Hand cosmetics: types and rating of brands

Beautiful hands attract as much attention to themselves as the face. The skin in this area is just as vulnerable and needs good care. Despite this, only a small part of women pay due attention to their hands, and the matter is often aggravated by poor selection of cosmetics and its incorrect use. To resolve this issue, it is worth considering the most popular means and highlighting the criteria for an individual choice.

Requirements for hand tools
To understand what cosmetics should be, it is necessary to find out the features of this part of the body. For most people, the skin on the hands is quite thin and practically devoid of a lipid layer. If you add to this the constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation, cold, wind on the street and chemicals while doing housework, then the result will be peeling, redness and roughness. In addition, do not forget that closer to the age of 30, the first signs of aging may appear. All of the above problems are difficult to hide or heal quickly, so it is best to take action before they appear.
The ingredients in hand care products should do the following:
- create a protective layer (ordinary glycerin, silicones, paraffin will help with this);
- nourish, moisturize and smooth the skin (using lanolin, oils, plant extracts);
- remove irritation and minor damage (panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol);
- slow down wilting (vitamin E, aloe extract, hyaluronic acid, collagen);
- serve as a stimulant to renew the upper layers of the skin and improve microcirculation (AHA acids, urea).

Comparing the list of ingredients, it is better to give preference to natural cosmetics with a short shelf life.Or make sure that there are practically no oil products, emulsifiers, alcohol and texturing agents in the composition.
In addition, cosmetics should have a number of additional qualities:
- pleasant texture and aroma;
- the ability to quickly absorb and leave no residue;
- clever packaging for economical use and convenient storage;
- attractive design;
- affordable price.

Types of hand cosmetics
Since the range of such funds is quite extensive, it would be better to divide them into several sectors according to the direction of action.
Hygiene products
It is with them that you should start working on the beauty of your hands. This includes liquid and solid soaps, as well as antiseptic gels. Their main task is to clean without overdrying.

Cosmetics for the skin
They can be roughly divided into:
- moisturizing;
- protective;
- nutritious;
- anti-aging;
- whitening.
Here you can find a wide variety of products:
- creams with different textures, gels, mousses;
- oils;
- masks;
- peels;
- lotions.

Most manufacturers have a series of products that complement each other. Such multi-step care requires more time and material costs, but it is also the most effective.
Nail care
This should include creams or oils that will give a healthy look to the cuticle and nail plate, strengthen them. Such products can be used both during manicure and for daily preventive use.
Do not forget that there are cosmetics that are focused on a certain time of the year:
- in spring and summer, protection from solar radiation becomes one of the most important tasks;
- in the cold season, the skin of the hands should be protected from frost and wind.

Brand rating
For those who are used to focusing on a brand or manufacturer of cosmetics, the most popular products can be singled out.
Aravia Cream Oil
It is positioned as a professional tool and has a lot of positive reviews. It fights well both with ordinary dryness and with age-related changes. The effect is noticeable almost immediately, and it is also visible on the cuticle. The only negative is the cost of the product, but it is justified by the good result. Available in larger tubes or jars with a convenient and hygienic dispenser.

Yves Rocher "Ultra Nutritious"
The cream is flawless, suitable even for capricious, sensitive hands. In action, it fully works out its value - it provides the skin with a healthy look even in difficult conditions. Another plus is the absence of parabens and a herbal smell.

Organic Shop "Indonesian SPA Manicure"
Cream-oil with the scent of lemon and mint pleases not only with its availability, but also with its natural composition. Despite its name, it absorbs well and moisturizes hands without feeling greasy.

Garnier "Intensive care for very dry skin"
It is a godsend for people whose dry skin on the hands is aggravated in winter. Suitable even for worn and chapped hands - removes all unpleasant sensations, softens and heals. The only complaint is the feeling of a non-greasy film after absorption.

Nivea "Nutrition and Care"
At first glance, the hand cream attracts with its modern design and convenient packaging. The content is quite thick, but well distributed and absorbed to the end. With daily use, the product copes well with its tasks, the effect remains even after washing.

Olea "SOS Recovery"
A thick cream will be a salvation if you need to quickly put your hands in order. It spreads sparingly and does not leave marks on clothes. For daily use, Olea's lightweight moisturizer with a bold design and berry scent is more suitable.

"Velvet hands. Paradise oil Babassu "
The cream has taken one of the leading positions among the new products of this brand. Despite the low price, the quality is impressive - it quickly penetrates the skin, softens and nourishes well.Separately, there is a pleasant aroma and compactness of the package, which is convenient to take with you.

“Beloruchka. Nutritious"
Another option from the budget segment, which has proven itself well. Of course, immediately after application, the result is practically invisible. But after a few uses, the handles become soft and delicate.

Evaluation of the cream, like any other cosmetics, is quite individual. In addition to feelings, it is necessary to assess the availability of the tool and correlate with your own experience.
For Korean cosmetics for hands and nails, see the next video.