Italian hair cosmetics: types and best brands

A wide range of cosmetics from various manufacturers can make it difficult to choose the right product. Each country has its own characteristics of the manufacture of cosmetic products. For example, the production of Italian products, by analogy with oriental cosmetics, is based on natural ingredients. Thanks to modern technologies and careful selection of components, there are more and more fans of Italian companies' products, including in Russia. Today, cosmetics from Italy can be bought in specialized stores and on the official websites of companies.

Each manufacturer produces products that have their own unique properties. The composition of cosmetics from Italy contains specific components that make these products unlike other products. Their popularity is due to the following reasons:
- high quality;
- original composition;
- attractive packaging design;
- focus on meeting modern requirements.
Cosmetic products from Italy consist of natural, natural ingredients, including extracts of various plant species. They are specially grown in ecologically clean regions of the country. Cosmetic products from Italian manufacturers are in high demand both domestically and abroad.

Types of funds
Almost all cosmetic companies from Italy produce two types of cosmetic products:
- professional cosmetics - it is intended for use in beauty salons;
- a series of cosmetics for home use.
Professional-grade cosmetics cost an order of magnitude more expensive than similar home care products.The reason for the difference is in the ingredients that make up each product. They give a stronger and more lasting effect, but this does not affect the quality of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages
Cosmetic products from Italy are in constant demand all over the world. They are preferred by many professional makeup artists, who note a number of their benefits.
- Each product contains useful trace elements and vitamins. They provide hair and skin with reliable protection against the negative effects of external factors.
- Compared to samples that are produced in other countries, Italian cosmetics have a milder effect.
- The funds are used very economically.
- The natural composition of cosmetics does not cause allergic reactions.
- All funds can be used permanently.

Along with the obvious advantages of cosmetics produced by Italian companies, they have several disadvantages:
- high price;
- short shelf life;
- for best results, you should use products from the same manufacturer.

Most popular manufacturers
There are several companies whose products are the most popular in the world.
Our own laboratory, equipped with the most modern equipment, allows you to create unique cosmetics. Barex products combine natural and biotechnological ingredients. Thanks to this, cosmetics have unique properties and high efficiency.

Hair company
The main specialization of the company is products for lamination and hair dyeing... The Hair company cosmetics contain natural herbal ingredients, amino acids and a complex of vitamins. Constant use of the products of this brand allows you to achieve a natural shine of the hair.

Screen Prof
The products are intended for hair restoration. The quality of this brand's cosmetics meets the requirements for professional products.

Selective Professional
For almost 30 years, the company's products have been at the forefront of the production of cosmetics for hair dyeing. All drugs harmless and do not cause allergic reactions on the skin.

The company specializes in the production of hair cosmetics.
The products of this brand are popular with many famous stylists.

Acca kappa
It is one of the oldest Italian manufacturers. For more than 100 years, the company has been producing cosmetics for various purposes, including face and hair care formulations, medicinal preparations and exquisite perfumes. Having gained recognition and gaining popularity in many countries of the world, the company maintains the tradition of quality. Today Acca Kappa is one of the recognized leaders in the perfumery market.

Hair coloring agent Alfaparf Evolution of the color
The composition of the paint contains a minimum amount of ammonia, which is why it has a gentle effect on the hair in comparison with the products of other cosmetic brands. Depending on the desired result, the manufacturer offers two additional components that enhance the degree of hair lightening:
- OOOSSS - it is intended for paints of the Color Evolution series, with the exception of the Platinum line;
- OSP - it is added only to Platinum products.

Mixing paint and additional components must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. Any violation of the manufacturer's recommendations may lead to the fact that the desired result will not be achieved. This is especially true for curls of dark shades. On some types of hair, the dye may appear reddish. Evolution of the color has a number of benefits, including:
- giving curls shine and softness;
- complete painting over gray hair;
- the color is bright, saturated, natural;
- the Evolution of the color line of paints has a large number of shades.

Previa Smoothing Keratin Straightening Leave-in Nourishing Balm
The main task of the tool is make your hair smooth and shiny. Smoothing Keratin Straightening Leave-in contains organic flaxseed oil and keratin. Under their influence, the hair is significantly less tangled and fluffy, and the styling process is facilitated. The elements included in the composition help to protect the hair structure from the destructive effects of high temperatures during styling with a hairdryer or ironing. Although the texture of Smoothing Keratin Straightening Leave-in is like oil, hair remains light.
After applying the product, you do not need to rinse it off, but let it dry on its own. Smoothing Keratin Straightening Leave-in also has disadvantages. They appear as a weak effect on split ends of the hair. If a similar problem is observed along the entire length, then the remedy will not be effective.

Body milk "White Musk"
The Acca Kappa remedy highlights a unique composition that includes natural lemon extract, antioxidants and provitamin B5. Milk "White Musk" is recommended for people with all skin types. The product makes it soft and silky to the touch and restores its internal structure. The disadvantages of milk include the need for its long-term use to achieve a visible result.

Hemani coconut oil
The main advantage of the tool is its natural composition. The absence of fragrances and artificial flavors makes the scent of Hemani cosmetics natural and pleasant. As the temperature rises, the oil becomes liquid, and as it cools, it begins to harden. The container in which the product is sold is made of tin. It preserves it much better than plastics and other materials. The oil can be used on skin and hair.
When used correctly, it has the same effectiveness both in pure form and as an additional component in the manufacture of masks. The main action of the oil is aimed at moisturizing and nourishing hair and skin.

Selection Tips
Buying any cosmetics, you cannot save money, because it has a direct impact on human health. The products of Italian manufacturers are considered one of the most expensive... This is due to the use of natural ingredients that cannot be cheap. If the price of a cosmetic product of a well-known Italian brand is much lower than the market price, then this is a clear sign of counterfeit. There are many companies in Italy that produce cosmetics.
It is better to give preference to well-known brands, whose products are time-tested. Large manufacturers value their reputation, therefore they control the quality of the products produced.
It is necessary to choose cosmetics based on what kind of skin and hair you have. Despite the natural composition of Italian cosmetics, it will not be able to give the desired result if it does not match the type.

To achieve the best results in the shortest possible time it is recommended to use products of one Italian brand... Each company produces cosmetics with its own characteristics. Some types of products cannot be mixed or used at the same time. This can cause negative effects in the form of irritation or allergies.
It is best to test it before using any product made in Italy. Certain types of make-up can give different results depending on a number of conditions of use. Particular attention must be paid to the expiration date. The natural composition of Italian cosmetics does not allow it to be stored for a long time.
It is better to buy cosmetics from the official representatives of the brand. This guarantees protection against the purchase of counterfeits or expired cosmetics.

Review overview
Almost everyone who uses cosmetics of Italian brands notes their high quality and excellent effectiveness. One general recommendation made by users is strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions. The disadvantages of Italian cosmetics include the high cost and lack of official representatives in many cities of the Russian Federation.For example, Arabic cosmetics, which have a lot in common with Italian ones, are much more affordable.
For Italian hair care cosmetics, see the next video.