Features of using burdock oil for hair growth

A beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hair immediately attracts attention. Since ancient times, women have been using oils to strengthen their hair, giving it thickness. Burdock oil is considered one of the most proven and simple options for caring for curls.

Burdock oil is produced from burdock (burdock). Although this is a rather large plant, it cannot be obtained from it, as, for example, from sunflower, it will not work. In its production, a tincture is used, which is prepared from the roots of the plant. Then it is added as a base to vegetable oil, which undergoes multi-stage purification. There are several types of burdock oil, and their composition depends on what kind of oil was taken as a basis - olive, linseed or sesame.
Burdock oil can be used in cooking for preparing salads, that is, it is an edible oil. The second type of burdock oil is nonfood, which is used in cosmetology. It can be a pure product or with the addition of herbs, vitamins.

Such a composition can be prepared independently at home. This allows it to be used in cooking and cosmetology, knowing that it does not contain harmful additives. This oil will be absolutely environmentally friendly and much more useful than industrial copies.
It is indeed a very useful product that allows you to maintain the beauty of your hair. Thanks to its use:
- the hair is nourished from the inside;
- their growth is stimulated;
- dry ends are moistened and nourished;
- damaged hair is reconstructed;
- hair stops falling out;
- the appearance of new hairs increases;
- itching, irritation is removed;
- there is a regulation of the sebaceous glands.
Considering the properties of burdock oil, it is used to grow and strengthen hair. You can apply it not only on the head, but also treat eyelashes and eyebrows with it in case of hair loss.

The natural product contains vitamins A, B, as well as C and E. Often, various additives are included in the composition. This can be red pepper, jojoba oil, propolis, wheat germ extract, and many other ingredients. The presence of additional additives affects the quality of cosmetic procedures. Essential oils can also be added to the classic version of this oil.
When applying this product to colored hair, it should be borne in mind that it may slightly wash out their color. In this case, the tone of natural hair can be lightened.

Thanks to the use of this oil, the hair begins to strengthen, is saturated with the necessary elements and moisture, and is enriched with vitamins and fatty acids. As a result, the hairstyle acquires the required volume, the hair becomes thicker, and begins to grow faster.
Indications for the use of burdock oil:
- it is used for dry curls and dry skin;
- with frequent use of coloring agents;
- with dull and lifeless strands;

- to get rid of split ends;
- for growth, shine curls;
- to get rid of dandruff, skin irritations.
This tool is relatively inexpensive, so it is often used for cosmetic procedures at home.

Potential harm
Frequent use of burdock oil can not only heal the curls, but also bring some discomfort. Natural oil in its pure form is unlikely to be harmful, but if applied very often, it will tend to clog pores. To avoid this, the substance should be applied to the roots infrequently, and most of it should be distributed along the length of the hair and on the ends if they require treatment.

Many cosmetologists recommend using it as an additional hair care product and adding a small amount to shampoo, mask or balm. Good results can be obtained by using the product on its own as a mask.
How to choose?
When choosing any cosmetic product, it is important to know its composition. It is advisable to study reviews on the use of a particular product in advance. This also applies to burdock oil. You should learn how to choose a quality product and what to look for when buying. Since the product is very popular, it is often counterfeited or harmful components are added to it.

A large selection of this cosmetic product is presented on the shelves in stores or pharmacies. To understand how to choose a quality burdock oil that will only benefit your hair, you should opt for a 100% natural product. The oil should consist only of burdock root pomace. Additional components are allowed in the composition, but their number should be small. You should not choose a product that contains flavors and fragrances, since it will not bring much benefit.
It is recommended to choose burdock oil poured into a dark glass container. It's even better if it's packed in cardboard boxes. This will ensure its safety for a longer time and prevent direct sunlight.
When purchasing oil, you should make sure that the packaging has its production date and expiration date. There should also be information in what conditions it should be stored. In the absence of this, one can judge that this is a fake product, and one should refrain from buying it.

Mode of application
After purchasing the oil, you need to understand how to use it.
- Warm up the burdock oil a little before applying it to your hair. To do this, place a small amount of the product in a water bath or simply hold it in your hands for a few seconds until it becomes warm.Do not use oil that is cold or too hot.
- It should be applied to the hair in a small amount. If you apply a lot of it, the scalp will become oily and the appearance of the hair will be less attractive.
- It is best to apply the product as a mask. To do this, it is heated and applied to the entire length of the hair. You should also pay attention to the scalp with a massage.
- After application, a plastic cap or just a bag is put on the head, and wrapped with a towel on top.
- For such a procedure, about an hour is enough. Keeping the mask on your hair longer or even leaving it overnight can make it much more difficult to rinse the oil out of your hair.
When using burdock oil, not only the method of application is important, but also the frequency with which this procedure is done. If the hair is severely weakened, then for their treatment it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week. To maintain the beauty of hair, this cosmetic product should be applied once every 2 weeks.

It is better to apply the oil mixture not to wet, but to dry hair. To make it open better, you need to create thermal conditions. To do this, warm it up a little, and after application, wrap the head with a warm towel for a deeper effect on the cells.
The oily mixture has a thick and dense consistency that is not easy to distribute evenly throughout the hair. For a better and even application, you can use a special spray bottle.

Burdock oil is used as a base for masks, mixing it with other ingredients. You can, for example, use a mix of oils and mix burdock with any other like almond, peach or hemp. You can also add a couple of drops of any essential oil to the mixture. The composition may contain egg yolk, mustard, mayonnaise, cognac. To strengthen hair, it is recommended to use a remedy with red pepper.
It is recommended to apply the oil for a long time without touching the scalp. When using the product as a mask, it is also applied to the skin. Do not keep the mask for more than an hour, as this may affect the quality of the procedure.
Wash off the mask from the hair using any shampoo. But this should be done carefully. If you don't rinse your hair well, it will look more like algae rather than healthy strands.
Many people recommend applying the shampoo two or even three times until the product is completely washed out. After this procedure, the hair looks healthy, shine appears.

Many people dream of having beautiful, long curls. But this is often difficult to achieve. For hair growth, you can use a mustard-based mask. It includes:
- dry mustard - 40 g;
- egg (yolk) - 1 pc;
- water - 2 tbsp. l .;
- sugar - 0.5 tsp;
- burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.
To get a product for strengthening and growing hair, you need to mix all these components in a container, except sugar. Heat the mixture in a water bath, then add sugar. The result should be a thick mixture that needs to be rubbed into the hair roots. After that, you need to put a bag on your head and wrap it up with a warm towel. Keep the mask on your head for about 40 minutes, then rinse it off well.
In case of hair loss, you should use a mask that contains an oily base, honey and lemon juice. All components take 1 tablespoon and mix. Apply the mask warm. You need to keep it in a water bath until the honey dissolves. Then the mixture should be cooled slightly so as not to burn the skin. The mass is applied from the roots along the entire length of the strands. Keep the product on the head for about half an hour, then wash off with shampoo.

After using burdock oil, many users have only positive impressions. It is worth listening to their advice on using this cosmetic product.
- A small amount of the product should be applied to the hair so that it rinses off better. If the strands are poorly washed, you need to take the yolks of two eggs, beat them and rub into the scalp, then distribute them over the curls.Wash the strands with cool, but not hot water, using shampoo.
- You can replace the yolk with table vinegar. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar is diluted in a liter of water and used for rinsing.
Good results can be obtained if you use the product together with vitamin E. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 capsules of 400 ml of vitamin E each, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil with their contents and apply to the scalp. Many people recommend applying the product using a regular pipette, separating the strands with a parting. The remaining mixture is applied to the ends of the hair and to the entire strand.
Be sure to wrap your head in a bag and wrap it in a warm towel. The mixture is washed off after 30-60 minutes. After shampooing, you can use warm beer to rinse the strands. After such a procedure, the hair is transformed, it helps their growth, gives shine.

For information on how to use burdock broom for hair growth, see the next video.