Tanning cosmetics: types, brands, choice

Beautiful skin is the standard of beauty, and if earlier its tanned color was considered a sign of bad taste, today a bronze tan indicates sexual attractiveness. In order to fully enjoy your vacation in the sun and get a natural chocolate shade without harming your skin, it is recommended to use special tanning cosmetics. It is represented on the market by a huge assortment of products, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Tanning cosmetics are unique products that include an SPF filter (a special chemical compound) that allows you to achieve a dark complexion, protecting it from premature aging. In addition, similar products (creams, lotions, sprays, oils) reduce the risk of epidermal cancer.
The principle of action of cosmetics in the sun is to create a filter film on the skin, which simultaneously creates all favorable conditions for sunburn and repels the sun's rays. The higher the SPF, the longer you can stay in the sun.
It should be noted that products with a minimum amount of SPF make it easier and faster to get a bronze tint.

The main feature of tanning cosmetics is that it must be selected taking into account the type of skin. For the Nordic (Celtic) type, the owners of which are characterized by the presence of freckles, white skin and blue eyes, cosmetics with an SPF of 30 are recommended. sun for no longer than 10 minutes, after applying protective agents with a filter of at least 20 on the body.For people with dark hair, dark skin and brown eyes (Mediterranean type), it is best to purchase cosmetics with an SPF factor of 15.
As for burning brunettes and brunettes with very dark skin (African type), they can safely sunbathe in the sun for more than 30 minutes using a protective spray or cream with a low SPF index.

In addition, all cosmetic products for tanning are characterized by certain rules of use, namely:
- all protective preparations, regardless of their type, can only be applied to dry skin;
- the composition of the product should be evenly distributed with massaging, light movements throughout the body, with special attention paid to areas such as the chest, legs, forehead, shoulders, nose and cheekbones;
- products that are made on the basis of a waterproof base can not be reapplied after swimming in water, with the usual composition - they are renewed after every second entry into the reservoir;
- after relaxing in the sun and swimming, you should rinse off the protective cosmetics well, then apply a light lotion or after-sun cream.

Rating of the best tanning products
Today the cosmetic market is represented by various brands that offer a chic range of sun tanning products. Each product differs in its composition, price and action. The most popular products include the following.
- Clarins oil. It is considered a good product to be applied before sunbathing. It contains all the sun protection functions and interacts extremely well with the skin surface. Advantage - it has a light consistency, evenly and easily applied, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. The disadvantage is the high price.

- Tanning enhancer Garnier. Recommended to be applied instead of the usual moisturizer, which is used after sunbathing and showering. Plus - it perfectly fixes the resulting tan, moisturizes and soothes the skin, gives the tan a richer shade and has a pleasant aroma. There are no downsides.

- Spray Yves Rocher. These are professional cosmetics that allow you to get a beautiful tan as quickly as possible. Advantage - non-greasy consistency, gives the skin moisture, velvety shine, does not leave marks on clothes and smells good. The disadvantage is the price is above average.

- Tanning cream in the Art of sun solarium. It is a product of a German brand, which is characterized by naturalness and high quality. The main advantage of the tool is its democratic price. Well protects the décolleté, neck and face. Minus - there is a low tanning effect.

- California tan tanning enhancer... The product contains a mixture of natural proteins, white birch bark, alpine lichen and ginseng, so it not only reliably protects the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun, but also has a deodorizing effect. In addition, the lotion is quickly absorbed and helps to acquire a golden hue during tanning. The downside is the high price.

- After sun spray L'Oreal Paris... This product is considered unique because it allows you to fight the destructive effects of the sun on the cells of the epidermis. The spray must be applied in the evening after taking a shower. It has a cooling effect, soothes and moisturizes the skin. There are no downsides.

In addition to all of the above products, cosmetologists also recommend using a face concealer, which not only performs a protective function, but also acts as the basis for creating makeup. The most popular brands include: Max Factor, Yves Rocher, Garnier. Budget options: Maybellin, Avon, Benefit, Oriflame, Vivienne Sabo, and Artdeco.

How to choose the right one?
In order to protect your skin while relaxing in the sun or in a solarium, you should use special cosmetics, which are available on the market in a huge range. If this type of product is purchased for the first time, the following recommendations of cosmetologists should be taken into account.
- Owners of pale and fair skin should purchase products containing an SPF of at least 30. They will protect the epidermis from premature wrinkles and pigmentation.
- You should give preference only well-known brands, which have received a lot of positive feedback and have proven themselves well in the market. Cheap products, as a rule, do not have a high protective effect and, on the contrary, can harm the skin.
- Products based on coconut oil are ideal for enhancing tanning. It is easy to use, gives the skin a natural brown tint and moisturizes the epidermis well.

Tanning products have received many reviews, both positive and negative. The majority appreciated her dignity, since these funds provide reliable protection against the negative effects of sunlight. At the same time, the creams showed their effect better, they are evenly absorbed into the skin and are consumed less.
As for sprays and oils, if used incorrectly, they can get on the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause harm. Although sprays are quicker to apply and cost less.
An overview of tanning cosmetics is presented below.