Application and properties of burdock oil for hair

Burdock oil has always been a very popular cosmetic product. Every Soviet woman who watched her appearance, skin and hair knew about him. Until now, this oil is the most affordable tool for those who like to care for their strands. It is quite inexpensive, and with the systematic use of this cosmetic product, you can achieve good results.

Characteristics and properties
Burdock oil is not a unique or scarce product. It is available in almost any supermarket. The oil is presented in stores as a one-component product, and in combination with other ingredients - nettle, chamomile, pepper. In masks or scrubs, this oil is also combined with egg, honey, or medicinal additives such as Dimexide. The fairly widespread use of the oil is due to its rich vitamin set. This product contains B vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin A.
There are also a lot of trace elements in cosmetic masks and scrubs based on this oil. This is copper, which prevents brittleness, and silicon, which strengthens the hair follicles. The composition also contains zinc, which works to regenerate collagen fibers, as well as calcium - a building material for the whole body.

This cosmetic product, due to its rich mineral composition, is able to prevent premature gray hair and preserve its own natural pigment for a long time. The product also contains fatty acids, which give the hair shine and make it elastic and strong, as well as inulin and tannins.
Burdock oil is used in various activities:
- cooking;
- medical business;
- cosmetology.
Due to the large number of vitamins in the product, it is used in sauces and dressings for some dishes. It is used to treat and prevent diseases of the stomach and intestines.

But it has the greatest popularity in cosmetology. And most often burdock oil is used in hair care. It smoothes them out, imparting shine, works to strengthen the hair follicles, and also nourishes and moisturizes them thanks to its oily texture. In addition to working on the appearance of hair, it is used to combat itchy scalp and dandruff. Thanks to its antiseborrheic and antimicrobial action, the agent successfully fights skin inflammations.

Burdock oil helps to solve the following problems:
- reduction in hair volume;
- retardation of hair growth;
- lack of hydration of the epidermis;
- cross-section of ends, lack of gloss;
- dandruff.

The product has also proven itself in the care of eyelashes. To do this, an oil extract is poured into an empty and clean mascara jar and used, applied before bedtime every night. The eyelashes become thicker and less shedding.
Using oil on your nails helps with delamination. It interferes with this process, gives shine to the nail plate, and also softens the cuticle.
Burdock oil has a positive effect when used on the face. It moisturizes the skin of the face, fights wrinkles and dryness of aging skin. The product works successfully on problem skin, including acne, eczema and psoriasis.

In case of a lack of vitamins, the cosmetic product additionally nourishes the epidermis and stimulates the hair follicles, which accelerates the growth of new hair and prevents the loss of existing ones. Moisturizing the skin with oil eliminates itching of the skin that can occur due to excessive dryness of the skin.
The oil is also applied to the ends of the hair if there is such a problem as split ends. The product prevents them from delamination, moisturizes the ends, covering it with a protective film.

The cosmetic is completely unpretentious, so it works great on both dried hair and damp strands.
In contraindications, burdock oil has only its individual intolerance. Before using it to treat gastrointestinal problems, you should consult with a specialist. In very rare cases, burdock oil causes an allergic reaction. That's why before applying the product to the head, you should make sure that it will not cause harm. For this, a little product is applied behind the ear and left for 12 hours. In the absence of a negative reaction, it can be safely added to masks and scrubs.

How to apply?
Having made the final decision to buy oil, you need to choose a trusted cosmetics store, and it is better to go to the pharmacy. This is where you can buy a really good cosmetic product. Such oil is usually kept in the refrigerator, so if the seller offers to take the product from the showcase, then it will obviously be of poor quality.
You always need to take time to read the composition of the product, since mineral oils are most often used in cheap counterparts, while a high-quality product is made only from natural cold-pressed vegetable oils.
It is also worth making sure that the product is valid by looking at the packaging, where the date of manufacture is indicated.

Before using the oil, the dishes with it should be warmed up in a container with boiling water. The oil temperature should reach 38 degrees. It is this temperature regime that will be optimal for using the product on the scalp.
Burdock oil is difficult to wash off, so you should not apply it to your hair while wearing your favorite costume.
If there are no specialized tools for applying a cosmetic product, you can use an ordinary toothbrush, or simply with your fingers.
How the product is applied depends on the user's goal. To solve problems associated with dryness of the epidermis or hair loss, the oil is rubbed in and distributed directly on the skin at the roots, over its entire area.
If the hair is treated along its entire length, then the oil is distributed through the hair from top to bottom, departing from the roots 2-3 cm.

Having wrapped the hair in polyethylene and covering it with a warm cloth, leave the head in this form for 1-2 hours so that the oil has the maximum effect on the hair structure. It is not forbidden to leave the oil to work all night, but then it will be very difficult to wash off the oil from the hair in the morning, so you should limit yourself to two hours.
How to wash off?
Rinse off burdock oil from your hair is a very difficult procedure, because you will not be able to wash off the oil from your hair by simply washing your hair. But there are several tricks that make the oil rinse off without difficulty.
- The chicken yolk is separated from the protein and rubbed into the oily roots. As soon as the oil begins to come off the strands, the hair is washed with shampoo.
- You can wash off the oil and simple soap, but use it on dry hair. In other words, initially it is not recommended to wet the strands. The soap is rubbed into the skin and hair until the oil starts to come off the hair. After wetting the strands and distributing the foam on all the hair, they are well washed and rinsed.

- If you don't need to go anywhere after the burdock oil mask, then use vinegar. To do this, dilute 10 g of the product in 1 liter of cold water and wash your hair with this solution. After this procedure, use a regular shampoo. The vinegar smell will not disappear after the first wash of your hair, so it is not recommended to go somewhere, so as not to make a negative impression.
- If you have enough time, you can simply wash your hair for a long time and diligently - from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the volume of the hair and the quality of the burdock oil. The better it is, the longer it will take to wash it off. The frequency of use of the product is once every 7 days.

Mask recipes
Burdock oil can be prepared at home, and it will be the most natural burdock oil, which will contain only natural products.
To do this, you need 200 g of burdock rhizome and plant oil, for example, corn oil, preferably the first pressing in the amount of 400 g. To prepare the product, the roots are poured with oil extract and left to infuse in a cabinet or under a bed. After 10 days, strain the oil, and then add vitamin E or any other vitamin. Then the oil is poured into a storage container and used in a course, but no more than 12 times in one course. There should be a break of several days between courses of using the oil.

The oil is used not only in pure form, but also in composition with other ingredients as various masks.
Mask "Thick Hair"
- oil 20 ml;
- lemon juice 20 ml;
- honey 20 g.
Performing the procedure. After mixing all the ingredients in a bowl, put it in a saucepan with boiling water and heat to 60 degrees. The mask, warmed up and cooled to 37 degrees, is distributed over the hair and the mixture is rubbed into the scalp using a massage. Then the hair is wrapped in plastic and a towel, leaving it in this form for a long time (at least an hour).

Anti-split hair mask
- burdock oil - 40 g;
- castor oil - 20 g;
- honey - 20 g;
- glycerin - 5 g.
Procedure execution:
- mix all the oils and warm the mixture to 37 degrees;
- apply the mask starting from the middle of the hair length and down to the ends;
- gather hair with an elastic band in a bun and leave for 1 hour;
- at the end of the procedure, thoroughly wash off the remnants of the product.

Growth accelerator mask
The fortified composition of this mask fills the hair follicles and hair shaft with useful substances, strengthening them from the inside.
- burdock oil - 50 g;
- onion juice - 35 g;
- aloe juice - 15 g;
- orange oil - a few drops.
Combine all components in one bowl, mix and send to a water bath for heating to 38 degrees.

The mask is applied to the surface of the head, spread over the roots and left for a long time. You can enhance the effect by covering your head with a towel.
"Sharp" mask
In the store you can buy burdock oil in a composition with pepper. It stimulates growth by irritating the hair follicles and improving the blood supply to the epidermis. And you can prepare just such a "sharp" mask at home based on burdock oil extract.
- burdock oil extract - 40 ml;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- hot pepper - 5 g.

Preparation and application. Add pepper to the burdock oil and mix well. Only ground pepper is used in this recipe. If only whole is available at home, it should be ground in a coffee grinder or on a fine grater.
After heating the oil, add chicken yolk to it, stir the mixture and rub the surface of the head with it. The burning sensation that occurs when this mask is applied is a normal reaction to the hotness of the pepper. The mixture should remain on the head for up to 30 minutes. If the discomfort cannot be tolerated, the mask is washed off earlier. The procedure is performed with cold or lukewarm water, because hot water enhances the hot effect of pepper.

If dry hair lacks moisture, then a mask with olive oil will help.
- Burdock oil - 40 g;
- olive oil - 20 g;
- jojoba oil - 5 ml;
- 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E.

Procedure execution: combine oils in one bowl and send it to warm up. After heating the oil, the contents of the capsules are poured into them, then everything is mixed well and the mixture is applied to the entire length, 2–3 cm away from the roots. Then you need to collect the hair under plastic wrap and cover it with a towel for 1–2 hours. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
Nettle mask
Nettle infusions are often used to shine hair. It gives them smoothness and fights excess oily hair.
- nettle - 2 tablespoons of dry collection;
- burdock oil - 20 ml;
- water - 120 g.
- to boil water;
- pour boiling water over the prepared dry collection and leave it for 30 minutes;
- mix infusion and base oil;
- apply the mixture to the roots and hair along their entire length for 1 hour.

Long Hair Mask
- burdock oil - 30 g;
- castor oil - 15 g;
- honey - 20 g;
- cognac - 10 g;
- egg - 2 pcs.;
- brewer's yeast - 5 g.

- mix oils, cognac and honey in one bowl;
- put the mixture in a container with boiling water;
- add brewer's yeast;
- make a homogeneous mass of yolks and pour into the oil mixture;
- after mixing the mask, it is distributed over the roots and the entire length of the hair for 1 hour.

Mask "Burdock and coconut"
The mask helps in the fight against dandruff and dryness of the epidermis.
- coconut oil - 20 g;
- burdock oil - 20 g;
- tea tree ether - 4 drops;
- olive oil - 10 g.
Combine all the ingredients and heat the oil mixture in a bowl with boiling water. The mask is applied to the entire length of the hair and to the roots. The head is covered with a warm cloth, after 2 hours the mask is washed off.

Mask "Kefir against dandruff"
This mask helps to quickly eliminate dandruff and overcome dryness of the epidermis.
- kefir - 40 g;
- burdock oil - 20 g.
Procedure execution:
- mix the components of the mask and heat up to 40 degrees;
- apply the mixture to the head, paying attention to the roots;
- cover the strands with plastic wrap and wrap in warm cloth.
The mask lasts about half an hour. Then the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo.

If the hair quickly becomes dirty, it is recommended to add mustard to the masks. It regulates the sebaceous glands and has a positive effect on hair growth.
- burdock oil extract - 20 ml;
- mustard (powder) - 10 g;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- lemon juice - 5 ml;
- water - 20 ml.
Procedure execution: all components are mixed and applied to the shafts and hair follicles. The mask should be on the scalp for 10 minutes. Wash it off with shampoo or lemon water.

Burdock mask with garlic
- burdock oil - 15 g;
- grated garlic - 5 g;
- vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 3 g;
- orange ether.
Performing the procedure. After mixing all the ingredients, the mask is distributed over the hair roots for 10 minutes. Orange ester is used to eliminate garlic odor. Wash off the mixture with shampoo or lemon juice.

In masks based on burdock oil, a drug such as Dimexide is often used. As an independent agent, it performs regenerative and antimicrobial functions. Since it accelerates all processes in the tissues, hair masks with the addition of this drug work faster, and the result is more pronounced. Dimexide helps the beneficial substances in the mask to quickly penetrate deep into the epidermis. That is why it is often used as a catalyst with other drugs to accelerate various kinds of reactions.
Do not forget that the use of any drug is discussed in advance with the doctor.

Dimexidum mask
- burdock oil - 15 ml;
- castor oil - 15 ml;
- Dimexida - 5 g.
Cooking. To prepare the mask, you need to mix the oils and heat them with a container of hot water. After warming up, dimexide can be added. Apply the mask to the roots and rub in with massage movements. Additionally, you can comb your hair with a wooden massage comb and increase the blood supply to the epidermis of the head.

For masks to give the best results, they must be used correctly.
- You don't need to wash your hair before applying the mask. It works better on stale hair.
- Covering the head is necessary for better penetration of nutrients into the hair structure.
- If mask heating is shown, this must be done.
- You do not need to wash off the mask after 15 minutes if it lasts 2 hours. Hair in this case will not receive nutrition, and 15 minutes will turn into a waste of time.
- Burdock oil masks give excellent results only with their regular use. Applying the mask once every 2 months will not give any positive result. Only systematic use of the product in courses will lead to results.
- Oily hair also needs moisture. In this case, moisturizing oil masks are applied once every 2 weeks. It is not recommended to neglect these procedures for owners of this type of hair. Without moisture, the sebaceous glands of the skin work even harder, and it gets dirty faster.

Hair masks are not the only ones that can help improve their appearance and give them a healthy look. Hair care is not limited to systematic washing and applying various masks. For hair to be healthy, first of all, there must be a healthy scalp. Excess oil, keratinized scales and dandruff clog pores and prevent the epidermis from breathing.
Oxygen starvation is manifested by a decrease in hair quality. They become dull, lifeless and begin to fall out. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically use a scalp scrub. A scrub or peel has the following functions:
- cleanses the skin from dead scales;
- improves blood circulation of the skin;
- provides oxygen supply to cells;
- reduces the oiliness of the scalp due to improved blood circulation.

But peeling also has a number of contraindications:
- violation of the integrity of the skin;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- the presence of neoplasms and skin diseases;
- sensitive scalp.

Scrubbing particles in professional peels are different both in size and according to the effect on the skin. These are mainly natural ingredients, such as sugar, sea salt, ground coffee, seeds of fruits and berries, as well as dry herbs and flowers.All of these ingredients are often combined with burdock oil. Oil scrubs are usually more delicate, as the oil coats the particles of the scrub and they act on the scalp more gently.
Scrub "Oil shampoo"
- burdock oil extract - 10 ml;
- shampoo - 20 ml;
- sugar - 30 g.
Shampoo and oil are mixed in one bowl and sugar is added. Everything is mixed and applied to the skin. After massaging all parts of the head, wash off the mask with warm water.

Pepper with cinnamon scrub
- ground pepper - 20 g;
- burdock oil - 30 g;
- ground cinnamon - 20 g;
- ground coffee - 60 g.
Cooking. Pepper and cinnamon are mixed in one bowl. Then add oil and coffee to the mixture. All mix well and apply the resulting product to wet hair. It is rubbed into the scalp and then left on for 5-7 minutes. After peeling, wash off with warm water and shampoo.

If the scalp suffers from excessive greasiness, the scrub is repeated every 7 days. If the skin is dry, peeling is performed no more than once every 14 days. The peeling course is repeated every 4 months, and its duration is 3 weeks. The composition of the scrub must be periodically changed so as not to cause the skin to become addicted to one product.
Owners of long hair are advised to use salt or sugar as abrasive agents in peels, which dissolve easily in water. The rest of the scrubbing particles will get stuck in the long head of hair, and it will be very difficult to wash them out of the strands.

Reviews of burdock oil are almost always positive. Girls and women love the results they see after using this product.
“Hair oil is my salvation. I always suffered with my naughty curly hair. It is simply impossible to style them normally without the use of special products that spoil the hair. The quality of the hair was getting worse. I constantly overdried them with an iron, because that was the only thing that saved me. But my grandmother recently told me about burdock oil. She said that this was the only remedy that worked for her (we have the same hair type). How surprised I was when, after using it, I got incredibly soft and manageable wavy hair. Why didn't they tell me about him earlier? Now this is my magic remedy, which I know about and tell everyone else. "

“Mom told me about this oil. Or rather, she showed it. I was surprised at the price of the product. In stores, it costs a penny. But my mother advises buying it in pharmacies. There the oil is of better quality and the result from use is better. It also rinses off worse. But these are trifles. The main thing is that burdock oil really works and benefits the hair. I have them thin and cross-section. At first I thought I wouldn't wash it off. The third time I did it. The first impression is that the hair is soft. The split ends remained split. The magic didn't happen, so the barber's scissors helped. Yes, another nice bonus is that there is less hair left on the comb, which is a huge plus. Now multivitamins and burdock oil are my salvation. I will recommend it to everyone, but I advise you to follow the instructions for application and do not pour half a bottle on your head at once, otherwise it will take a very long time to wash it off. "

For information on how to use burdock oil for hair, see the next video.