Burdock oil for hair loss: properties and application features

Both men and women of different ages face the problem of massive hair loss. Such an unpleasant phenomenon forces us to look for effective methods that would strengthen the roots and preserve our hair. Burdock oil is traditionally considered one of the most effective remedies.
Hair Loss Causes
It is considered the norm that any person falls out several hairs per day - do not be afraid to find them on your comb. However, quite often there are situations when hair is constantly found on clothes, in the bathroom after shampooing, and after combing, a small bunch remains on the brush - this indicates a serious problem called alopecia.
Of course, the first signals do not mean at all that you will lose all your hair from day to day, but you need to start dealing with the problem immediately so as not to aggravate the situation, and the sight is not the most aesthetic and pleasant one.

Trichologists identify several main causes of hair loss:
- age-related changes (especially in men);
- frequent dyeing and perm;
- illiterate scalp care;
- deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals;
- malnutrition;
- stress;
- the use of strong medicines;
- unfavorable environmental conditions.

On the basis of burdock roots, an excellent remedy is made that allows you to successfully combat profuse hair loss. The product nourishes the scalp with macro- and microelements, essential proteins, minerals, as well as inulin, flavonoids, stearic and tannic acids.All of these components tend to penetrate directly into the hair follicle, nourish and activate it, due to which the "dormant" bulbs soon awaken and throw out a dense hair.

This oil has been used by women for many decades, its relevance has not been lost over the years due to a number of beneficial effects.
Burr oil:
- strengthens the hair roots;
- forms the thinnest protective film on each hair, which reduces the negative impact of the environment and styling products;
- relieves dandruff, itching and flaking;
- effectively restores hair that is damaged by curling and frequent dyeing;
- makes hair strong, shiny and silky.
Thus, the use of burdock oil as a hair care product allows:
- improve microcirculation in the skin;
- activate hair growth;
- stabilize metabolic processes in cells;
- get rid of microorganisms living on the head;
- reduce the number of split ends;
- form natural immunity to external stimuli.

Burdock oil is a hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly product made exclusively from natural raw materials. The product can get rid of any hair problems in a short period of time, while its cost is minimal, and you can buy it at any major store or pharmacy.
Of course, oil has its drawbacks as well. The most basic one is due to the fact that when the composition is applied to the head, the hair becomes very oily and heavier - to wash off the oil, you will need 2 or even 3 shampooing procedures. In addition, you should not wait for an instant transformation - you will not be able to notice the result of using burdock oil earlier than in a couple of months - that is how long it will take for the follicle to throw out a new hair.
Keep in mind that burdock oil does not work miracles; it can only help in the very early stages of alopecia. If the disease is running, then stronger means will be required to restore the dead follicle to life, which is why in no case should the disease be started - as soon as you find that you have more than 100 hairs a day, you must immediately run for a healing suspension of burdock and start therapy immediately.
Important: if you have normal or dry hair, then you can safely use oil, but if the greasiness of the head is increased, then with oil you can only worsen the situation, the head will be even more oily, and the hair will become extremely unpleasant - in this case, it is better to stop squeezing from roots.
The oil is applied 2 times a week, sometimes at first the hair against the desired recovery, on the contrary, begins to fall out en masse, then fade and split. In this case, it is necessary to suspend the use of the drug for a couple of weeks so that the skin and hair can get used to the oil composition.

How to apply
At the moment, burdock oil is most often used as a base element for masks, combining it with a wide variety of ingredients. Let's consider the most effective ones.
Connect 3 tbsp each. l. butter, as well as honey and lemon juice and melt the resulting mixture in the microwave or in a water bath. After the composition has cooled, it is necessary to add 3 yolks to it and shake well. Then rub it into the scalp with massaging movements, wrap it with a warm terry towel and leave for an hour and a half. Such a composition can be applied once a week, the minimum course of procedures is a month.
Burdock honey mask can be made a little differently - for this 2-3 tablespoons of butter are mixed with 1 tsp of cocoa and 2 yolks, and then rubbed in. The mixture, as in the previous case, must be wrapped and kept for 70-90 minutes. A similar procedure should be carried out twice a week for a month. Keep in mind that this option is not suitable for blondes - the hair may dye a little.
A mask of burdock oil with pepper is very effective: 4 g of pepper are mixed with 4 tablespoons of the base component, slightly warmed up in a water bath and rubbed into the head with intense movements. The composition is kept for no more than a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with running warm water. If you keep the composition on the skin longer, it will begin to pinch, and in addition, after use, the head will begin to peel off and hurt.

Not everyone decides on masks with onion juice, since the smell of this vegetable is very persistent, and it takes some time to get rid of it. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the mask for baldness is quite high, so if a problem arises, it is worth trying it. To prepare the mixture, oil, onion juice, honey, as well as shampoo are combined in equal proportions and mixed until a homogeneous structure, after which they are heated and rubbed into the hair itself, not forgetting about the scalp, covered with a cap and wrapped. The mixture is kept for 1 or 2 hours, then washed.
Masks made from burdock oil with cognac, rum or ordinary vodka are quite effective. To do this, take oil and alcohol components of 2 liters and add 2 yolks and 1 liter of lemon juice to them (this component is optional). Leave on hair for an hour.
Another good folk remedy for severe hair loss is to brew 2 tbsp. l dry nettle in 1 glass of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. Mix 1 liter of oil into the prepared broth and rub it well into the head 2-3 times a week. Keep in mind that it is undesirable to use this mixture more than 7 times a month.
Masks with dry mustard have long proven themselves from the best side, for its preparation they mix 2 liters of mustard powder, water and heated burdock oil, mix, add yolk and a couple of tablespoons of refined sugar. The composition is applied to the hair roots for 35-40 minutes. and kept under an insulating hood.

If desired, you can also mix 2 liters of burdock oil and pomace of oat or wheat germ, slightly warm up and apply for 45-50 minutes. - reviews about this mask are the most positive.
In the early stages of baldness, the following mask helps: 100 ml of sour milk or curdled milk is combined with 2 liters of butter, 3 liters of rolled oats and 1 spoonful of castor oil and yolk. The serum and oils must first be heated in a water bath, otherwise the flakes will not swell. Rub the composition over the entire length of the hair and leave for 1-1.5 hours.
This scalp and hair oil can be used in its pure form without the addition of additional ingredients. To do this, it is heated in a water bath, and then rubbed into the hair, wrapped tightly and left for half an hour. After the specified time, the oil must be washed off with hot water and a well-foaming shampoo.
In whatever form you use the oil, there are a few tips to follow to achieve a noticeable result.
You should take only heated oil, you can heat it in the microwave, in the oven, or using the effect of a water bath - it is important to prevent the preparation from boiling.
Do not apply oil to dry hair - before the procedure, it should be slightly wetted and squeezed out.

After applying the oil, you must cover your head with a warming cap and wrap it with a towel, otherwise you will not achieve any beneficial effect.
Any masks, with the exception of burdock-pepper, should be kept for at least half an hour, optimally - 1-1.5 hours.
It is advisable to thoroughly rub the composition into the hair roots, if you cover your hair with it, then you will have to wash your hair at least 2 or 3 times.
Do not get carried away with oil - you need to take a little and rub it thoroughly over the scalp, otherwise the hair will become too oily, and getting rid of this unpleasant effect of the mask will be very problematic.
Give preference to only natural products that do not contain any synthetic additives.
The recipe for a hair mask with burdock oil, as well as feedback on the results of the application, see below.