Features and best brands of whitening Korean cosmetics

Korean women are characterized by clear and white skin without dark sunburn and freckles. Initially, the "porcelain face" was considered a sign of the aristocracy. Therefore, traditionally in Korea, they are engaged in the manufacture of skin whitening products, and today manufacturers do this in a fairly wide range.
Recently, Korean cosmetics are popular all over the world, often Europeans opt for it in cases where there is an acute problem with pigmentation.

Consumers agree that Korean lightening cosmetics are highly effective. It's all about its special composition. Each of the ingredients can help eliminate age spots.
- By using arbutin the skin not only brightens, but also becomes softer. The herbal composition includes extracts of bearberry leaves, blueberries and other natural products. This allows us to guarantee the safety of the product.
- Niacinamidedespite its serious name, it is simply vitamin B3. It effectively fights redness, helps to even out skin tone, makes it cleaner and more well-groomed.
- Glycolic acid promotes regeneration. With its help, you can achieve a slight lightening of the skin.
- Another useful substance is beta carotene. It slows down the synthesis of melanin. The skin becomes lighter.

It is impossible not to say about other natural ingredients. it extracts of various plants, vegetables and fruits, for example, lotus, tomato, lemon, yarrow and others... All of them are capable of having a whitening effect on the skin.
Manufacturers are trying do not use synthetic dyes, artificial fragrances and parabens in the composition. This allows us to state that the cosmetics are hypoallergenic and do not cause undesirable reactions.

Most often, creams with a lightening effect have a complex effect on the skin. They not only help to reduce or completely eliminate pigmentation, but also are nourishing and anti-aging. They perfectly replenish the moisture deficit in the dermis. Creams cope well with freckles and skin pigmentation, get rid of excessively dark tan and dull complexion, lighten scars and acne residues.
According to consumer and professional reviews, anti-pigmentation products are great for certain problems, but there are situations when it is not recommended to use them. So, you cannot use skin-lightening compositions in the presence of rosacea, obvious inflammation, warts and neoplasms, or any damage.
And also it is worth abandoning the use of creams for dermatological diseases and soon after traumatic skin beauty procedures in the salon.

Testing for allergies is recommended. For this, a small amount of the product is applied to the wrist and rubbed in. The result should be assessed after 24 hours. In some cases, side effects may appear. Whitening cream application it is better to agree with a doctor in the presence of a number of diseases or with an appropriate heredity. And also you do not need to use these drugs in spring and summer - at this time, the production of melanin is especially active.
You should not abuse such creams, and you also need to watch out, that the products are original and with an acceptable expiration date. It should be borne in mind that even Korean cosmetics are not a panacea. It is not able to work properly on some types of pigmentation. In some cases, professional supervision is required.

When does the effect appear?
One should not expect instant action from Korean whitening cosmetics. The first significant results appear after 1.5-2 months from the start of application. However, slight lightening appears quickly. The main thing is that after 2 months of use, you need to take a break for 2-3 months.

Product overview
Korean cosmetic companies offer a fairly large selection of skin whitening products. Let's take a look at the most popular products created by the best brands. One of these products is Emulsion CosRX Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence. The manufacturer assures that this product is completely harmless. The emulsion not only whitens, but also perfectly tones the skin of the face, giving it a healthy and rested look. The drug is quite effective, so you should consult your doctor before using it.
Baviphat offers the Lemon whitening sleeping pack. It contains lemon extract, and this fruit itself has a whitening effect. In addition, arbutin is indicated among the components, which significantly enhances the result.

White Tightening Emulsion by The Skin House, excellently helps with age spots on the face. It can be used for mature skin. Niacinamide and ardisia extract are excellent skin brighteners.
Pigmentation is effectively eliminated with brand name cosmetics Tony moly... Ruler Panda's dream specially formulated for skin lightening and is extremely effective. The brand's products help to improve the general condition of the skin and their shade. A night mask, a whitening cream, as well as a stick and patches designed for the delicate skin around the eyes are offered to the attention of consumers.
Although the ingredients are safe and natural, special sensitivities cannot be ruled out.

In addition, under this brand, the world famous mask Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack... The packaging is made in the shape of a tomato and is immediately striking. According to the manufacturers' assurances, the main ingredient is tomato extract.The effectiveness, indeed, is beyond praise - within 10-15 minutes after application, the skin is significantly lightened. Her tone becomes more even. This tool is popular not only in Asia, but also in other countries. One of its main advantages is its rather low price and, as a result, affordability. Experts note that the optimal effect is achieved by applying the mask 2-3 times a week.
Another very popular remedy is Snow White by Secret Key. The product is based on milk proteins and niacinamide. The cream helps not only in lightening the skin, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, perfectly moisturizes the face, makes it soft, and also promotes cell regeneration. This composition can be applied to any type of skin; there are no age restrictions either. In doing so, he serves an excellent analogue of day cream, make-up base, masks and peels.

On the list of the best - whitening cream Mela Defense White Capsule crea. Experts note that this product is most powerful and deeply capable of affecting the skin. Its composition is as natural as possible, but it contains not only plant components, but also chemical components.
The uniqueness of this product is that the cream is in special capsules. The result is visible after just a few applications. This cream gets predominantly positive user characteristics.

In the next video, you will find a review of the whitening cosmetics from the Korean brand Tony Moly.