Evening primrose oil: composition, benefits and harms, options for use

The miraculous properties of the evening primrose flower have been known since ancient times. According to legend, he was considered not only an elixir for all diseases, but also a "key" that opened the gates to spring. To date, the oil of this unique plant has been widely used in various fields of cosmetology and traditional medicine.
Evening primrose oil is cold pressed. A large yield of products is produced from seeds collected in a pod, but its price is quite high, since the plant is rare and does not grow in all climatic zones of the country. The healing oil is characterized by a greenish color and a thick structure with a light nutty aroma. A valuable product in its composition contains a huge set of acids that are capable of affecting hormonal levels in the human body and treating many diseases. These useful polyacids include the following:
- palmitic - is responsible for maintaining the water balance in tissue cells, therefore, it allows you to take good care of the nail plates and hair;
- oleic - this component can block the development of cancers;
- eicosene - helps to reduce blood cholesterol and effectively strengthens the immune system;
- stearic - activates the work of mucous membranes, which improves the process of absorption of substances by tissues.

In addition, the oil also contains other important chemical elements, the deficiency of which in the body can cause health risks. Their list is headed by the following elements:
- vitamins of group E and C;
- calcium;
- sodium;
- flavonoids;
- sitosterol;
- copper;
- resin;
- iron;
- potassium;
- pentosans;
- zinc;
- tannins.

Important! With the constant replenishment of the body with the above components, an improvement in overall health is observed: metabolism, blood pressure are normalized and dryness of the epidermis is eliminated. Therefore, this oil is considered indispensable and is recommended for various cosmetic procedures and disease prevention.
Beneficial features
For the human body, linolenic and linoleic acids play a huge role. They are abundant in evening primrose oil and are semi-saturated micronutrients that cannot be synthesized. Due to their lack, the skin may suffer and inflammation may occur. Therefore, with regular use of the medicinal product, it is possible not only to strengthen the epidermis, but also to regenerate bone cells and blood vessel walls.
The use of oil is also noted in a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, which prevents the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks and the development of blood clots. In addition, polyacids help in the treatment of atherosclerosis, eliminating the negative effects of medications.

The beneficial properties of oil also include the following:
- normalization of the genitourinary system - it eases conditions with menopause, eliminates menstrual irregularities and helps to reduce pain syndromes in the premenstrual period; in men, the plant oil helps to reduce the risk of prostatitis;
- facial rejuvenation - it is an ideal remedy that increases the firmness and elasticity of epidermal cells;
- activation of lipid metabolism - constant use of the product allows you to reduce weight, which is explained by the fact that a set of acids that make up the oil stimulate the breakdown of fat cells and glycerin; in addition, the product is able to slow down the destruction of the liver caused by various types of diseases;
- improvement of well-being with nervous disorders and neuroses;
- restoration of vision - the use of oil is especially important for people whose work is associated with prolonged use of the computer, because the miracle drug eliminates irritation and inflammation in the eyeball;
- slowing down intoxication with chronic alcohol dependence.

Contraindications and harm
Despite the fact that the unique evening primrose oil is used in almost all types of treatment, it still has side effects. You can not use this tool if there is a tendency to individual intolerance to the components and with mental abnormalities. It is not recommended to take oil during epilepsy treatment courses. In the presence of any chronic diseases and psoriasis, the product can only be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, this also applies to cosmetology. During production, other inert oils are often added to the composition of the product, which reduce the therapeutic effect of the main component and can cause a negative reaction in the body. Therefore, the purchase of cosmetic products and dietary supplements must be treated with caution, since such component additives can be characterized by multifaceted effects and cause harm.
Side effects typically include the following:
- nausea, headache, loose stools and upset stomach - these reactions are considered minor and can be easily eliminated by reducing the dosage of oil (during meals);
- skin rash and redness when treating sunburn;
- a sharp decrease in blood pressure - for people suffering from hypotension, this remedy is contraindicated;
- poor tolerance by patients who underwent surgery under general anesthesia;
- an increased risk of epilepsy in people with schizophrenia and taking antipsychotic medications;
- bleeding in patients undergoing treatment with blood thinners.

Based on the above, it is worth noting that evening primrose oil has a negative effect on health if it is used simultaneously with other medicines. Therefore, even undergoing a prophylactic course with the use of antihypertensive, antidepressant and phenothiazine drugs, it is best to refuse to use this miracle elixir. The oil is not recommended for women during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. If there are no contraindications to the product, but when taking it, various kinds of allergic reactions began to appear, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor. In addition, the dosage should be observed correctly.

Instructions for use
There are several ways to use evening primrose oil, each of which depends on the desired effect and the form of release of the product. So, the product is often used drip, adding it to shampoos, serums, oils and other cosmetics. For applications and compresses, it must be mixed with sunflower or olive oil for maximum effect. The product has found wide application in massage therapy. As for the internal intake, you can use it both in pure form and buy capsules. The dosage of the drug is indicated on the package, but you can choose it yourself, after consulting a doctor. The main thing is that the intake of oil does not exceed five drops, it is usually diluted in cold water, honey, or mixed with food.
To prepare cosmetic baths, you need to take a teaspoon of oil, a little sea salt, honey and milk. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and poured into warm water. The duration of one session is up to 15 minutes. Regardless of the chosen method of using the product, it is important to observe the reaction of the body at first.
If signs of side effects begin to appear, then you will have to either reduce the dosage or completely abandon it.

In cosmetology
The miraculous properties of evening primrose oil for facial skin have been appreciated by many cosmetologists, since it can help solve several problems at the same time. The product helps to get rid of age spots, activates the water and nutritional balance in tissue cells, and also allows you to quickly even out the complexion. For the treatment, it is enough to mix a few drops of oil with a night cream. With such regular care, in a short period of time, it will be possible to notice the disappearance of flabbiness and rejuvenation of the epidermis.
To prepare a mixture for the care of aging and dry skin, take one teaspoon of primrose, shea and avocado oil, add two tablespoons of jojoba oil and a few drops of chamomile, geranium and lavender extract. All components are mixed and used as a night and day cream. If the fair sex suffers from an arrogant manifestation of age spots and freckles on the face, then a special mask is prepared from two teaspoons of evening primrose oil, one teaspoon of cocoa butter and a few drops of lemon, tea tree and safflower ether. The resulting composition is applied exclusively to problem areas for 10-15 minutes.
It is recommended to provide similar care to the skin of the hands. Therapeutic baths are especially helpful for delamination and fragility of the nail plates. If you prepare a foot bath with evening primrose oil, you can cure various fungal diseases. In addition, you can prepare a unique massage cream for the thighs, which will help remove the signs of cellulite and stretch marks. To do this, mix the oils of evening primrose (2 tsp), cocoa (4 tsp), walnut (3 tsp), jojoba (3 tsp) and add a few drops of lavender ether.It is recommended to rub the prepared cream into problem areas every day after taking a shower.
A high effect was also noted in hair care. This oil is ideal for hair, makes it shiny, thick and removes dandruff. For treatment sessions, it is recommended to mix the product with any shampoo. It is important to note that the medicinal product cannot be used in pure form in cosmetology.
It must be diluted with another neutral oil in a ratio of 1: 10.

In folk medicine
The healing properties of evening primrose oil are noticed not only in cosmetology, it is recommended for women during pregnancy and with endometriosis. The drug has a supportive effect on the muscle fibers of the uterus, restores hormones and helps prepare the cervix for childbirth. Thanks to the unique trace elements that make up the product, conception is also accelerated. Fatty polyacids, which are the main components of the oil, help to activate the development of the child's brain and nerve cells.
Therefore, in order to avoid pathologies during pregnancy, doctors prescribe a special course of treatment: at 34–35 weeks of pregnancy, you need to drink one drop of oil, at 36–37 - two drops, and starting at 37 weeks and up to childbirth - three drops per day. In folk medicine, it is also recommended to drink evening primrose oil during menopause. Despite the fact that many doctors are categorically against such treatment, the product helps to eliminate feeling unwell during hormonal disruption in the body.
With the correct dosage, headaches disappear, blood pressure normalizes, women tolerate climatic syndromes much better.

Today, evening primrose oil is considered a versatile remedy that can be used in the treatment of various diseases. Thanks to its unique composition, the product has a beneficial effect on the entire body and has received many positive reviews. It was appreciated not only by cosmetologists, but also by gynecologists. During pregnancy, miracle oil helps to improve the well-being of the expectant mother and allows you to restore hormonal levels when growing a fetus. In addition, gynecologists noted that pregnant patients who regularly use the oil suffer less from changes in the skin, their childbirth is quick and painless. This is due to the fact that the cervix becomes soft and rather elastic.
Evening primrose oil also received good reviews in the treatment of fibroids. Breast neoplasms decrease several times after the first month of taking the drug. And also the fair sex can not only get rid of fibroids, but also improve skin elasticity, restore hair and strengthen nails. With regular use of the drug, you can also eliminate the first signs of fibrocystic mastopathy. In 92 women out of 100, the discomfort in the chest disappears, and the seals begin to decrease a month after the treatment.

The unique product received many positive reviews even with menopause. In women, hormonal imbalance occurs during this period, and the intake of oil contributes to the uniform formation of male and female sex hormones in the body. As a result, the patients recover normal sleep and improve their mood. In addition, the oil helps to strengthen bone tissue, which during menopause suffer from a lack of calcium. Almost all women are satisfied with the result of admission.
Cosmetologists recommend using the oil in capsules to improve the appearance of hair and skin. If you constantly follow simple care procedures, then after a few months you can enjoy thick, shiny curls and a healthy complexion.
Since the drug is not considered the cheapest, evening primrose in capsules is considered a budget option that is available to everyone.In addition, the plant has a wide flavor, so taking in capsules is easier.
Recently, analogs of evening primrose oil can also be found on sale. They have proven themselves to be irreplaceable helpers in strengthening women's health. So, the drug "Solgar" will be a good purchase. It is available in capsule form and contains not only oil, but also other omega-6 polyunsaturated acids. If you include the intake of capsules in the daily diet, then after two months you can notice a high effect: hormonal balance is normalized, hair and nails will become beautiful, and the formations confirmed by ultrasound will dissolve.

Many girls who have given birth also recommend "Solgar" to their pregnant girlfriends. The product allows you to make the birth canal more elastic and saves from tissue tears. With the help of these capsules, various inflammatory processes in a woman's body can be removed. This is especially true for diseases of the genitourinary system. The product will also be an excellent remedy for eliminating pain syndromes during menstruation, most of the girls who daily use oil in capsules noted that their cycle has returned to normal. The girls who suffered from infertility for a long time were also satisfied. Evening primrose oil has a positive effect on conception. It can be consumed both as drops and as a food supplement.
The drug has gained popularity not only among the fair sex, but also among men. Many male patients have experienced a beneficial effect on the body. A particularly high effect was noted by those men who suffered from the prostate. The full course of treatment helped them get rid of pain syndromes. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland are reduced, which appears to enjoy a full life. Despite the fact that this product is expensive, it effectively justifies itself in a short period of time. Therefore, given the good reviews of gynecologists and cosmetologists, it is recommended to use it for all women and men.
See the following video for using evening primrose oil.