About cosmetics "Beauty Secret"

Cosmetic company "Beauty Secret" offers unique natural cosmetics for different skin types. That is why any representative of the fair sex will certainly find a remedy that is right for her. Today we will dwell in more detail on the features of this cosmetic line, its advantages, disadvantages and subtleties of choice.

A feature of all "Beauty Secret" care compositions is the natural mineral composition, as well as the absence of preservatives, surfactants and parabens. The Secret of Beauty is 100% natural cosmetics, in the manufacture of which various herbal ingredients and minerals are used. The raw materials for the manufacture of creams, masks and lotions are:
- volcanic mineral zeolite, mined in clean regions of Transbaikalia;
- medicinal plants grown in protected areas;
- rare herbs;
- natural salts.
During technological processing, they are exclusively mechanically activated. The use of dyes, emulsifiers and all kinds of synthetic fragrances is excluded.

Advantages and disadvantages
When the active ingredients of cosmetics come into contact with the skin, the following occurs:
- deep cleansing of all layers of the dermis;
- removal of toxins, toxins, as well as metabolic products to the surface;
- saturation of the dermis with nutrients.

All this stimulates the restoration of the lipid barrier of the skin and the complete renewal of all cells, under the influence of cosmetics, fine wrinkles are smoothed, the natural synthesis of collagen and elastane is stimulated. Consequently, noticeable rejuvenation occurs: the oval of the face is tightened, the tone becomes smoother, the walls of the capillaries are strengthened, microcirculation and vascularization of the dermal layer are improved.
As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them.So, according to reviews, not all women like the color and smell of natural cosmetics - in these parameters it is significantly inferior to synthetic ones. In addition, it is not so easy to find natural cosmetics in stores, in most retail outlets it is completely absent - you can buy it through online stores or distributors.

Choice of cosmetics
Normal skin type
Normal skin looks fresher, it is characterized by an even tone and elasticity. She is not characterized by blackheads, enlarged pores, oily or, conversely, overdried areas. This type is quite rare, so its owners need to take proper care of it so that their appearance remains healthy and radiant for as long as possible. Cosmetic company "Beauty Secret" offers the following products.
- Lithocomplex "Secret of Beauty". One of the best products for deep cleansing of all layers of the facial skin. The complex contains mineral raw materials that draw out all toxins and toxins from the dermis, free cells from inorganic and organic impurities. As a result, the optimal moisture balance is maintained in the skin, and the processes of natural wilting are suspended.
- Vitamin lithophytomask. Fills the skin with strength and energy, making it radiant, firm and elastic. The mask nourishes the skin, gently exfoliates the stratum corneum, enhances skin immunity, normalizes and evens out the complexion.
- Cream "Universal Nutrien Complex for Face Skin". The cream actively saturates the cells with oxygen - thereby improving the tone of the face and restoring the structure of the skin.
With regular use, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, existing wrinkles are noticeably reduced, and the processes of age-related changes are suspended.

Dry skin type
Dry skin looks thinner and tender, however, it is more prone to the appearance of early wrinkles than others. In the absence of special care, signs of age-related changes begin as early as 25 years. Owners of a sensitive dermis often experience a feeling of tightness and irritation, their skin reacts sharply to the slightest changes in the weather, and improperly selected cosmetics leads to irritation, redness and peeling. Recommended products include the following.
- Lithocomplex "Delikat". Gently cleanses, neutralizes inorganic and organic impurities, leaving the skin looking fresh and radiant.
- FAMmask "Aquatonus". The components of the mask prevent the appearance of problems of dryness and flaking of the skin. The composition stimulates the natural production of collagen, with regular use, it normalizes the water-salt balance, improves capillary blood flow, makes the skin more elastic and elastic.
- Toning cream. This drug launches regeneration processes in the skin, nourishes and moisturizes, creates a protective membrane, thereby preventing the appearance of premature age-related changes that are typical for dry skin. The cream has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect, which means that the face always looks perfect, even if you endured stress, did not get enough sleep or worked at the computer for too long.
- Cream "Intensive nutrition". Ideal for the care of dry dermis. Thanks to a set of growth factors, coenzymes and minerals, the cream successfully removes skin cells into the stage of division, thereby stimulating the renewal of tissues in the epidermis and slowing down the processes of natural wilting.

Oily skin type
A feature of oily skin is a characteristic greasy shine, which is the result of increased activity of the glands and a lack of blood circulation. Fat clogs pores, so this type of skin is prone to blackheads and acne. Such skin looks rough and unkempt.At the same time, it has a significant advantage over all other types: sebum creates a protective barrier that prevents water evaporation and prevents harmful substances from penetrating into cells. For such a dermis, the following remedies will be optimal.
- Lithocomplex "Active". Recommended for permanent care of oily skin. The active components of the lithocomplex contribute to effective purification, dissolution of organic and inorganic impurities, removal of slags and toxins from deep layers to the surface. The composition not only neutralizes, but also eliminates the very cause of acne and acne, promotes their early healing.
- Litofitoltion "For oily skin". This product is best used as cosmetic ice or for steam baths. Cosmetic ice refreshes and tones, narrows enlarged pores, reduces the severity of the first signs of aging. Steam baths based on lotion successfully dissolve sebaceous plugs, thereby removing all harmful substances and deep impurities from the dermis.
- Litofitomask "Stop-Acne". This mask is suitable for women with acne and pimples, it not only heals inflammatory processes on the skin, but also provides effective prevention of their appearance. With regular application of the phytomask, the condition of the dermis significantly improves: acne scars are smoothed, the complexion is evened out.
- Lithophytomask "Matting". The product narrows the enlarged pores, reduces the looseness of the skin, prevents clogging of pores and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
Active ingredients stimulate the process of tissue regeneration, give the face a matte shade without unpleasant greasy shine.

Combined skin type
Combination skin is quite common. This type is characterized by the uneven distribution of sebaceous lubrication in different parts of the face. Usually, on the forehead, chin, and also in the area of the nose, the skin has all the characteristic signs of oily dermis, while around the eyes and on the cheeks it is dry and very tender.
- Combination leather usually does not react well to soap, and most traditional cleaning products are bad for it. It is best to use FAM soap for washing. It thoroughly but delicately removes even the deepest impurities, washes away cosmetics and protects dermal cells from external adverse influences. When using such a soap, the optimal level of acidity of the skin surface is restored and its saturation with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
- Lithophytomask "Normalizing" designed specifically for mixed types of face. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties at the same time, helps to eliminate blackheads and tightens pores, eliminates greasy shine in all problem areas, at the same time moisturizes and relieves dryness and flaking.
- Cream "Universal regenerating". The composition is characterized by a rich set of trace elements, the active components of the cream help to restore and renew, increase turgor and elasticity.

For the beauty secret cosmetics, see below.