Composition, properties and tips for using usma oil

The unique usma oil found its application in our country not so long ago. Consumers are interested in knowing the composition, properties of the product, features of use, the expected result, existing contraindications, people's reviews.

What it is?
Usma is a herbaceous plant from the mustard family. It grows in the Arab countries, Central Asian republics, China, Crimea, Dagestan and the North Caucasus. The natural oil of this plant came to Russian counters from an Arab country in the early 2000s. Later, the products began to be supplied from China and Kazakhstan.
In the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, oil is applied to the eyebrows of newly born girls. The areas to be lubricated are gradually overgrown with hairs. Subsequently, the girls have beautiful black eyebrows.
The oil exudes a spicy herbal scent reminiscent of a mixture of mustard and nut scent. Usma does not grow in African countries, therefore the oil produced in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria is made from other plants.

Usma extract visually resembles castor oil. In cosmetology, the juice or decoction of the plant is less valuable due to the rapid change in shade: the green pigment turns black after a short time. Fresh juice sometimes causes a slight burning sensation due to its mustard properties.
The highly concentrated seed oil is only used to stimulate hair growth. The oil from the leaves does not provoke a burn, so it is used to care for eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair strands.
A preparation from seeds and stems of a greenish color with a yellowish tinge, from leaves - a beautiful emerald color.The oil has the property of making hair thick, therefore it is used by girls to strengthen hair follicles and restore the density of eyebrows and eyelashes.

The uniqueness lies in the fact that the product in a short period of time restores the structure of the hair. It is better to use juice as a dye for eyebrows and eyelashes.
The drug is sold in small bottles with a pipette dispenser. The product has an opaque, viscous consistency. Shelf life in a dark place at room temperature is usually 3 years.
When purchasing usma oil in a pharmacy or online store, do not forget to inquire about the product certificate and manufacturer's data. The packaging must bear the date of manufacture of the oil. Before use, you must carefully read the annotation.

Oil is squeezed out of the leaves and seeds of a biennial plant under a press or in a centrifuge. Cold pressing allows you to keep all the vitamins in their original form. The high content of useful microelements, antioxidants, fatty acids helps to stimulate hair growth. The oil is completely safe for health. An allergic reaction is extremely rare, even in babies.

The composition of the medicinal product:
- vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP rejuvenate the skin, increase the rate of hair growth;
- nitrogen, phosphorus, glucose, carbohydrates actively support all the necessary processes, the necessary balance of substances, without which the natural growth of curls is impossible;
- alkaloids stimulate the growth of lush hair;
- flavonoids give an impetus to the activity of all other components, prevent allergic reactions;
- saponins strengthen and nourish hair follicles;
- hyaluronic acid promotes skin tightening, prevents fading;
- oleic acid nourishes the hair follicles;
- stearic acid moisturizes and softens the dermis, makes it firm and soft;
- linoleic acid stimulates the natural growth of the hairline, prevents hair loss, relieves curls from brittleness;
- eicosadienic, palmitic, arachinic acids contribute to the rapid penetration of the agent into the epidermis and ensure the functioning of the bulbs.

The abundance of nutrients heals weakened hair. The oil has antibacterial properties, enhances the protective functions of the body
Positive effect
Usma oil is used in cosmetology for the purpose of healing. It helps to get rid of dandruff, pigmentation, scars and all sorts of breakouts. The product helps to cleanse the skin, dissolve decorative cosmetics. It promotes the restoration of eyelashes after dyeing and extension.
For women with false eyelashes, the use of oil is recommended, as the skin around the eyes softens. The harmful effect of the glue is neutralized. Your own hairs begin to grow better and faster. The oil relieves dry skin. After tattooing and frequent plucking of eyebrows, the product helps to restore the outer stratum corneum.

A great benefit of the oil is to prevent hair loss and breakage. When rubbed in, the layers of the epidermis are replenished with useful substances. The oil quickly penetrates the skin. The blood supply to cells is activated, which begin to divide with a vengeance. The rods are compacted, their thickness increases. Hair loss stops, hair growth increases, strands are moistened, roots are strengthened.
First, a small fluff is formed, which eventually turns into full-fledged hairs. The recovery process is observed in a short period of time. The hairline quickly becomes lush, even on bald areas, sleeping bulbs awaken. Short-term use of the product also has a positive effect.

The product restores the layers of the epidermis destroyed by:
- after structural damage to the bulbs in the prenatal and postnatal period;
- as a result of hair coloring, overdrying with a hot hairdryer or chemotherapy;
- due to partial hair loss due to genetic characteristics;
- due to the stress suffered;
- as a result of unexpected hair loss for unknown reasons.

After applying the oil, no oily sheen remains on the hair, the curls look attractive. The product is quickly absorbed into the skin. The natural pigment of the hairline is enhanced.
Usma oil has the following contraindications:
- the product is not recommended for use during pregnancy;
- the presence of skin diseases is an obstacle to the use of the drug;
- it is not advised to use the product if it burns the eyes strongly (slight burning sensation is allowed) or stings the skin;
- you need to avoid the use of products with individual intolerance;
- it is forbidden to use the substance in case of eye diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, existing wounds on the mucous membrane, the presence of any other form of allergy.

The presence of allergic reactions is checked as follows: a little oil is dripped onto the inner surface of the bend of the elbow, and they wait a few minutes. If puffiness or redness appears, the product is not recommended for use.
How to use?
Before using the oil, you should carefully read the instructions. The leaf and seed remedy is applied before bed and left overnight. When using oil during the day, going outside is not recommended. It is undesirable to appear in the sun with a substance applied to the hairline. It is better to rinse the oil thoroughly beforehand.
Mode of application:
- the brush is washed in soapy water, then it is poured with chlorhexidine bigluconate (0.05%), after 10 minutes it is poured over with running water and dried;
- remove makeup, wipe their face with a napkin;
- the oil is heated to 45 degrees in a water bath;
- gently apply with a pipette to the hairy area.

The oil should be applied evenly to clean skin with special eyebrow and eyelash brushes. First, the outer side of the cilia is processed from the roots to the tips, then the inner part. Each hair should be carefully lubricated. The brushes gently massage the area to be treated. The oil is left overnight.
Eyebrows are combed with a brush from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. The procedure ends by combing the hairs from the bridge of the nose to the corners. The substance is left overnight. You can use cotton swabs or brushes instead of brushes.
The oil should be applied daily at night for two weeks, then taken off for a month. If the substance enters the eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of running water.

To prevent hair loss and achieve the desired effect, you need to do 15 procedures: daily for a week, then the mask is applied every other day. Oil consumption is low. A 30 ml bottle is enough for 25 masks.
Secrets of the correct use of the substance:
- oil is dripped onto the dry skin of the parting, rubbed with your fingers, lightly massaging;
- the head is covered with a shower cap or a plastic bag in order to create a greenhouse effect;
- wrap with a towel for 2 hours or put on a thermal hat for about an hour;
- the oil is washed off with warm water using a mild shampoo.

As a prophylactic agent for baldness, a few drops of the substance are added to the shampoo immediately before application. The prophylaxis is the weekly application of added 5-7 drops of usma oil in linseed, castor or spruce. The same remedy is used every day when bald spots appear.

A mustard mask is used to stimulate hair growth:
- 2 teaspoons of sugar are mixed with mustard powder (2 tbsp. L);
- add 2 teaspoons of burdock oil to the mixture, half a spoonful of usma;
- the resulting mass is brought to a consistency similar to sour cream;
- a healing drug is rubbed into the head until the burning sensation is weakened;
- wash off the product with plenty of water and shampoo;
- the head is covered with cellophane and wrapped in a terry towel to create a thermal effect.

Kefir mask is prepared like this: take half a glass of kefir, add 6 drops of usma oil, a teaspoon of coconut and burdock product each. The mixed mass is rubbed into the head, the rest is distributed along the length of the hair. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. After which the mass is washed off, the head is covered with cellophane, a terry towel or a warm scarf.

For men who want a neat and lush beard, you can also use this medicinal substance. The method of application is very simple: once a day, the oil should be evenly distributed over the chin. The result will be noticeable in a week. The oil is applied to the chin every day for two weeks.

The drug is successfully used in combination with some other oil. A mixture with jojoba oil, castor oil, olive oil, burdock oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, camphor product is also applied with a brush to the desired area. Can be used as a lotion. Leave for 1.5-2 hours, then wash off.
Older people are happy to use safe oil, which helps to maintain attractiveness and beauty into old age. Numerous reviews of older consumers indicate that regular use of the product prevents gray hair.
The oil is loved for its amazing effect on the restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows. After staining them with chemicals, a "dandelion effect" often occurs, the hairs begin to crumble, leaving bald spots in some areas. If you compare what the eyelashes were like before and after applying the product, the results are very impressive. Eyebrows and eyelashes grow back and acquire a natural color.

Consumer reviews indicate that the products do not stain the skin and hair. Non-greasy oil - can be washed off with any shampoo. An unpleasant burning sensation does not form on the skin. Some claim that the effect of hair growth is observed after the first procedure. The use of oil eliminates split ends of strands, helps to increase hair volume.

The result is observed extremely quickly, so the drug is in demand in cosmetology.
For information on how to use usma oil, see the next video.