Cosmetics for girls: what happens and how to choose?

From a very young age, girls begin to copy their mothers or older sisters, applying makeup to their faces to appear older. So that this process does not cause inconvenience to the mother and does not cause her anxiety about the health of her daughter, it is necessary to choose specialized cosmetics. When looking for cosmetics for a child, it is important to be able to understand the varieties of these goods, to distinguish a high-quality option from a low-quality one, and to choose the right products for a child of a particular age.

Features of the composition
The fair sex is characterized by a craving for beauty, therefore, they begin to take care of themselves from a very young age. Guided by the example of a grandmother, mother, sister or aunt, the girl forms in her mind the concept of beauty. If the parents are ready to tell the baby about cosmetics, show how to use it and what it is intended for, you can give her a gift in the form of a cosmetic set.
Cosmetics for girls resembles an adult in terms of the content of the set and appearance, but differs in composition. This could be:
- lip gloss or lipstick;
- ink;
- nail polish;
- foundation or powder;
- blush and shadows;
- perfume.

To buy a good set of cosmetics, it is very important to pay attention to its composition and make sure that it does not contain components harmful to the delicate skin of the child. The following substances are considered the most dangerous:
- preservatives;
- dyes with a synthetic composition;
- complex chemical compounds (DEA, MEA, TEA, etc.);
- mineral oils;
- zinc;
- toluene;
- paraffin;
- synthetic fragrances;
- sodium lauryl sulfate;
- alcohol;
- formaldehyde;
- chlorobutanol and some others.

In the presence of any of the components mentioned above, in the composition of children's cosmetics, you should not purchase the selected option, as it can cause serious harm to the health or skin condition of the child. Parents who are interested in buying a quality kit should look on the labels for ingredients such as:
- natural vegetable oils;
- vitamins A, C, E;
- antioxidants;
- substances that have a moisturizing and soothing effect;
- wax;
- plant extracts;
- natural preservatives (organic salt, citric acid or vitamin E).
A good set will give the child happy moments of growing up, a presentable appearance, and most importantly, it will not harm the skin and will not have a negative effect on the child's fragile body.

How old can you paint?
You can use baby cosmetics from birth, but the most important factors in this case will be the quality of the cosmetics, the components that make up it, and the age group for which the product is designed.
Products from 0 to 3 years old are intended for the smallest. This is a cream, powder, oil that cares for baby's skin. During bathing procedures, shampoo, foam or lotion are used, which should have a neutral pH level, which will prevent clogging of the pores on the baby's skin. Children in this age group are at greatest risk from using low-quality cosmetics. The baby's skin is still too delicate, so any improper exposure can cause an allergic reaction.
At 3 years old, the child is already getting older, most of the processes in his body are stabilized. By this time, parents already well know the characteristics of their child and can choose the right cosmetics for him, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences. On store shelves, you can find sets for children 3-5 years old, which often contain lipstick or gloss, hand and body cream. During this period, you need to tell the girl about how to take care of yourself and what is needed for this.
It is not worth buying large sets for acquaintance - the less funds are in the set, the better the child will assimilate the information and learn how to use them.

As soon as the girl grows up, she will have a desire not only to care for the skin, but also to create a variety of images using cosmetics like an adult. For such children, it is worth choosing sets for 5-8 years.that contain hygienic lipstick or lip gloss, body and hand creams, and nail polish. You can please the baby with a set of eye shadows, but it is important to explain to her the technique of applying and removing this cosmetic product. A beautiful set, created using natural ingredients, will give your child a lot of positive emotions.
Girls of primary school age are even more eager to stand out and show their individuality, because you cannot do without a specialized series of cosmetics at the age from 7 to 10 years... In addition to the general tools in the set, additional ones are also added - perfume, hair bands, a comb and a mirror. To prevent these items from being lost and conveniently stored, many manufacturers produce sets in the form of suitcases or boxes, where each tool or item lies in its place. The set, made in an original design, with a large number of components and with your favorite characters, will be a real gift for a young fashionista.

The most diverse and close to an adult will be baby cosmetics for teenage girls... In stores, you can see sets designed for children from 10 to 12 years old, in which, in addition to standard components, there are also products for the care of problem skin. It is during this period that changes occur in the body, which is often reflected on the face in the form of rashes, therefore a gift in the form of a cosmetic kit will be simply necessary.

What happens?
Children's cosmetics are not only for girls, there are sets designed for boys. All of them are of several types.
- Therapeutic... They help get rid of flaking, itching and redness (ointments and creams contain zinc oxide, which prevents the growth of microbes, which contributes to faster healing of wounds and elimination of skin problems on the child's body).
- Hygienic. Allows you to keep the whole body clean (shampoos, shower gels, soaps, tonics, creams, baby toothpaste and wet wipes). Thanks to the use of hygiene products, you can achieve not only cleanliness of the skin, but also its softening. Choosing the right shampoos will give you beautiful, silky hair that won't tangle.
- Decorative. They give the child the opportunity to transform their appearance (shadows, mascara, blush, lipstick, nail polish). The specificity of children's cosmetics is that it does not harm the girl's health, is easily washed off and does not clog pores. The nail polish also does not have a strong hold and disappears after thorough washing of hands with soap.
Cosmetics for children can be sold separately or in whole sets. It will be very pleasant for a young fashionista to receive a handbag or box with cosmetics, shampoo and shower gel, toothpaste and a brush with a toy, which will be originally designed and presented to the child.

Due to the variety of children's cosmetics, on store shelves, as well as on the Internet, you can find a huge assortment of these products, which will differ not only in the number of items in the set and in price, but also in quality. There are small companies that produce cosmetics for children without adhering to all the rules and regulations, which leads to allergic reactions and the appearance of various problems. To avoid this, you must be very careful when choosing a kit or cosmetic for a child, choosing products only from well-known and trusted companies.
Among the most popular manufacturers of children's cosmetics, there are several.
- Barbie - the company offers a wide range of products that are always beautifully packaged and have high quality standards. This manufacturer focuses on girls in the primary school group, starting from 7 years old. You should not buy kits for children younger, as they contain components that can harm babies: glycol, parabens, mineral oil.

- Markwins - the manufacturer produces very beautiful and original sets for girls from 7 years old. The main feature of these products is certification and high quality standards. Each product is checked by specialists, so the products will not harm the child's skin. The kits contain a lot of tools, which is pleasant for the child, but expensive for the parent.
In addition to large sets, smaller ones are also produced that can please the child and save the family budget. Most of all, girls love decorative cosmetics, the design of which is associated with cartoon characters.
The most popular lines are considered to be the Frozen sets from the cartoon Frozen, as well as Hello Kitty.

- LOL Girl Cosmetics - original sets of decorative cosmetics for girls, which are produced in the form of interesting cases: a maple leaf, a butterfly, a heart, etc. A child can buy both a large set with an abundance of different items inside, and a smaller one, for a moderate fee. These products are recommended for girls over 3 years old due to their good quality indicators.

- Bondibon Eva Moda - Belgian decorative cosmetics for girls, designed for age from 5 years. All sets have an original appearance, look very stylish and resemble real cosmetics. All products are hypoallergenic, therefore they will not harm the child's skin. The kit includes two nail polishes that can be easily washed off with water, eye shadows in different shades and sponges to apply them.

- Beauty Angel "Unicorn" - a stylish and beautiful set, which includes many different items that can please any child. The product looks like a two-level casket in the shape of a unicorn. The composition of cosmetics is safe due to natural ingredients, so parents can be calm about the girl's health. The magic chest contains eyeshadow in different colors, 2 lipsticks in different shades, lip gloss, nail polish and applicator. Any girl will be happy to play with such a set, trying on a variety of images.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for a child, you should pay attention to the manufacturer and it will be useful to check the composition for the presence of harmful components or those that are contraindicated for a particular child.
How to choose?
To buy not only a beautiful but also a safe set of cosmetics for girls, there are a number of factors to consider.
- Security. The composition should not contain components that can harm the child's skin, cause allergies or worsen general health. Each age group has its own limitations, but among the common harmful compounds, one should beware of parabens, phenoxyethanol, formaldehydes, mineral oils, which are found in low-quality cosmetics.
- Composition. So that the gift does not cause a negative reaction on the girl's skin, it is important to carefully study the components that make up the cosmetics. It is important for young children to purchase products only from natural ingredients: plant extracts, natural oils, vitamins, glycerin, beeswax. Any cosmetics should be tested before use.
- Timing. Products made from natural ingredients are not stored for long, after opening they can be actively used for a year, after which it is recommended to dispose of cosmetics. The manufacturer indicates the expiration date of his product, therefore it is quite easy to understand how high-quality the set is chosen.
- Age limits - cosmetics for children are created in relation to their age and characteristics, therefore it is recommended to purchase products in accordance with the age of the child. Kits for the little ones often consist of hygiene products that allow you to effectively care for your baby's skin.
Starting from the age of three, girls become more inquisitive, pay attention to everything around. Decorative sets for children from 3 to 5 years old are presented in small sets, the quality of which should be at the highest level. For girls 6-7 years old, the arsenal increases significantly, but quality control remains the same. For women of fashion 9 years old and older, it is worth buying a set of cosmetics, which have everything that a mother has, but different in composition. At the age of 11-13, girls already consider themselves adults, therefore, the choice of cosmetics for them should be taken more seriously.
Stylish sets with an abundance of quality cosmetics will be a great gift. At the age of 13 and 14, the composition of the cosmetic sets changes, they include skin care products, eye shadows, mascara, lipstick and gloss, as well as eau de toilette. The appearance of a young fashionista must be impeccable, and parents can help her with this by purchasing the right set of cosmetics.

Having picked up a high-quality and beautiful set of cosmetics for a girl, it is important to teach her how to use it. The ability to take care of yourself, apply cosmetics and remove them will greatly help your child in the future.
Terms of use
In order for the use of children's cosmetics to bring only a positive effect, parents and children need to know how and when to use it. The child's body is a self-sufficient system capable of responding to a wide variety of external stimuli, adapting to them and eliminating negative phenomena.
- If the baby's skin does not require additional care, do not deliberately apply creams, lotions and other products to it, as this can have the opposite effect.
- Start using blush and foundation recommended in adolescence when there is a need to use these cosmetics. Their premature application leads to clogged pores, resulting in skin rashes.
- Introducing the girl to the makeup, you need to tell her in detail about all the components of the set, show what is used and for what. It is necessary to familiarize the child not only with the application technique, but also with the makeup removal procedure, which must be done on the days when the cosmetics were used.
- Parents should have conversations about the value of natural, natural beauty, so that the girl does not abuse cosmetics and does not use them every day.
- You need to introduce your child to cosmetics gradually.buying individual products and teaching them how to use them correctly. The older the child is, the more cosmetics will be in his arsenal.
- Do not use mascara before adolescence, so as not to provoke inflammation of the cornea of the eye.

If the parents take a responsible approach to the upbringing of the girl, acquire the necessary cosmetic products for her in a timely manner, explain the need for them and teach them how to use them, then no problem situations should arise.
The following video will tell you what kind of cosmetics is suitable for girls.