Bulgarian cosmetics: features and range

Going on a trip or on vacation, each of us thinks about what to bring home as a souvenir. But why limit yourself to fridge magnets and other banal and completely useless gizmos? For example, you can bring high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics from sunny Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is famous for its cosmetics, which consists of natural ingredients and high quality raw materials. In order for only the most pleasant memories of the country to remain, it is important to learn a little about these funds. Consider what cosmetics you can bring with you from there, as well as the best Bulgarian manufacturers.

Distinctive features
The main distinguishing feature of the Bulgarian cosmetics is its main component - the Bulgarian rose. It is this plant that is famous for its excellent cosmetic and healing properties. Real Bulgarian cosmetics do not have a very large composition, you should pay attention to this. But it should also be borne in mind that natural cosmetics contain a very concentrated rose scent, which some may not like.

Bulgarian rose in the composition of cosmetics:
- eliminates and prevents allergic rash;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- makes the skin smoother and softer;
- saturates the skin with nutrients and moisturizes;
- restores the skin, making it firm and elastic;
- improves metabolism;
- eliminates microdamage;
- rejuvenates, smoothing wrinkles;
- Suitable for all skin types;
- helps get rid of acne;
- relieves swelling;
- removes pigmentation and makes capillaries invisible.

It is worth noting that these natural remedies have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.Bulgarian rose has a calming effect, which helps to cope with headaches, high blood pressure and nervous disorders. Hair cosmetics restore their structure and soften, and for the oral cavity - protects the mucous membrane from infections.
In addition to the Bulgarian rose, the composition of the Bulgarian cosmetics contains several more ingredients that are actively used in its production.
Bulgarian yoghurt is used for the production of creams and foams. They perfectly moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation, make the skin soft and elastic.
The aroma is very delicate, subtle and unobtrusive. Even girls with very delicate and sensitive skin can safely choose such natural Bulgarian products, because they do not cause irritation at all.

Lavender is also abundant in Bulgaria, as well as the Bulgarian rose. Therefore, there are even whole series that are produced on the basis of lavender oil. On sale you can find tonics, lotions, creams, anti-cellulite and antiseptic cosmetic products with this component.
The opinion that high-quality cosmetics combined with olives and grape seeds can be produced only in Greece is just a myth. Bulgaria again copes with this task perfectly.
These natural ingredients perfectly protect the skin from UV rays, prevent premature aging and saturate it with collagen and other beneficial nutrients.

Popular brands and their products
When reviewing Bulgarian cosmetics, one cannot fail to mention that not all products are natural, but, on the contrary, contain hazardous and harmful substances that can adversely affect your health. In order not to bump into low-quality products, you should choose funds from trusted manufacturers.

Consider the rating of the most famous cosmetic companies in Bulgaria.
The most popular Bulgarian cosmetic brand has been Refan for several years now. In 1991, this company was founded, which was guided by the idea of producing high-quality cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Today Refan continues this tradition using high quality raw materials imported from European countries.
Refan cosmetics are in great demand due to their pleasant price-performance ratio. The most popular series are Oliva, Eucalyptus and Rosemary and Magnolia and Rose.... Still, the most frequently ordered products are cosmetics containing little Bulgarian rose: soap, body spray, oils, creams and perfumes.

Victoria Beauty
The Victoria Beauty brand is engaged in the production of products for hair restoration, nails and depilation. Its main components are argan, olive and macadamia oil, natural Bulgarian yoghurt and snail extract. A distinctive feature is a delicate pleasant aroma; products are predominantly white. It cleanses, tones and rejuvenates the skin.
You can order products in the online store. Its prices are slightly higher than high-quality domestic cosmetics, but it's worth it.

Biocosmetics with roses Biofresh offers a range of natural cosmetics series that have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and restoring it. The company assures that only high-quality and natural ingredients are used in the manufacture of products. Products in great demand include handcrafted soaps, natural shower gels, hair care cosmetics, relaxing bath salts, special products for nail and eyelash restoration, and rejuvenating hand and foot creams.
The most popular series is Rose of Bulgaria, which is famous for natural Bulgarian rose oil and cosmetics with it in its composition: mainly creams, lotions, shower gels and shampoos.

Another well-known series is Aroma, which became famous thanks to the Zdrave cream for face and body skin.
Bulgarian Rose
Bulgarian Rose company was founded in 1948. It maintains its traditions today, using only environmentally friendly substances for the manufacture of cosmetics. Petroleum products, chemicals and unnatural colors are not found in the product. Bulgarian aromatic oils and perfumes are in great demand due to their persistent pleasant aroma without chemical impurities.

Rosa Impex (Regal)
This company offers a wide range of cosmetics for hair care. In the Herbal Time series you can find masks, shampoos, henna-based semi-permanent hair dyes. Paints and tinting balms, body care products containing rose oil and pearl extracts are represented by the Prestige line. The Regal brand produces products for the skin of the face, which have a rejuvenating and toning effect.

For many years, the DeBa company has remained popular and continues to develop, distributing its products not only domestically, but also abroad. On the official website you can find many series, including lines for oral care, cosmetics for hair, face and body, as well as a men's cosmetic line.
In addition to caring products, the manufacturer independently creates packaging and containers for cosmetics, which minimizes the number of fakes. The most popular lines are Virgo and Dental.

Products from the manufacturer Bilka leave a pleasant impression due to their low price and good quality. Basically, this brand produces products for the skin and hair with the addition of grape seed oil.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the line of homeopathic tooth pastes for children and adults, which contain only natural ingredients - herbs.

Sea stars
Less popular, but no less high quality cosmetics Sea Stars produces products consisting of healing clay and alkali in the scientific laboratory "Salt Systems and Natural Resources". Raw materials are taken from the salty Pomorie and Burgas lakes, and local herbs are also used.
This Bulgarian cosmetics has a medicinal character and is supplied to saunas, physiotherapy and fitness centers, sanatoriums and beauty studios.
It is rather difficult to buy it over the Internet, since the number of products is limited.

The cosmetic company Ikarov produces exclusively environmentally friendly oils that are used to care for the skin of the whole body, nails, and hair. They can also be supplemented with ready-made cosmetics. These funds can be purchased in pharmacies or in a company store at a low price, which is surprising for products of such high quality.

For the production of hygienic cosmetics, Lavena uses not only Bulgarian rose extract, but also herbs (series No. 1). There are several main series that are popular. The line of cosmetic products, which includes rose oil - My Rose, presents a wide range of body creams.
There are also series for pregnant women and children that are hypoallergenic.

This company produces professional cosmetics for hair care. Its assortment includes hair dyes, as well as caring balms, masks, lotions, fluids and shampoos that restore structure and saturate them with nutrients, giving shine.

Thalloderma cosmetics are sold only in pharmacies, their choice is not wide enough, so to buy the necessary product, you will have to bypass several pharmacies. These medicinal products, which contain clay and herbs, restore chapped skin of the feet, as well as care for the skin of the whole body, eliminating acne, pigmentation, making it softer and more elastic. Lines are available for all skin types. The price will not hit your pocket, but the quality and effect will be very pleasing.

Another manufacturer that produces medical cosmetics for skin restoration.He has rulers for the elimination of mechanical damage to the skin (scars and burns), for the normalization of the skin condition, as well as for the treatment of dermatological diseases. You can find it in pharmacies in Bulgaria.
This list contains well-known manufacturers who produce only high-quality products based on natural ingredients without chemical additives.

Selection Tips
Let's consider several criteria that will facilitate the search and selection of Bulgarian cosmetics:
- buy goods only from well-known manufacturers indicated in the given rating, and also check their authenticity by the label;
- in order not to encounter a fake, purchase cosmetics only in brand stores, avoiding street shops;
- pay attention to the composition - it should be short and free of parabens and unknown chemicals;
- to save money, buy makeup kits.

Review overview
In general, reviews of Bulgarian cosmetics are positive. Most of the buyers were not disappointed in these products, noting their high quality. Many are pleased with the price, because due to the lack of advertising campaigns, it is not so high.
However, it should be mentioned that some did not like perfumes and aromatic oils because of the specific and persistent smell, which is not to everyone's liking.
Most commentators praise manufacturers such as Biofresh, Refan and Bulgarian Rose. It can also be noted that cosmetics based on rose oil and olive oil are in great demand.

Refan Bulgarian cosmetics are presented below.