About cosmetics "Artlife"

Many consumers are interested in new generation cosmetics. The ArtLife Corporation offers cosmetic products aimed at caring for beauty and youth, which are created taking into account the reasonable use of natural ingredients.

The ArtLife company has developed an exclusive methodology based on strict adherence to the scientific concept. She uses complexes patented by various world leaders in the field of medical and biological research. The thoughtful combination of ingredients contributes to the saturation of the skin with vitamins and enhances the protection against premature aging.
The uniqueness of ArtLife cosmetics is focus on special foods. Together with traditional cosmetics, they help to rejuvenate the skin and strengthen teeth, nails, hair. Natural feminine beauty is revived by food, which is characterized by low calorie content and original taste. Proper nutrition gives the body an amazing cosmetic effect. "Culinary" cosmetics are represented by the products of the Beatelle line.

Corporation "ArtLife" carries out strict control over the ingredients that make up cosmetics. She uses research from major world laboratories.
Most cosmetics contain almost no preservatives, parabens. They can be present in scanty concentration. Hormones, chloroform, belladonna and black nightshade extracts are not used. The products do not contain various compounds of zirconium, arsenic, mercury, etc. At the same time, the quality of cosmetics is preserved.
The recipe contains herbal extracts and oils. The preparations contain extract of nutmeg, nettle, lingonberry, cucumber, linden flower, arnica, various algae, bamboo, mallow, lemon balm, dandelion, etc.

Lanolin, fatty alcohols, silicone and mineral oils are included in the composition of products for softening the skin, even distribution of the substance over the epidermis. They help to improve the silkiness of the skin.
Dietary supplements are used to achieve the beauty of the skin. Enzymes are added to cleanse and moisturize the epidermis, reduce shine. The substances found in clover, pomegranate, soybeans, red grapes and iris roots have amazing effects on aging skin.
"Culinary" cosmetics contain free radicals, the lack of which leads to cell destruction and premature aging of the body.
Antioxidants replenish lost oxygen, restore natural chemical processes, and increase the body's resistance to infections. Zinc and iron help to even out the color of the skin, stimulate the growth of nails and hair, eliminate fragility and hair loss.

Selection Tips
When choosing cosmetics, you need to take care of your own safety, so you should purchase high-quality products. The level of harmful substances contained in preparations must be minimized. People with sensitive and problem skin need to choose products with natural ingredients. Cosmetics "ArtLife" has a powerful effect on the epidermis and completely eliminates problems.
When choosing cosmetics you need to focus on your skin type. Oily and combination skin is characterized by shine, enlarged pores, inflammation and acne.
Dry skin tends to flake. Happy owners of normal skin should also purchase appropriate cosmetics, otherwise improper care can provoke epidermal disease.

Consumers respond positively to ArtLife products. They celebrate the pleasant taste and amazing aroma of the "culinary" cosmetics offered by the company. It is recommended for mass use. Many emphasize that the condition of the skin is normalized, brittle nails and hair loss are reduced. Some people report the disappearance of pigmentation, reduction of wrinkles, increased tone and elasticity of the skin.
The doctors' comments testify to the real contribution of ArtLife to health promotion, preservation of youth and working capacity of the population. Specialists gave cosmetic products the highest score on a ten-point system.

An overview of Artlife cosmetics is presented below.