Children's cosmetics "Little Fairy": information about the brand and assortment

From an early age, girls begin to show interest in self-care. Usually mom's cosmetics are at gunpoint. Many in childhood used their mother's lipstick, eyeshadow or blush. It is better not to discourage a girl from being interested in her appearance from an early age, however, one must remember that cosmetics for adults can negatively affect children's skin. To solve this problem, children's cosmetics under the "Little Fairy" brand appeared on the domestic market. It is great for baby skin.
The manufacturer's assortment includes about 30 product names. It is designed for girls from 3 to 12 years old. Before going on sale, all the products of this brand pass the strictest control. The skin of a young lady after using it will remain healthy and beautiful. Important, that all cosmetics are hypoallergenic.

Brand information
The Kalina company is engaged in the production of cosmetic products of the Little Fairy brand. She began her work in 1997 in Yekaterinburg. The cosmetics of this brand immediately became widely known among consumers, since there was nothing like this on the domestic market before. The company did not start producing decorative cosmetics immediately, but 7 years after the start of production.
Children's cosmetics are designed in the same style and presented in pink. Even the fairy painted on the products is wearing a nice pink dress. Usually, little princesses like this design of children's products. The goal of the manufacturer is to help parents instill in their daughters the desire to take care of themselves and complement their natural beauty. Using baby cosmetics, this process is not difficult to carry out.
Products of the "Little Fairy" trademark have been produced for over 20 years and have long been loved by consumers.

Use of baby cosmetics of this brand makes it possible to accustom little ladies to various hygiene procedures. If you use aromatic bubble bath, then boring bathing turns into a sea adventure. A fruit-flavored toothpaste with an interesting packaging design will help your child to brush their teeth twice a day without reminders. Shampoos and sprays after shampooing will help you fall in love with the procedure for combing your hair. With their help, the hair will not get tangled and will become soft and silky. It should be noted that these cosmetics have a significant impact on the upbringing of a child.
Interesting that in 2014, Little Fairy merged with another equally well-known brand - Drakosha, which produced toothpaste for children... Now they have one name - Happy moments. By the way, Drakosha toothpaste was also launched in 1997.

Features of cosmetics
Cosmetic products "Little Fairy" are harmless to children, experts have said this more than once and it has been proven by time. However, the company's products do not entirely consist of ecological raw materials. Despite this, the composition of children's cosmetics contains many natural extracts with beneficial properties. Each product includes such components.
- Chamomile extract. Promotes softening of baby skin and relieves it of all inflammatory processes. This component also provides proper hair care. After using the Little Fairy shampoos, the hair becomes strong, smooth and easy to comb.
- Linden extract... Has a calming effect on the skin and the body of the child as a whole.
- Aloe Vera extract. This component provides proper care for the body and perfectly softens the skin.
- Calendula extract. Soothes baby's skin and prevents bacteria from growing on it.
- Cotton extract... The component also effectively softens the skin, making it soft for babies.
- Rose extract... Perfectly cares for the skin through hydration. In addition, this component is a natural flavoring agent for cosmetic products.
- Vitamin complex... Nourishes baby's hair and skin. Skin cells are saturated with nutrients.

Every girl wants to take care of herself and use cosmetics. She has this desire from an early age, so parents usually try to support this desire of the little lady. Thus you can teach a girl in childhood how to take proper care of herself, choosing the necessary cosmetics and care products with her. A set of cosmetics "Little Fairy" will help parents of little princesses in this. Using it, you can save your child from boring lectures and turn the entire educational process into an interesting game.
A series of products for children's cosmetics "Little Fairy" includes:
- decorative cosmetics;
- perfumery;
- hair care products;
- bath and shower products;
- skin care products;
- cosmetic sets.
Let's take a closer look at each of the brand's cosmetic series.

Decorative cosmetics
There are few items of decorative cosmetics "Little Fairy". Among them are lip glosses as well as nail polishes, which are real, while they are absolutely harmless to the children's nail plate and have a pleasant fruity aroma. Not so long ago, the brand released a lot more cosmetics in this series, for example, shiny eyeshadows and much more. Now these cosmetic products have been discontinued due to their impracticality for use by children.
Everyone's favorite scented lip balms can still be seen on store shelves, but information about their future production is unknown.

The brand produces perfumes for little ladies. This series includes three fragrances:
- "Fashion Style" - fresh perfume;
- "Delicate strawberry" - berry toilet water;
- "Golden petals" - floral aroma.
The Little Fairy perfume line is natural, has a pleasant aroma and does not harm baby's skin.

Hair care
This series of children's cosmetic products includes three names. Each product is focused on meeting specific needs. The pH level in the composition of shampoos is at a neutral level, dyes are completely absent. Bottles can be classic or with jewelry gifts for girls.
- Shampoo + conditioner for easy combing of hair. Contains natural chamomile extract and natural conditioning additives. They contribute to softening the hairline and easy combing.
- A firming shampoo. In its composition, the product has the same ingredients as the previous shampoo, but in addition to everything, it is saturated with vitamins B3 and B5. This vitamin complex makes hair strong and healthy.
- Shampoo 2 in 1. This product is universal and includes not only shampoo, but also shower gel. It moisturizes the skin, which is especially important in winter.

Skin care
Skin care products for children are exclusive to the domestic market. The series consists of creams.
- Delicate hand cream. Due to the presence in the composition of the vitamin complex (A, E, B3, B5), unpleasant irritation can be removed from the delicate baby skin and moisturized. Hand care from an early age will undoubtedly be beneficial for a girl.
- Delicate face cream. Such a remedy will relieve the delicate skin of the face from peeling and irritation, and will also have a calming effect. This effect is achieved through the presence of natural ingredients in the cream: chamomile and aloe extract. The design of the jar is exactly like adult creams, which cannot but please the child.
- Moisturizing body milk. This product is applied to the body after bathing. It contains in its composition such useful substances as yogurt based on natural ingredients, proteins and vitamins A and B.
The body milk has a pleasant aroma, which the little princess cannot but love.

Each set of cosmetic products for children "Little Fairy" has its own theme. Each product unit perfectly complements the set as a whole. Due to the beautiful packaging, such sets will be an excellent gift for a girl. The first set includes hand and face creams and eau de toilette. The second set includes bubble bath, hair shampoo and a puzzle. The third set is a combination of face and hand cream, hair bands and hygienic lipstick.
Separately, we can highlight the sets included in the "School of Design" series:
- the first set includes perfume, shampoo and spray conditioner;
- the second set contains yogurt-based bath foam, perfume, hand cream, shampoo for easy combing of hair and hygienic lipstick;
- the set "magic solitaire" consists of bath foam, milk based on yoghurt and hand cream with a moisturizing effect.

Recommendations for use
Until adolescence, girls are strongly discouraged from using mascara, as well as foundation and powder, for this reason the Little Fairy trademark does not have such products in its range. Do not overuse creams unnecessarily. After purchasing children's cosmetics, you should explain to the child how to use these products correctly, correctly combine colors and emphasize the dignity of appearance. From childhood, mothers should teach a girl to wash off cosmetics at night and explain what the consequences can be if this is not done.
It is recommended to use baby cosmetics only before important events. A girl should understand the value of natural beauty at an early age. The main rule of makeup for a young lady is that makeup should be almost invisible.
Baby cosmetics for girls "Little Fairy" takes into account all the nuances of baby skin and hair care. Therefore, she is perfect for a young lady. In addition, such cosmetics have a number of advantages. It contains natural ingredients. They have a beneficial effect and do not cause allergic reactions.
A huge advantage of children's cosmetics is its affordable price with such high quality products.

In the next video you will find an overview of the "Little Fairy" cosmetics set.