Features of Mi & Ko cosmetics

Cosmetics Mi & Ko has advanced features - it is a popular Russian brand that has been creating and selling organic cosmetics for the whole family for the tenth year already. The production is located in Kirov, from where this brand was launched in 2009.
Product features
This company is the national flagship in the creation of natural body care and health products... Today, their assortment includes a rich selection of goods. It has something for everyone to take care of, from hydrophilic oil to bubbling balls of healthy oils. Children and men were not ignored, for whom there are specialized departments on the company's website.
The specificity of Mi & Ko is the creation of a quality product from organic products, and not from artificial substitutes. Let's look at the difference between healthy organics and unhealthy synthetics.

In the modern world, most of the cosmetics are made from artificial materials. It is much cheaper and easier than creating something natural. Such synthetic products can be very dangerous for the body and cause acute reactions. Plastic packages from these products are then sent to the world's oceans, forming garbage islands.
Mi & Ko uses only natural and environmentally friendly ingredients to create its organic cosmetics. It is strictly forbidden to add any chemistry, the same applies to chemical preservatives. Raw materials are the main thing.
The materials are grown in fertile soil that is not subject to the addition of pesticides and fertilizers. The sown areas are located far from harmful industries that could pollute the soil and spoil the air.
All ingredients are completely natural and are not subjected to harmful processing at any stage of cultivation.

Development of the company
When the brand was just starting its development, it did not have the opportunity to quickly enter a large market. After all even now, natural cosmetics in Russia owns only 2% of the entire industry, and in 2009 everything was much less optimistic. At that time, this small niche was occupied by foreign companies. However, a way out was found in connections with people. Instead of invading shops filled with foreign goods, the products were sold at retail.
To attract attention, exhibitions were held at which it was possible to get acquainted with organic products. Discerning customers liked them so much that they began to look for Mi & Ko products in large stores themselves. Soon, retail chains began to enter the brand themselves and offer cooperation to it. Thus, the Kirov-based company entered the Moscow market.

Constant interaction with people has been and remains the basis of marketing policy. Even now, during its heyday, this company continues to organize various events to attract new customers. Mi & Ko is a regular at international exhibitions on organic cosmetology, where it constantly wins positive reviews from cosmetologists and draws the audience's attention to its products.

Eco-cosmetics production
Essential and vegetable oils and plant extracts are used in the production of natural cosmetics. Under the supervision of experienced Russian phytotherapists, Mi & Ko takes extracts of plants growing on the territory of the country for its products, thereby making allowances for the local climate and natural conditions.Vegetable oils are used in different ways, some of them are Russian - sunflower, mustard and rapeseed. The rest of the necessary vegetable and essential oils are purchased abroad, from French and German suppliers with an organic certificate.
The combination of essential oils is supervised by a French specialist who advises on the addition of additional components that keep the products in good condition, because no preservatives are used.
All raw materials are sold strictly in accordance with unique formulas, which are also developed by French herbalists.

With each new development that enters the market, not only established production criteria are taken into account, but also the latest advances in this area. The ingredients are studied, new technologies are applied and the staff is being improved. New product lines with new unique properties and objectives are constantly being released.
Before release, all the latest products are tested in Mi & Ko's own laboratory. In it, the funds are tested for resistance to temperatures, as well as for compliance with the chemical and physical composition of established standards.
Mi & Ko cares about the environment, that's why packing takes place only in safe containers. As a rule, it is a dark tempered medical glass. It does not break or expose the contents to unwanted sunlight. After use, you can return empty vessels back, while receiving pleasant bonuses.
The brand has its own collection point for glass containers, which they disinfect and use in the future. Materials that take too long to decompose are used to a minimum.

Advantages and disadvantages
Let's list the main benefits of Mi & Ko organic cosmetics.
- Strict quality control. In order for products to comply with the organic standard, their composition must be 95% natural.
- Safety for the body. Synthetic substitutes are harmful to the body, especially when used on a regular basis. Eco-materials do not pose such a danger, except in cases of allergies.
- Easy assimilation by the body. Natural elements are accepted by the human body approximately 6 times better than synthetic substitutes.
Let's highlight some of the disadvantages that Mi & Ko has to note, and mention the contraindications.
- Products made from natural products are quite expensive. Due to the cost of production, they cannot be cheap, otherwise the manufacturer will simply not be able to recoup the costs.
- Possible allergic reactions. Although organic cosmetics are very useful, as mentioned above, they can harm allergy sufferers, who should pay attention to the composition of the products used.

There is an opinion that synthetic cosmetics have a much faster effect than eco-alternatives. But this is not the case. According to reviews, Russian cosmetics Mi & Ko has a beneficial effect on the body after a week of regular use.
Mi & Ko, like any business project aimed at supporting a healthy environment, stands for the purity of nature and the use of environmentally friendly products. Moreover, this support is expressed not only in words, but also in deeds.
The Kirov company took part in the Live Organic Awards 2018 and won the following awards:
- "The best brand of natural skin care cosmetics";
- "The best Russian company for the production of eco-products and goods for a healthy lifestyle";
- "The best natural care product for face, body, hair."

The company actively supports young bloggers who advocate for a healthy environment. The products of this brand are sold via the Internet or through a network of partner stores.
Summing up, we can say that in the modern world the issue of the quality of the consumed product is a priority. When substitutes are present in almost everything, the role of natural products is more important than ever. Indeed, in order to maintain the natural health of the body, which is given to us by nature, it is necessary to use organic means. Only natural cosmetics will help preserve natural beauty and ensure happy longevity.

For the features of cosmetics, according to the founder, see below.