Guam cosmetics: features, review and tips for use

The unique composition of the Italian Guam cosmetics made it famous all over the world. Lacote's efforts are aimed at restoring healthy skin, strengthening hair and fighting cellulite. Users highly appreciated the results of the effects of cosmetics on the body, so the demand for Guam products has not subsided for many years.

History of creation
The advent of the unusual Guam cosmetics takes us back more than 30 years. The impetus for its creation was the trip of the Italian Egidio Siena in the mid-80s of the last century to France. Visiting the port city of Brest in the west of the country, he was surprised to see many fishing boats filled with seaweed instead of fish. Sien learned from the fishermen about the great benefits of this product. Since the 17th century, an annual harvest of valuable raw materials has been taking place off the coast of Brest. Fishermen carefully with the help of special devices get the catch from the sea, and then lay it out in the fields and dry it right under the sun. Absolutely dry brittle algae are considered ready for use, which are subsequently ground into powder.
Back home, Egidio was obsessed with the green seafood. He engaged in an in-depth study of this topic and found out that the dry concentrate is saturated with oligoelements. Algae contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, they affect metabolic processes, strengthen the nervous system, resist depression, relieve swelling and have a beneficial effect on the skin condition. Siena came up with the idea to create cosmetics based on algae. Their effect on skin and metabolic processes will help users to significantly improve their appearance.
By this time, Sien already had experience with natural cosmetics.Taking advantage of it, Egidio develops a completely new body shaping tool, which he calls Guam. The composition turned out to be quite complex - it contains different types of algae, essential oils, extracts of some plants.

The drug has undergone a number of tests in which female volunteers took part. The composition was applied in the form of mud wraps. And it really influenced the state of cellulite, the "orange peel" disappeared, the skin became smooth and elastic, the size of the thighs decreased somewhat.
To give way to a new product, in 1986 Sien founded the Schote company. The result of using the composition was obvious, and it helped to successfully spread Guam on the cosmetics market. Algae were collected only in a certain season, they quickly ended, production did not keep up with demand. Sien constantly traveled to France and made new orders. Expanding production, in 1990, Egidio created another company - Lacote, which was engaged in the mass distribution of products through chains of stores and pharmacies selling natural drugs.
Based on algae, the company has developed a number of formulations for hair, face and body skin care, and for body shaping.

The overall composition of Lacote cosmetics is unique. The product developed by the Egidio Siena Corporation is popular all over the world. Cosmetics are made from only natural ingredients.
Seaweed powder
The composition includes algae of different types, which contain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. The high content of potassium helps to remove excess moisture from the body, strengthens the heart muscle, calcium gives strength to teeth and bones, restores elasticity to the skin, magnesium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and muscular system.
The identity of the composition of algae with blood plasma allows it to easily deliver useful elements to each organ, which makes it possible for the product to be absorbed by 90%.

Sea clay
A large amount of silicon contained in the clay has an effective effect on collagen and elastin fibers, which make our skin young and beautiful. Silicon also strengthens the vascular system and affects metabolism.

Sea salt
Salt contains a lot of active substances that accelerate tissue regeneration and activate the circulatory system.

Herbal extracts
Firm reports use horsetail, horse chestnut and ivy... Horsetail extracts help to cleanse and smooth the skin, relieve its inflammatory and irritating manifestations, and improve the structure of hair and nails. Ivy removes puffiness, improves blood formation, heals wounds, with its help they get rid of wen, boils and warts. Ivy is used to stimulate hair growth and fight cellulite. Horse chestnut relieves inflammatory and edematous manifestations, normalizes blood clotting processes, prevents the development of thrombophlebitis, strengthens and tones the vascular system.

The balanced content of therapeutic agents in Guam cosmetics leads to visible results.
- Cellulite of the first and second stages disappears. Cosmetic formulations have a positive effect on the treatment of lipodystrophy, even in its advanced form.
- The skin regains a healthy appearance, elasticity and smoothness return.
- Cosmetics have proven themselves in the fight against stretch marks.
- Wraps and creams will reduce the volume of problem areas by a few centimeters.

Lacote's products have a different focus: fighting cellulite, improving the skin, improving hair. Cosmetic drugs do not just have a temporary effect - they have a medicinal effect, which leads to lasting positive results.
We offer a description of the best Guam cosmetics.
AlgaScrub Guam (body scrub)
Any cosmetic skin care procedure should begin with exfoliation. Guam body scrub is based on algae and sea salt. It contains essential oils of rosemary, mint and lemon for an aromatherapy effect. The skin is cleansed, toned, nourished with oils, and becomes elastic and velvety.

BioEcologico (Sulfur Purifying Mask)
An effective balanced mask frees pores from impurities, has a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, makes the skin soft and fresh. The preparation contains clay, algae extracts, azelaic acid, and sulfur.
With normal skin, the mask can be applied once a week. For oily skin, the procedure is increased up to 2-3 times. The composition is easy to apply and just as easy to rinse off.

Snell Effetto Freddo (anti-cellulite cream)
An excellent slimming cream, it is used at the final stage of work with cellulite. It has a fat burning, lymphatic drainage cooling effect. The cream leads to a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat, frees the body from excess fluid, tones the skin and makes it even. It contains spirulina (a type of algae), caffeine, vitamin E and a number of herbal ingredients.

Fanghi d'alga Guam (mud mask)
Professional anti-cellulite mud mask, which is used for hot express wrapping of the abdomen and waist. Positive reviews from cosmetologists convince in a real result of reducing body fat. The mask creates blood flow to problem areas, improves metabolic processes, which is the engine for burning fat. The effect is noticeable from the first procedure, but for a significant result, 8-15 wraps will be required, depending on the weight.
The skin relief is noticeably smoothed and elasticized. The composition includes biologically active components.

Micro eye contour cream
A microcellular cream with a lifting effect tightens the skin and muscle fibers literally before our eyes. The cream gives deep hydration, preventing expression wrinkles. With its help, puffiness is removed, bags under the eyes are removed. It contains phytoplankton, Asian centella components, collagen and sea salt.

Anti-cellulite cream without iodine
Beige cream with pleasant texture and scent. It is used when iodine is contraindicated. It contains xanthines and Maxima spirulina extract as active ingredients without iodine. The cream tones the skin, makes it elastic, elastic, after each procedure reduces the size of problem areas by 1-1.5 cm.
The drug has no warming or cooling effect, which makes its use quite comfortable. It can also be used in conjunction with a silicone trainer.

Anti-cellulite cream with a high iodine content
The drug should not be used by people suffering from hyperthyroidism. The cream has a greenish tint. It contains algae, which are especially rich in iodine content. After applying the drug, a short-term redness remains on the skin, but quite soon the skin becomes smooth and taut. The course consists of 20 procedures, the cream is light, well applied to the surface of the skin, suitable for a massager.

Fango Day Cream Guam
A preparation with a hot effect, has a light texture, it is absorbed instantly. It is applied locally to problem areas, works with a noticeable result, the skin relief is smoothed, the cover becomes taut. The composition is intended for those who are shown daily use.

Guam Corpo Trattamento Urto Crema Anticellulite Zone Ostinate (anti-cellulite cream)
The drug is indicated for the advanced form of cellulite, has an intense effect. The drainage effect quickly eliminates puffiness, improves metabolic processes, and stimulates blood circulation. The cream deeply nourishes and regenerates the skin. When taken with lipodystrophy, the drug is applied to the whole body.

Guam Inthenso Crema Seno Volumizzante (cream for breast enlargement)
The cream shapes the breast due to the accumulation of its own fat cells. The action of the composition makes the skin taut, firm and elastic, eliminates stretch marks, and forms volume. The cream is applied with a gentle movement from the chest towards the neck (the nipples are not massaged). The drug is used three times a week. The corrective course is designed for 8 weeks.

Guam Crema Contro le Smagliature (cream for stretch marks)
The cream is considered anti-cellulite, it activates the production of collagen by the body, which leads to the elimination of stretch marks and the prevention of their appearance. Glycolic and hyaluronic acids help the skin gain elasticity. The drug is used twice a day.

Guam cosmetics always give positive dynamics, no matter how neglected the skin condition may seem. And in the fight against cellulite, it is difficult to imagine a more effective remedy than compositions of algae and sea clay.
For an overview of the Guam drainage mask, see the following video.