Novosvit cosmetics: pros, cons and product overview

In pursuit of a beautiful well-groomed appearance, the fair sex resort to various methods of care, choosing certain means. But it is not easy to find a truly quality product that is economically available for regular use.

One of the most popular cosmetic brands is Novosvit, whose assortment is so wide that it allows you to choose a full range of skincare products. But before you buy a couple of funds, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the brand, consider the pros, cons and product review.

Brand history
Few people know, but the founder of the Novosvit brand is a large company "Narodnye promysly", which is located in Lobnya, near Moscow. For many years now, this company has been producing cosmetics, the unique compositions of which are not inferior to even the most high-quality and expensive luxury products. The uniqueness of these products lies in the fact that, in addition to unique components for skin care, the products also contain medicinal ingredients, thanks to which Novosvit cosmetics can even seriously compete with pharmaceutical products.
These are innovative products of the highest quality, which belong to the class of the mass market, since they have a very attractive price. Therefore, every girl can afford comprehensive care without tangible costs.

Advantages and disadvantages
The indisputable advantages of the cosmetics of this brand are that the most effective, but absolutely harmless components are used in its composition, and the result is not long in coming and positive changes come after several applications.In addition, the advantages include affordability - these funds are on the windows of almost all cosmetics stores, and they also have an affordable cost.
As for the shortcomings, in this case it is very difficult to identify them, since the combination of price and quality is disproportionate, because the first criterion is much superior to the second.

As mentioned earlier, the composition of the products produced by this brand contains exclusively natural ingredients, thanks to which almost all cosmetics are absolutely harmless. In addition to components such as snail mucin or hyaluronic acid, the composition contains useful vitamins, minerals and oils that should be considered separately, namely:
- calcidone prevents the destruction of collagen particles and promotes more intense collagen work;
- fucogel minimizes the risks of inflammatory processes and protects the skin from dehydration;
- Vitamin P promotes more intense blood circulation, thereby normalizing skin color and preventing the onset of venous disease;
- alluzhin allows you to give the skin a healthy glow;
- phospholipids are responsible for active cell repair;
- oat oil is loaded with antioxidants and helps to flush out toxins from the skin.
These and many other components make Novosvit cosmetics truly versatile and effective in skin care and health maintenance.

Product description
The range of this brand is represented by numerous creams, tonics, aqua gels and other products. Many of them are aimed at moisturizing the skin of the face, while others are designed for different skin types, for example, sensitive or oily. The choice of means of this brand is facilitated by the fact that they are divided into series according to certain characteristics and principle of action.
Let's take a closer look at each series and its features.
- Toners 5... They have a similar purpose with tonics, but have a much less aggressive composition due to special components and transforming structure. These products should be used immediately after washing to avoid tightness, dryness and irritation that may occur upon contact with poor-quality tap water.
Toners have a soothing effect and deeply moisturize even the driest skin, so they are recommended to be used to prepare the skin for subsequent skin care treatments.

- Api... This line of cosmetics includes anti-aging products that contain collagen, hyaluronic acid and other high-performance components. Api creams and serums intensively moisturize the skin, helping to smooth wrinkles, and also make the structure of the skin more nourished and elastic, thereby protecting it from the appearance of new signs of aging.

- Smart mask... The collection contains masks, the action of which is aimed at fast and high-quality skin care. The texture of the products is so versatile that it allows you not only to deeply moisturize and restore the skin, but also gently exfoliate keratinized particles. It is enough to apply the mask to the skin of the face with light massaging movements, leave for a few minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water.
It is not recommended to leave such funds on the skin for a long time, since some components of the composition can cause irritation with prolonged contact.

- Oxygen Bubble Mask... This series is presented in the form of masks, the texture of which, when applied, turns into bubbles similar to foam. Thanks to this effect, the skin is easily cleansed of impurities. In addition, the masks of this series allow you to remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics that other products have not coped with. It is also believed that Bubble Mask has a unique composition and special property - it saturates the skin with oxygen, evens out tone and tightens pores.

- Sleeping mask... This is a line of night remedies, the action of which is aimed at restoring the epidermis by preserving all the beneficial components in it. It is noteworthy that these masks are applied to the face for some time before going to bed and are not washed off, due to which all regenerative processes are much faster and more effective.
These products are dermatologically tested, so keeping the mask on your face for such a long time will not damage your skin.

- Snail Repair (with snail mucin)... Perhaps every girl has tried different fashionable Korean products with an amazing ingredient - snail mucin. Now in the assortment of the domestic manufacturer there are products that are in no way inferior in quality. The series of products includes creams, gels and masks containing 100% snail filtrate filtrate, as well as many other natural ingredients. It is believed to be most effective in skin rejuvenation and hydration.

- Microcapsules with vitamin E... This line consists of fillers and boosters with a gel-like texture. The unique production technology allows you to activate the particles of the product only by pressing the dispenser of the package. Already at the first application, they begin to actively act. The gel prevents the skin from secreting excess fat particles, and vitamin E intensively nourishes it.

- La Mellar anti-age... This is a complex of unique lamellar cosmetics, the main effect of which is not superficial, but when interacting with lipids located on the stratum corneum of the skin. Thanks to this, the rejuvenation processes are launched more actively, and the density and elasticity of the epidermis is restored.
This cosmetic series is considered the most effective in the fight against aging signs of the entire range.

- Hyaluron + Collagen... Perhaps every girl has heard a lot about the unique properties of hyaluronic acid, which is perhaps the most effective moisturizer. Cosmetic products presented in this line, in addition to the hyaluronic component, also contain collagen, known for its wrinkle-smoothing effect. Thus, this series of cosmetics can also be classified as intensive anti-aging products.

- Concentrate oils... Oil cosmetic products collected in this collection are positioned as products with a specific focus. This means that each of the oils individually has its own purpose. For example, one of them is designed solely to moisturize, while the other fights against age-related changes. There are also oils to give the skin more elasticity, as well as to nourish and tighten the skin of the face.

- Correction of wrinkles... This is another series of remedies, the action of which is aimed at combating age-related changes. To some extent, these products can be called targeted agents. The thing is that, in addition to performing their main functions - smoothing and moisturizing the skin, they also intensively fight against mimic wrinkles with the help of a vitamin complex. This is the main effect of creams and serums from this line.

- Lifting... This series of products could be classified among all other anti-aging products, if not for one important nuance. Preparations of this spectrum have a unique property - they adapt as accurately as possible to the natural structure of the epidermis. Thus, the facial features are tightened more intensively, the manufacturer even claims that these funds can help get rid of the "double chin".

- Real men... A unique and only line of products created specifically for the care of men's skin. The fact is that the structure of the epidermis of men is somewhat different from that of women, so they need products with other components and a principle of action.Products in this series have a special composition and as gently cleanse, moisturize and relieve irritation and dryness that may occur after shaving. And also in the assortment there are gels and shaving foams, which also contain active moisturizing ingredients.

- Manicure in 5 minutes... This cosmetic line is necessary for those who actively care for nails and cuticles. Shea butter, macadamia butter, and lemon butter are great for both moisturizing and nourishing.
The combination of these components not only slows down the growth of the cuticle, but also increases the growth rate of nails, making them stronger.

- Moisturizing... A separate series of moisturizers is especially relevant for residents of those regions where the skin regularly suffers from the peculiarities of climatic conditions. Thanks to their light textures, the products can intensively nourish the skin without making it excessively oily. In addition, the products have a cumulative effect, due to which the skin remains protected even after you stop using them.

- For sensitive skin... Many girls have quite big skin problems due to its high sensitivity. Accordingly, they need to select a special set of tools. This line of products has just such a focus and allows you to take care of the delicate skin, avoiding irritation, tightness, itching and dryness.

- Intimate care... Most gels, serums and other care products for intimate parts of the body contain lactic acid, but the uniqueness of Novosvit products is that, unlike intimate hygiene products from other brands, SLES is not used in production. That is why the cleansing compounds are as safe as possible, do not cause irritation and gently protect against harmful bacteria and microbes.

- Cleansing... A separate series of cleansers allows you to choose the right care for your skin type. The composition is full of various useful components that not only help to remove impurities, but also help to normalize the blood flow system in the skin, which helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

- Stop cellulite... Many modern girls pay great attention to their appearance, and especially to the appearance of the body. The line of these products was created specifically to keep the skin toned in the process of losing weight, as well as to actively combat cellulite, which is quite difficult to get rid of at home. The natural ingredients contained in the composition also help to moisturize and tighten the skin by making it more elastic.

- Hand skin care... Hands are subjected to many tests every day, so special attention must be paid to caring for them. A series of creams and oils in this complex allows you to provide your hands with adequate nutrition and recovery. In addition, the unique composition of the funds is also aimed at restoring damaged areas, which will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.

- Well-groomed feet... The skin of the legs, as with the hands, is regularly exposed to a lot of stress. Tight shoes or walking barefoot, overheating or, conversely, hypothermia - all this affects the general condition of the skin. This series of tools is designed specifically to solve all these problems. And thanks to the innovative composition, the action of all products is as safe as possible.

Review overview
Before purchasing one of the products of this manufacturer, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the real reviews of consumers, as well as professional cosmetologists, since very often they can be useful in making the right decision. According to statistics, many professionals consider this cosmetics safe, with practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance), therefore, they recommend it for home care.
As for the buyers, according to the reviews, the following conclusion can be drawn - many girls with problem skin have coped with their shortcomings thanks to these products, while others they help to maintain their appearance in great shape and healthy shape.

A review of Novosvit cosmetics is presented below.