H2O + cosmetics: features and product overview

H2O + cosmetics appeared in our country not so long ago - in 2011. The company was formed in the United States of America, and in Russia it was initially distributed only through the shops of the Letual trademark. Almost 10 years later, it has gained well-deserved popularity, consumers note the beneficial effect of these products on the skin.
We will talk about the features of the product, its advantages and disadvantages in our article.

history of the company
This trademark originates in the city of Chicago in 1989. Its founder was the cosmetologist Cindy Melk.
This skin care line initially positioned itself as a trial product for aesthetic medicine. However, after it appeared on the market, buyers appreciated the properties and effectiveness of the brand's products. This led to the expansion of its range.
Manufacturers declare that all products are environmentally friendly. They do not contain harmful enzymes that cannot be compatible with the H2O line. In addition, cosmetics are positioned as products containing nutrients from the deepest ocean. The company's specialists pay great attention to the study of underwater vegetation. The most useful algae are used in the production of H2O + cosmetics.
This position turned out to be an advantageous one. Today the products of the H2O + brand have their fans. The company is constantly improving and expanding its assortment, gaining more and more popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any product, the cosmetics of this brand has its advantages and disadvantages. Users and cosmetologists note a lot of positive features.These include excellent moisturizing properties, excellent soothing effects, and elimination of redness and inflammation.
The products help fight enlarged pores, improving the appearance of the skin. It becomes matte and velvety.
Also, the advantages of cosmetics include a light texture, due to which it is very comfortable to apply. The creams are perfectly absorbed, and the skin becomes soft and smooth, without the formation of an oily film. The feeling of hydration persists for a long time. In addition, users note a pleasant aroma.
However, it would be unfair not to pay attention to the shortcomings. There are several times less negative reviews about its use, but nevertheless they take place. For example, consumers do not recommend using H2O + products for people with oily or problem skin. You also need to limit their use in the frosty season. This is due to the fact that cosmetics contain water, contact with which, in combination with cold, can provoke adverse effects.

Impact principle
Experts have conducted studies that have shown that useful drugs, the basis of which is sea water, are easily perceived by the cells of the human body. The risk of rejection is minimal. Manufacturers claim that cosmetics containing certain marine elements will be extremely effective and of high quality. In contrast to other products based on more fatty structures, it will have a particular lightness.
This discovery had to be tested in practice. Experts have done hundreds of studies. Unique formulas have been obtained that allow you to combine various marine ingredients. In this case, the possibility of their use was necessarily taken into account.
The effect of this cosmetics is quite simple to explain. Its result is a combination of two environments that can be called related.
Human cells and cells of sea water easily come into contact, as a result of which the former begin to work more actively, improving the processes of recovery and regeneration of the skin. This leads to an improvement in her appearance as well as a visual rejuvenation of her face.

Facial skin care
It is impossible not to note such a broad direction of the H2O + company as the creation of face creams. This line has its own directions, which should be discussed in more detail.
Aqualibrium series specially designed for problem and oily skin. It is based on cleansing masks and lotions. They are designed to relieve the skin of inflammation and blackheads, while serving as an excellent measure for preventing problems.

Anti-aging Sea Results Series designed for the fair sex over 35 years old. It gently moisturizes the skin, helps to eliminate shallow expression wrinkles and perfectly prevents the appearance of new ones. Elastin and collagen contained in the products help to make the skin more elastic, tighten and improve its appearance.

Oasis line positioned as a product for women living in large and dusty cities. The cream is most in demand. There are also serums that tone the skin and improve its structure.
I must say that according to consumer reviews, this series is especially suitable for beautiful young ladies with dry skin types. For owners of combination skin, it is better to opt for other products.

Body care
For the fair sex, it is important to keep in order not only the face, but also the body. Especially for this, the company H2O + offers treatment lines.
Spa Feet range specially designed for foot care. Its use, according to the manufacturer, makes the skin soft and smooth, provides maximum moisture.

The experts also thought about women's hands. Created to care for them Spa Hands seriesoffering various creams.They are intended for the fair sex over 25 years old, perfectly smooth and soften the skin of their hands.
Consumers should take into account that these funds should not be used during cold weather. They will not have the desired effect and will not be able to heal chapped skin.

The Sea Salt line can be used at any age and in any, even cold weather. It is great for treating and nourishing loose, dry skin and hair. The products help to saturate the skin with a complex of vitamins, improve their condition.

For sensitive skin
This cosmetics can be used for irritated sensitive skin. It should be noted again that extracts of marine plants are used in the production of cosmetics. Due to spirulina, which contains antioxidants, as well as brown, red and green algae, which enrich the skin with minerals, there is a tonic and beneficial effect on the immune system.
Consumers are offered special edition called Marine Calm... It includes a range of anti-anxiety and anti-allergic products. It is a serum, mild toner and a special complex designed to moisturize the skin. It also offers a separate eye cream. It gives the face a healthy and rested appearance and also helps to reduce dark circles.
This series is not just hypoallergenic. Manufacturers claim that their products are completely free of parabens and dyes. Also, there are no fragrances that can irritate the skin.

For manicure
H2O + cosmetics are intended not only for skin and hair, but also for nails. The fair sex can pick up various products for manicure in its assortment.
A wide variety of products are presented here. Customers are offered oils for nails, special formulations for removing cuticles, lotions that strengthen the nail plate.
The stylish design of the packaging, made in the style of minimalism, is noted. However, this does not affect the quality of the product, it is at the highest level.

Other accessories
The main niche in the assortment of H2O + is undoubtedly cosmetics. However, there is a number of accessories that you cannot but focus on.
It is often difficult for the fair sex to find time for themselves. Therefore, to save it, some people prefer to refuse to visit beauty salons, choosing home care. The products of this brand have many nice things in their assortment, from towels to nail brushes.
Mirrors of various sizes are also available here. In addition, manicure supplies are offered for adorable young ladies. Such goods are necessary for every woman.
Convenience also lies in the fact that you do not need to look for products from different manufacturers, you can buy everything you need in one place.

H2O + products receive predominantly positive customer reviews. They note the naturalness of the formulations and their effectiveness. The assortment is wide enough, so the fair sex can easily find products to their liking. In addition, the goods have a completely democratic price and are affordable for most of the ladies.
As for the comments, it should be said about a small amount of petrolatum and collagen in the composition, which may not be enough for active hydration. The significant content of silicone can create problems in the use of products by owners of oily skin.

For an overview of H2O + cosmetics, see the next video.