Cosmetics "Crimean rose": features, advice on selection and use

Cosmetics "Crimean Rose" of the plant of the same name has a rich history of production. However, the brand has gained the greatest popularity in recent years. The biggest plus of the products is the use of mainly natural ingredients. A wide range allows you to choose body, face, hair care products at affordable prices for every taste.

The brand produces several categories of care products:
- shower gels and shampoos;
- soap;
- scrubs and masks;
- creams for face, feet, hands and body;
- essential oils;
- sun protection products;
- unique products (rose water, cosmetic cream).

In recent years, when tourism flourished in Crimea, the demand for the products of the Crimean Rose company has become unprecedented.
At first, cosmetics were brought in as a souvenir, then they became the purpose of travel or ordering in an online store. This brand attracts buyers largely due to the fact that most natural ingredients are used in the creation of cosmetics.
Due to the growing popularity, the company expanded its assortment several years ago by creating completely new lines. At the same time, the basic concept of the brand has remained unchanged - high quality and naturalness. The assortment is designed primarily for women, but there are products that will also interest men.

Advantages and disadvantages
Despite its wide popularity, it is necessary to evaluate both the pros and cons of this type of product. First of all, the benefits of funds from "Crimean Rose" include minimization or complete elimination of any chemicals - fragrances, preservatives, parabens, which can increase the shelf life. There are no hormonal preparations in this cosmetics. The products of "Crimean Rose" strive for a 100% natural composition, and in some types of products this has already been achieved.

In the composition you can find:
- fatty oils of a natural type;
- herbal, plant extracts;
- essential oils;
- vitamins.

Moreover, the concentration of these substances is as high as possible.
The second most important plus is the cost of production. It is very budgetary, and everyone can buy it, regardless of income level. This is largely due to the absence of aggressive and expensive advertising. The brand relies on quality - if a person likes a product, he will buy it again and advise his relatives. Eco-cosmetics has established itself as high-quality, safe products that have passed all possible research and testing. The raw materials are selected very carefully.

As for the shortcomings, they are very conditional, but one cannot fail to say about them:
- due to the fact that most of the components are of natural origin, they can cause allergies;
- the large amount of oils in the composition makes this cosmetics unsuitable for skin prone to comedones;
- the brand's products are not very widespread, and it is not possible to buy them in all supermarkets.

Funds overview
The company currently produces care products:
- for face;
- for body;
- for hair;
- for legs and arms;
- essential oils.

Body care is represented by various sprays, shower gels for women and men, sunscreens, cosmetic oils, oil-based perfumes. Very popular:
- "Sugar scrub" - cleanses, renews, moisturizes the skin, contains shea butter, coconut oil;
- "Melting milk" - light texture, instant absorption, contains hyaluron, rose water, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes;
- "Delicate gommage" - absolutely natural composition, softens dead skin particles, gently removes them, contains almond and coconut oils.

Facial care products are very delicate and fragrance-free. They are represented by night and day creams, serums, natural water, fluid gels, gommages, scrubs, masks, sunscreens.
- Face mask "Shokoladnitsa". Designed for anti-aging care, natural composition, regenerates the cover, relieves irritation. Removes toxins from the skin, gives it a fresh, healthy look. Suitable for oily, normal skin.
- Nutritious cream "Vitamins of beauty". Tones, moisturizes, makes the skin radiant. Contains a complex of vitamins, restores elasticity.
- Micellar water "Rose". Provides cleansing, gentle care. Easily and safely removes makeup, moisturizes the skin. There is no feeling of tightness, dryness after application.

The line for hair care is represented by shampoos for all hair types, various cosmetic waters, hydrolates.
- Hydrolat "Lavender" - a unique product with an amazing aroma. Has anti-inflammatory effect, soothes. It has a positive effect on the skin and hair, making them healthier and more hydrated. Hair gets amazing shine.
- Shampoo "For Men Only" for sensitive skin. Contains an extract from the string, yarrow, gently cleanses, moisturizes. The aroma is captivating.
- Henna shampoo for all hair types. Universal hair wash, contains henna extract. It soothes the skin, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, and acts as carefully as possible.

The line for hand and foot skin care is quite diverse. It contains creams for all skin types, gommages, cosmetic water.
- Ladushka rejuvenating hand cream. Created on the basis of rose water and olive oil with the addition of herbal extracts. Perfectly nourishes the skin, eliminates signs of aging, slows down age processes.
- Foot cream "Golden mustache". Provides intensive skin care, contains natural biostimulants. Relieves swelling, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Fights varicose veins as part of complex therapy.
- Ultra Moisturizing Hand Cream. Based on rose water, with the addition of panthenol and extracts from plants. Fights dryness, retains moisture in skin cells.

Reviews of cosmetologists and buyers
Reviews of Crimean Rose cosmetics are mostly positive. Cosmetologists note the naturalness of the composition as a huge plus, buyers appreciate the effect of regular use. According to the majority, the funds of this brand give a fairly quick result. Most often, the responses are either neutral or positive, there are very few negative ones.... Everyone notes the excellent value for money, the availability of cosmetics for any wallet.

Negative reviews are most often associated with an incorrectly selected remedy, an obsessive scent that seemed pleasant at first.
From this it should be concluded that before buying a product, you need to test it for a possible allergic reaction and an overly pronounced aroma. In general, aroma compositions receive more positive ratings. In addition, cosmetologists strongly advise to evaluate the condition and type of skin and hair before buying in order to choose the most suitable product. Special care must be taken with essential oils and oil-based perfumes.

For an overview of Crimean Rose cosmetics, see the video.