Ansaligy cosmetics: product overview and selection tips

All women of any age and social status always want to look amazing, and this is not a crime. Tina Kandelaki promises Russian women that Ansaligy cosmetics can easily cope with this task with a bang.

About company
Ansaligy laboratory produces cosmetics for face and body. Her main task is to preserve female beauty and youth for a long time. Cosmetics developers have combined 7 unique formulas that have not yet been used in such combinations and proportions in the creation of cosmetics. This is the company's innovative approach to the creation of cosmetic products. All components are patented developments of the best cosmetology specialists from around the world.
The substances that make up Ansaligy products have anti-aging, firming and anti-inflammatory properties. These are numerous trace elements, caffeine, grapefruit and kiwi oils, magnolia bark extract, soap tree saponins, Acmella oleracea flower extract and other substances.
Together, these ingredients help to make the face look delicious and irresistible, prolonging its freshness and youthfulness.

Ansaligy experts believe that the second advantage of innovative cosmetics is its vacuum packaging. Such packaging involves the use of products by pressing the valve, squeezing the required amount of the product onto the hand.
This eliminates the ingress of air and bacteria into the container with the agent, which ensures the preservation of its beneficial properties and the duration of its effectiveness. In addition, such packaging allows you to reduce the consumption of content, as well as use it completely to the last drop.

This is not to say that the assortment of the offered goods differs in a wide variety - it is rather laconic. Tina Kandelaki's care products differ in the areas of their application: the line includes products for the face, eyes and body. Facial cosmetics, in turn, are divided by skin types: oily (mixed), combination, normal, dry and sensitive.
The range of face care products includes the following products:
- moisturizing gel for washing;
- moisturizing day cream;
- mattifying day cream;
- revitalizing night cream;
- balancing night cream;
- SPF cream;
- moisturizing lotion;
- matting lotion;
- regenerating silk serum;
- regenerating silk oil;
- micellar water;
- mask patches.

Cosmetic preparations for the eyes include:
- eye contour cream;
- lifting patches.
Assortment of body care products:
- shower gel "Grapefruit";
- soft shower gel;
- cream for breast and décolleté;
- body cream;
- SPF body cream;
- oil spray for tanning.
The manufacturer promises to customers that the products of this line will soothe their skin, provide it with deep hydration, toning, lightening and nutrition. All these properties, which are endowed with miracle remedies, are simply necessary to maintain beauty and health. In addition to the above actions, all cosmetics have one more, which is aimed at anti-aging fight: so that the skin at any age of its owner is elastic, taut, and all wrinkles are smoothed out within a month after their application.

What is right for you?
When choosing cosmetic products, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the type of skin. This is due to the fact that the brand's laboratory, when developing the composition, takes into account the condition of the skin and its reaction to certain components.
For example, if you are the owner of normal, sensitive or dry skin type, then you are advised to use moisturizing and regenerating products. For oily and combined types, in addition to the above, products with matting properties are suitable.
And also it should be borne in mind that the action of all products is aimed at rejuvenation, therefore, it is not recommended for young girls to use this brand.

For a more complete picture, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opinions of women who have used the brand's products. There is mixed information on the web about the quality of Ansaligy products. The fact is that initially positive reviews about her appeared from girls who took part in famous television shows. The girls recorded videos in which they talked about the incredible effect of the anti-aging cosmetics of this line. However, almost all the girls of the project who praised the action of the funds were too young to carry out anti-aging procedures. Accordingly, the effect of the cosmetics used on the girls was not noticeable, which caused skepticism in some people.
Despite this, reviews on Ansaligy products are mostly positive. It is worth noting here that middle-aged and mature women left their opinion about the product. Many of them noted the beauty and youth of Tina Kandelaki, concluding that if the face of the brand looks like that, then it makes sense to trust a person who knows a lot about beauty. Absolutely all reviews say that cosmetics, indeed, fulfills all the promises made by the manufacturer.

Silk Oil Users Marked It pleasant aroma and positive effect: the face becomes smoother and more elastic, and wrinkles are gradually minimized. And also noted another plus of the oil - it absolutely does not clog the pores. Many ladies responded positively to the effect of the regenerating silk serum, which makes the complexion smoother and the skin elastic after a couple of weeks of use. The light texture of the serum is positively noted.
In addition, worthy reviews were left on the tandem of matting agents - lotion and cream. If earlier the oily sheen tormented women for days on end, and the effect of analogues was enough for only a few hours, then having met with matting agents from Tina Kandelaki, they were able to get rid of the oily sheen until the evening.

The wizard, who is designed for the contour of the eyes, was not deprived of female attention. Women write that this is just a real find. They noticed the effect of its use after several applications: wrinkles become less noticeable, dark circles and bags under the eyes disappear.
The brand fully meets its description and all the declared characteristics according to reviews. But among them there are also negative ones. Many people point out the high cost of some categories of goods; these products seem to them to be unreasonably expensive.
And also some complain about delivery when ordering in an online store: postal parcels sometimes come with a delay.

In the next video you will find a quick overview of Ansaligy eye patches.