Children's cosmetics: an overview of varieties and selection rules

Children's cosmetics are completely different from adults. Although we are moved to see how little daughters try to copy their mother's makeup, such actions should not be encouraged. Adult cosmetics are not suitable for children. Manufacturers offer kids a large selection of their own cosmetics. This article will tell you about what it should be and how to choose it correctly.
Cosmetics for babies are considered to be intended for babies from birth until they reach the age of 14. At each age stage, there are certain developmental features that dictate certain requirements for cosmetics for children.
Children's cosmetics are strictly regulated by GOSTs; their composition must be completely safe. The very first cosmetics were care products. The baby gets to know her while still in the hospital - these are baby creams, a cream for a diaper, later - the first "no tears" shampoos, baby soap, powders.

Separately, there is a type of medical cosmetics for children - these are the means necessary when certain problems arise. For example, dermatological creams with a drying or emollient effect, medicated creams for teenage acne.
There are protective cosmetics for children - sunscreens, hygienic lip glosswhich is so convenient to use in cold and windy weather. Well, where can we go without a decorative one! There are whole lines of blush, lipstick, perfume and eau de toilette for little girls.

None of the species can be substituted for a similar adult remedy. This is dangerous for the baby's health. And that's why:
- the skin of a child is thinner than the skin of an adult, epithelial cells are smaller;
- the basement membranes are less developed, and therefore the baby's skin collapses, cracks, exfoliates faster;
- the water-fatty membrane of the skin is imperfect, it is destroyed faster when exposed to irritants - urine, feces;
- the secretion of the baby's sweat and sebaceous glands does not work at full capacity;
- the acidity level of the child's skin is at a neutral pH level of 6.7, and therefore its protection is reduced;
- the child's hair is weaker and thinner than that of his parents;
- babies often swallow the paste when cleansing the oral cavity, and therefore they need a special "children's" composition.
All countries have adopted a strict certification system for children's cosmetics. Products undergo multilevel quality and safety checks.

Requirements and composition
The composition and components of cosmetics for toddlers is exactly what distinguishes it from its adult counterparts. The composition is described by GOST 32117-2013. Requirements, as follows from this document, are very strict. But in different countries they may differ, and therefore there is another important document - the technical regulations of the Customs Union - TS 009/2011. It provides a complete list of ingredients that are prohibited in cosmetics for children.

Baby care products, such as powder, should not contain a single drop of boric acid. These are the requirements. The same substance should under no circumstances be observed in the composition of toothpaste for babies under 3 years old and in mouthwash. Babies under the age of three are prohibited from adding tetraborates to bath cosmetics.
A professional line of pastes, hair shampoos and creams containing strontium chloride or strontium acetate is discouraged for daily systematic use, but in general it is permitted.
The presence of talc in the powder is not a problem, but the regulations prohibit the use of such cosmetics in situations where the child can inhale the composition. The presence of salicylic acid is allowed only in shampoo, in the rest of cosmetics, its presence is highly undesirable if the products are intended for children under the age of three.

Only one dye in cosmetics for the smallest is allowed - salicylic acid and its salts. But such care products are intended for children over three years old.
In the production of children's cosmetics for body and hair care, preservatives cannot be avoided. The technical regulations allow the presence of silver chloride, but only in those products that are intended for boys and girls who have reached the age of three. Iodopropynyl butyl carbamate is a preservative that can be included in shampoos and bath gels; in the rest of the variety of cosmetics for the smallest, the presence of this substance is taboo.
It is important to choose not only hypoallergenic care products, but also to monitor the acidity. It should be at level 6-8. The presence of bacteria and fungi is considered unacceptable.
Cosmetics for our beloved children should not contain toxic substances that can irritate the skin, as well as carcinogenic substances. For this reason, mother's face masks are in no way suitable for treating pimples, diathesis or dry skin in a child.

This cosmetics is usually recommended by a pediatric doctor. It has a specific active ingredient, for example, an ointment for teenage acne is often created on the basis of zinc oxide. And the remedy for atopic skin has a softening and antibacterial effect.
Pharmacy cosmetics undergo even stricter control, and pharmacists also monitor the composition. It is accompanied by instructions with detailed data on the composition, methods of application, possible side effects.

In children's decorative cosmetics, the presence of artificial perfumes is considered extremely wrong. Such flavors are often the main cause of allergies in a child.If we are talking about eau de toilette for a girl or another product that desperately needs a pleasant aroma, then only the presence of special fragrances - natural essential oils - is permissible.
Eye paint or baby lipstick should be free of glycerin and lanolin. Dangerous sodium lauryl sulfate, cocamide, propylene glycol and mineral oils.

In the production of sunscreen children's cosmetics, the same rules apply. A distinctive feature is a higher degree of protection against UV rays. Its rate is higher than that of adult funds.
Existing documents and technical regulations describe not only the prohibitions in the composition, but also the substances that it is desirable to include in the composition of children's cosmetics of any kind. Read the composition carefully. If you see them there, you can rest assured that this is a good and high-quality product that can and should be bought for children.
- Thermal water - used in skin cleansers. It can additionally moisturize and soften it.
- Vegetable oils - nourish and moisturize baby skin. Help protect against dryness and cracks.
- Aloe - a good component, if the child's skin is problematic, it helps to quickly relieve inflammation and irritation.
- Extracts of medicinal plants - chamomile, sage, calendula, string.
- Silicon dioxide in toothpaste - such a composition is the most economical in relation to the preservation of the integrity of the tooth enamel.
- Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in sunscreen more effectively reflect and evenly distribute UV rays, reducing negative effects.

Manufacturers and their popular products
Today there are a large number of manufacturers offering cosmetics for children. Here is a rating of the best, according to parents in Russia.
A brand that has won the respect and love of parents around the world. It is often recommended by children's doctors, and all because this cosmetic is of high quality and unconditional safety. Suitable not only for toddlers, but also for school children and adolescents. The company produces all creams, foams, shampoos according to its own formulas, each product goes through several levels of control.

"Our mother"
A Russian brand that works closely with the professional association of pediatricians. All care cosmetics are produced taking into account the age characteristics of children's skin. It can be used for newborns, preschoolers and schoolchildren. There are several types of products designed for different skin types. Cosmetics are affordable and are not much inferior to foreign more expensive counterparts.

The manufacturer offers a large selection of cosmetics for the little ones. The composition uses only permitted natural ingredients. Most parents say that this brand is equally good in detergents and creams.

In the lines of this cosmetics there is the same thermal water recommended by the regulations, and therefore all products are considered not only safe, but also medicinal. Moms are especially fond of cleansing gel, as well as a cream for problem skin, which quickly repairs damage and promotes healing.

"The world of childhood"
Another Russian brand that is characterized by excellent reviews from moms and dads. Almost all products of this brand contain herbal ingredients, are saturated with vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants. It is noteworthy that both the product line is very extensive - from cotton swabs and softening napkins to shampoos, gels, soaps.

This brand from Germany is not the most budgetary, but one of the highest quality. The assortment is great - soaps and foams, creams and shampoos, UV protection products. Manufacturers introduce natural ingredients into the composition, usually calendula. Among the possible disadvantages, experienced mothers name only high cost.

"Eared nanny"
This Russian brand offers not only cosmetics for children, but also hypoallergenic products for mothers - washing powder, detergent for washing children's dishes. The cost is low and affordable for everyone, but in the composition of some products, upon close examination, you can find unwanted preservatives and parabens.

Another German brand offering natural cosmetics for children with the addition of vegetable oils. All care and protection products of this brand are suitable for sensitive and especially sensitive baby skin., do not contain dyes or preservatives. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost.

Japanese cosmetics, affordable and safe. In general, its composition meets the standards, but experts advise using it infrequently, since it contains triethanolamine. Excessive use can lead to overdrying of delicate skin.

A successful combination of low price and excellent quality. For the little ones there is a special series - "from the first days". The care products can be applied daily. No prohibited substances found in the composition. The downside is that the cosmetics of this brand are difficult to find on the shelves of pharmacies and shops. Often you have to order it through online stores.

Russian brand that offers decorative and care cosmetics for children from 3 years old. These are beautiful and attractive boxes, little surprises inside and, of course, high-quality lipstick, lip gloss, eau de toilette, shampoos, bath foams. The prices are not high.

Another bright gift option. All cosmetics included in the kits undergo strict quality control. Pastes, shampoos, lipstick and lip gloss, eau de toilette, napkins are sometimes complemented in a set with cute bracelets, beads, hairpins for girls.

The brand has long grown from a target audience that included only little fans of cartoon fairies. Today it offers colorful and stylish gift sets and individual items.

Markwins Disney is just one of the manufacturer's lines. The sets of decorative and care cosmetics differ in subject matter, but are united by the same quality. All products are made in accordance with European standards, tested and approved for distribution in Russia.
Also, in search of high-quality children's cosmetics, you should pay attention to brands such as Moriki Doriki, Baby Line, Faberlic, Biolane, Nomi, Lucky, as well as the Korean line Goong Secret.

How to choose the right one?
The choice of cosmetics for children is not an easy and troublesome task. And you need to do it not only in terms of cost or appearance. First of all, you need to carefully study the composition. It is not necessary to have a degree in chemistry to determine which cosmetics are safe.
You should refuse to purchase if the composition contains:
- citrus, mint, lavender and eucalyptus oils are potential allergens;
- Any dyes - yellow, pink, green and blue gels and shampoos look beautiful, but can be dangerous.
For babies under one year old and older, it is better to buy shampoos without fragrances from the "no tears" series, soft and hypoallergenic bathing gels, skin moisturizing cream, talc-free powder. When choosing sunscreens and creams, it is better to choose a product with an SPF of 15 or more.

Remember that overuse of even good cosmetics is not good for your child. So, it is recommended to use shampoo 1-2 times a week, not more often, and cleansing wet wipes cannot replace full-fledged water procedures.
The choice becomes even more difficult when the child grows up and begins to show a keen interest in decorative cosmetics. The very decision about whether a girl needs her at 5, 9 or 11 years old should be made by the parents at the family council. Many are strongly against it.
If your decision is positive, then buy only kits and individual products from well-known and respected manufacturers in a pharmacy or a large chain children's store.The market for children's cosmetics is teeming with fakes, and when ordering via the Internet, no one guarantees that you will receive an original product with a tested safe composition.
When choosing decorative cosmetics for a child, refrain from powder and powdery compositions., they can penetrate not only the pores of the skin, causing blockages, but also the respiratory tract. The eyeshadow or blush for the girl should be creamy.

Child's nail polish should be free of phthalates and toluene. And eau de toilette should not have a pungent smell. It is better to choose lipstick hygienic - today in pharmacies there is a wide range of such products with aromas of strawberries, raspberries and other goodies.
Be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. If he is prone to allergies, then choose hypoallergenic agents, although this does not guarantee that there will be no reaction.
Be sure to evaluate shelf life on the package. Even great cosmetics will not do any good if they have expired long ago. The packaging itself must not be tampered with, not opened, not wrinkled. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate of quality and conformity.
The desire of a child to have his own cosmetics is quite understandable and normal, child psychologists say. So kids go through the next stage of growing up, trying to be like adults. Your task is to make this stage happy and safe for your health.

Review and testing of children's cosmetics, see below.