out with the use of oil, and peach will come in handy here. It has a suitable structure and consistency, as well as unconditional beneficial properties.

For wrinkles, you can use peach oil instead of cream. You can also apply it to the eye area to reduce crow's feet and moisturize the eyelid skin. For deep hydration of wrinkle-prone and dry skin, you can make masks with peach oil in the composition. Regular use of such a remedy will help make problem areas more toned and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Problem skin also requires care, and peach oil will not make it more oily and will not provoke new acne rashes, as many are used to thinking. If the face is covered with rashes without much inflammation, and there is also an oily sheen and blackheads, then you can partially solve this problem with a homemade scrub. To do this, take crushed rolled oats or ground coffee and mix it with peach oil to the consistency of a thick gruel. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and gently massage over the skin, paying special attention to problem areas. For acne, masks based on clay, charcoal, oatmeal and peach oil are also often used.

In severe frosts or when there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, lips often crack, which is a very painful phenomenon. Peach oil can be used as a hygiene balm and will help to cope with such an unpleasant problem. It's pretty easy to be beautiful and well-groomed without spending a lot of money on it. Peach oil can be a great face care product. This product is versatile and suitable for all skin types.

Mask recipes
For the skin to look youthful and elastic, as well as to shine with natural beauty, you need to apply masks based on peach oil regularly, two or three times a week, without skipping the procedure. Only then will it be possible to achieve a stunning effect from the use of this natural remedy. You don't need to visit beauty salons to make a gift for your skin. You just have to go to the nearest pharmacy, buy peach oil, and also take products that are almost always at hand at any housewife. Home treatments are easy and time-consuming. The most popular recipes are worth considering.
- Mask for oily skin. You need to combine ingredients such as ground rolled oats, lemon juice and peach oil in equal proportions. You need to wash off makeup and other impurities, then put a hot towel on your face or hold it over the steam for a short time. Then apply the above mixture for 15–20 minutes. Then rinse it off with cool water and use your favorite face cream. This mask visibly mattifies the skin and shrinks pores.

- Mask for dry skin and for nourishing all skin types during the winter cold. To rejuvenate your face and moisturize dry skin, you can make a course of masks made from natural yogurt and peach oil. To do this, mix one tablespoon of each ingredient and apply on a clean face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and apply regular cosmetics for every day.
- Mask for inflammation and rashes. A decoction of chamomile and sage has long been used for antiseptic purposes, therefore, by combining peach oil with it, you can achieve good results in the fight against acne. To prepare a miraculous mask from these ingredients, you need to brew sage and chamomile - two sachets of each plant, which can be purchased for a penny in pharmacies, for a mug of water. When the broth has cooled to a warm state, peach oil should be applied to the face, and on top, put cheesecloth moistened with the broth with pre-cut holes for the eyes and nose. And also in cosmetics stores and in some pharmacies you can buy fabric masks for such purposes, which is undoubtedly more convenient. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. After that, you need to wash yourself with warm water, and then close the pores with an ice cube and apply a toner and cream for problem skin. In this recipe, you can replace chamomile with a string or add it to existing herbs.

- Mask for unwanted pigmentation. Ardent opponents of freckles are constantly looking for various sophisticated ways to get rid of them. But you can use a simple and well-known method - a mask based on peach oil and lemon juice. For the procedure, you need to prepare a mixture of equal proportions of lemon juice and peach oil and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. After this time, the excess mask must be removed with a cotton swab, but not washed off.
- A nourishing mask for the skin of the eyelids. When bruising and bags under the eyes are troubling, there is nothing better than using a recipe for a mask of banana, vitamin E and peach oil. For this procedure, you need to mix a quarter of a banana, crumpled into gruel, a vitamin E capsule pierced with a needle, and a teaspoon of peach oil. The mask should be applied to the skin around the eyes and left for a few minutes. Then you need to wash well and apply an eyelid cream suitable for your age and skin type.

- Mask for the skin around the eyes based on several oils. To nourish the skin around the eyes after dry summers and during winter frosts, you can prepare the following remedy: mix in a teaspoon of avocado, olive and peach oils. As a result of this procedure, not only the condition of the skin is improved and mimic wrinkles are smoothed, but also the density of the eyelashes and their length noticeably increase. So this procedure has a triple positive effect.

- Softening mask with cottage cheese. To eliminate skin tightness and make it velvety, you can apply a mask based on cottage cheese and peach oil. To do this, you need to purchase fine-grained cottage cheese or a liquid product, peach butter, milk and carrot juice. Add a tablespoon of each ingredient to a cup and grind until smooth. The mask is left on the face for half an hour and removed with a damp cotton swab.
- Vitamin mask. A tablespoon of cream, peach pulp puree and peach oil are mixed in a separate container and applied in a thin layer onto clean skin. Leave for half an hour and wash off with warm water.Velvety and soft skin after this home treatment is guaranteed.

If you delve into history, you can easily find out an amazing fact: the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, known for her femininity and beauty, used peach oil as a cream. It is not surprising that at present, reviews on the use of such a natural product in cosmetology are mostly positive. Girls love to use this oil for personal care, because it is very affordable, it is quite easy to purchase and use it at home. There are a lot of good evaluations of this tool on the net. It is used by both very young people and women of age. Many people note that it fights wrinkles and improves complexion. Some women have given up on regular face cream altogether after trying this product. Peach oil has a pleasant smell, although it does not contain chemical fragrances, which allows even the most sensitive people to use it for personal care.

Cosmetologists vying with each other praise this herbal product, as it has a whole bunch of useful properties and is a storehouse of vitamins. Some have deliberately abandoned elite cosmetics in their procedures, since, in their opinion, natural peach oil is many times more effective than expensive products. Even the most famous specialists perform treatments using this oil. Most product reviews are either neutral or positive. Therefore, you can safely take peach oil for testing and improve your appearance with such a gift from nature.

For information on how to apply peach oil for your face, see the next video.