Usma oil for eyelashes: properties, applications and tips

Usma is a mustard subspecies culture. It is widely known in the countries of the East and Asia. Its juice is light green in color, but darkens in air, becoming almost black. This plant is loved for the fact that it stimulates the work of hair follicles, enhances hair growth in the area that has been treated. In this case, even very fine hairs become thick and strong. It is necessary for those who want to see their eyelashes and eyebrows in perfect condition using eyelash usma oil, reviews of which are only positive.
Characteristics of the product
In the East, the fair sex is actively using this tool. Even newly born girls are smeared eyebrows with usma oil so that they acquire beautiful outlines. After a certain time, hairs begin to appear on the area that has been treated, which over time become thick and black.
Usma juice contains particles that have coloring properties. And in cosmetology, it is used to color eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as to consolidate the effect of "smokey ice" on the eyelids. But in the preparation and use of juice, certain difficulties arise.
- It is obtained from a freshly plucked plant.
- Stores only two hours in the refrigerator.

So usma oil is an excellent substitute for juice.
This oil absolutely safe to use. It is obtained by cold pressing from the leaves, stems and seeds of the crop. This method allows you to save all the nutrients, because there is no heat treatment of raw materials.The color and composition of the oil depends on which part of the plant it was prepared from. If the product is made from leaves and stems, it will have a greenish color. The seeds produce a yellow oil with a greenish tint, a viscous consistency, with a lack of transparency.

If the oil is obtained from seeds, then it is more concentrated, and no additives are used here. This means that a greater effect is obtained from it. This oil will not work for thickening eyebrows and eyelashes. It should only be used for severe alopecia (hair loss).
The oil from the leaves and stems of plants is made using essential oils. Parts of the culture are oil-based. The product made in this way gives less effect than the previous one, but at the same time it is safer.

The use of the product does not cause allergic reactions. It contains many useful elements.
- B vitamins, vitamins A and Ethat give shine to hair and nourish it well. Beneficial trace elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Linoleic acid. It has a beneficial effect on hair follicles and delicate skin around the eyes.
- Oleic acid. It plays an important role in cell repair. Provides invaluable assistance in the accumulation of moisture in cells and in maintaining immunity.
- Stearic acid. It creates an invisible protective film on the skin that protects it from negative environmental influences.
- Alkaloids, which provide fast hair growth, and flavonoids, which neutralize the effects of negative substances and microbes.
The required amount of essential trace elements during the use of the oil gets into the skin and hair follicles. At this time, cells are actively dividing and saturated with nutrients. This remedy is effective and can be used to enhance the growth of eyelashes, and with regular use it can restore hair even to a completely bald person.

There are many ways to use the product. It can be used in its pure form or added to various hair products - cosmetic or medicinal. With the help of this oil, you can get rid of dandruff, rashes, if they are not associated with any infection, hyperpigmentation. The drug can very well cleanse the skin and does not cause dryness.
Some women use this oil for eyelash growth. It enhances growth, increases the intensity of the dye, with its help, the eyelashes become more voluminous and longer.
Usma oil is a good restorer for eyelashes that have experienced aggressive influences, for example, curling, extensions, coloring. For those ladies who like to wear artificial eyelashes, it is also recommended to apply this product to reduce the negative effects of glue, moisturize the thin skin around the eyes and enhance the growth of their own eyelashes.

The product is in most cases sold in bottles with a pipette. Apply the product using eyelash brushes because they distribute the oil evenly and lubricate each hair. In addition, they provide massage to the area being treated.
You can apply the product with your finger, which leads to savings. Rub the product into the roots of the eyelashes and the skin above them for half an hour, then wash off. Can be left overnight for a more intense effect.
Although the product is hypoallergenic, a skin reaction test still needs to be done. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the back of the hand. In the event that after an hour there are no changes on the skin, then it is safe to use this tool.

The oil does not sting the eyes. The first results are noticeable after two weeks of daily use.
The results of using this tool include the following positive phenomena:
- all hair follicles are activated, which increases hair growth and density;
- hair ceases to be brittle and falls out much less often;
- small wrinkles disappear around the eyes;
- the procedure gives depth and expressiveness to the look.

Indications for use of the product:
- whitish and thin eyebrows and eyelashes;
- hair loss due to a serious illness;
- I just want to have thicker eyelashes and eyebrows.
Do not lose sight of such a nuance: juice, not oil, has a coloring property. Therefore, if you need to add color to your eyebrows or eyelashes, you can use special henna.
The shelf life of the product in a dark, cool room is two years from the date of production.

Principles of drug action
They are reflected in the following paragraphs.
- Since usma oil contains a huge amount of useful substances that neutralize the effect of harmful factors, it allows you to fight various infectious diseases of the skin.
- By nourishing the hair follicles, this remedy prevents them from weakening and falling out.
- The drug increases the supply of blood to the cells of the dermis, due to which the hair begins to grow more intensively.
- The active ingredients of the oil resume hair growth where it has stopped or has become rather slow. This increases the thickness of the hair.
In the event that there is no problem of hair loss, this remedy can be used as a preventive measure and in order to nourish the scalp if it is dry.

Use for hair loss
This requires the following steps.
- Apply usma oil to the skin and massage it over the entire head. Thus, the product is better absorbed and has a greater effect.
- To create a thermal effect, you need to cover your head with polyethylene, and wrap it with a towel on top. Keep for at least two hours.
- Wash off the product with shampoo.
In order to see the first results, you need to make up to 20 masks. The first week they need to be done every day, and starting from the second - once every two days.
Oil is consumed quite sparingly. A small 30 ml bottle is enough for thirty masks. Of course, here you will have to spend time on the procedure and on washing your hair, but the result is worth it.

Where can you buy
Usma oil is usually not sold in pharmacies, but you can always buy it in major cosmetic stores, as well as online stores. The main thing is to choose a suitable price and good quality.
This oil is found in some oil solutions. For example, the well-known trademark "Horse Power" has a hair product that includes this oil.

There are restrictions for people when using this tool.
- Severe damage to the scalp.
- Human intolerance to this drug.
- The period of pregnancy and lactation, as there have been no studies in this area.

Reviews for this oil are mostly positive. These include the following benefits.
- This oil is very simple and quick to apply, and then easily washed off using shampoos, even those that do not contain silicones.
- Has a very pleasant smell and does not bake the skin.
- Well softens the dermis of the head.
- After a two-week course of application, the hair almost does not fall out.
- Wrinkles around the eyes are removed.

There are practically no negative reviews, but still sometimes you can come across a negative opinion about this tool. This is due to the fact that the individual tolerance of a particular drug is different for each person, and before starting to use the product, you need to consult a specialist.
But if there is any doubt as to whether or not to try this oil, then the recommendations of many who use it are inclined to believe that it is worth trying. If only due to the fact that an expressive look is one of the main female weapons and it would be simply blasphemy not to try a miraculous remedy that helps to achieve everything.
How to use usma oil for the growth of eyebrows, hair, eyelashes, see the next video.