Amber oil: what properties does it have and how is it used?

Amber oil is the generic name for a product made up of amber gum and some essential oils. In fact, this substance is a product of natural stone processing. In order to get it, pieces of amber (fossilized resin of ancient conifers) are heated to high temperatures.
It should be noted that by its consistency the product has a rather resinous structure, and its smell resembles the aroma of tar and smoke. It is also important that such oil has a rather long shelf life.

The first thing to note is that amber oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and immediately penetrates into deeper layers. It is believed that it is capable of penetrating blood vessels and, accordingly, into the blood.
It is also important to know that regardless of the purpose for which you use the oil, it is necessary to use only a high-quality product. So, a natural substance should not contain any artificial impurities and chemical additives.
It should be noted that the product is available to the mass consumer. The oil is usually sold in 100 ml flasks. The cost of such a bottle is 250-300 rubles, and you can buy it in pharmacies or cosmetic stores.

By its chemical nature, the substance is a natural antibiotic capable of having a healing effect. Therefore, it is one of the main remedies in traditional medicine.
Interesting fact! For the first time amber oil was used for medical purposes by Hippocrates.
It is believed that its use can speed up the healing process of small and large lesions on the skin without leaving scars or scars.That is why this remedy is often used to treat skin problems (furunculosis, impetigo, herpes, psoriasis, pyoderma, acne and much more).

The oil has shown itself well in the process of curing peptic ulcer disease. It is able to stimulate the movement of blood and cell metabolism, can promote the regeneration of damaged tissues, and has an analgesic effect.
It should be noted that amber oil is widely used in the treatment of joint diseases (arthritis, osteitis, etc.). In addition, it will help get rid of bruises, calluses and blisters, relieve itching and swelling after bites of harmful insects.

Possessing bactericidal properties, the product will help to cope and quickly recover from colds.
In addition to medical benefits, this amber remedy is also useful in everyday life. It is often used as a disinfectant. It will help get rid of fleas and ticks in the apartment.
Due to its warming effect, amber oil is a product actively used by professional athletes during preparation for competitions and during intense training. It helps prepare the body for the upcoming stress.
Due to these properties, amber oil is naturally widely used in cosmetology, in particular, for massage. For example, it has the ability to tighten the skin and fight cellulite. For cosmetic purposes, the oil can be used to heal the skin of the face - a drop of the product should be added to the creams that you use daily for a rejuvenating effect. The substance is also useful for hair.

This product is a fairly popular ingredient in the perfume industry, and in India oil is a necessary element of various kinds of religious ceremonies. Due to its aroma, it is often used in aromatherapy as well.
Now that we've discussed the uses of amber oil, let's move on to specific uses.
If you plan to use this remedy externally, then it should be dissolved in another vegetable oil. (sunflower, olive, sesame and any other will do). A ratio of 1 to 5 must be observed. Massage the oil on the selected area of your body.
It is believed that for maximum effect, the oil should be used twice a day (morning and evening) for ten days. After that, you need to switch to another frequency and apply the oil every other day for another 10 days. Thus, one course of oil application will be 20 days. The minimum break between courses is 7 days.

Recommendations of doctors
Despite the fact that they often use amber oil at home on their own, you still need to listen to the advice and opinions of medical specialists.
For example, doctors believe that treatment with amber can be done in two ways: ingestion and external use. It is important to remember that amber oil itself, in contrast to powder, tinctures and acid, should not be taken internally in any case. This can cause severe burns to the esophagus and other internal organs, which can lead to serious health problems.
Therefore, amber oil can only be used externally (and even then - in a diluted form). And internal use involves the use of only oil derivatives.

According to consumer reviews, amber oil can indeed be applied in a huge number of areas. Users primarily note the effectiveness and efficiency of the product as a medicine, as well as in the cosmetic field.
However, it is worth remembering and strictly following the rules of use and method of application. As consumers say, you cannot use oil in its pure form - this must be observed without fail.
Those who ignored this point talk about the negative consequences of using the substance - burns and blisters, as well as the following scars.
Thus, as we were able to see, amber oil is a fairly versatile remedy that can be used in several areas of human life at once. That is why it is necessary to have it at home.
At the same time, it is worth remembering that this is a rather dangerous substance, if the rules for handling it are not followed, various health problems can arise. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions for use, and also to protect the access of children to this substance.

If you handle amber oil correctly and carefully, then you will understand that its useful properties can hardly be overestimated.
For information on how to apply succinic acid for the face against wrinkles and age spots, see the next video.