Cosmetics for oily and problem skin: features and types

Any girl with oily skin will confirm that it is very difficult for her to use cosmetics. Foundations “float” within a couple of hours after application, care compositions are not always comfortable, and not all advertised creams, masks and serums help to effectively eliminate problems. That is why in our article we will dwell on all the features of cosmetics for oily skin.

What properties should it have?
In order to understand what properties preparations for oily skin should have, it is necessary to dwell on the main problems with which they will have to struggle.
- Shine. The main task of all owners of oily skin is the desire to dry it by any means. For this, the most aggressive beauty preparations are used, which leads to the opposite effect - sebum is secreted in an even greater volume, the look becomes sloppy and unpleasant. It is best to use matting agents that help absorb the sebum.
- Enlarged pores... The first thing to understand is that the size of the pores is associated with genetics; even the most serious means cannot radically change their size. But if you constantly use formulations that reduce the production of sebum, then it will be quite possible to achieve a visual reduction in pores.
- Inflammation, acne, comedones, acne - these unpleasant phenomena are very often manifested with oily skin. The fact is that excess fat accumulates in the pores, without having time to be fully excreted, this entails inflammatory processes in the skin.Accordingly, any cosmetics will be effective only if they contain bactericidal components.

In order to provide quality care, cosmetics for oily skin must solve a whole range of problems:
- control the activity of the sebaceous glands, help reduce the production of subcutaneous fat;
- remove greasy film;
- noticeably reduce inflammation, acne and acne;
- dissolve or push black dots to the surface;
- saturate the dermis with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins;
- moisturize skin cells;
- even out complexion;
- shrink pores;
- tone up the skin;
- parch.
Many of the fairer sex are sure that oily skin does not require moisture - this is not the case. For an epidermis of this type, it is necessary to maintain a water-salt balance in the tissues, since it is disturbed due to the constant presence of a sebaceous film.

The main components in the composition
In order for products for problem skin to fully cope with all their functions, their composition must be "working" and effective. Quality care products must contain the following components.
- Salicylic acid. This component triggers tissue regeneration and repair, helping to exfoliate the stratum corneum. In addition, salicil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, thereby preventing skin rashes.
- Zinc... It is characterized by a self-regulating property, makes the skin less oily, respectively, the epidermis is less prone to irritation.
- Alcohol... This component is usually included in matting agents. However, you need to be careful with it, because in small quantities it shrinks pores and dries the skin, but in high concentration, as well as with prolonged use, it leads to the opposite effect.

Also, remedies for oily skin may include:
- benzoyl peroxide - helps to eliminate acne and acne;
- caffeine - narrows enlarged pores;
- niacinamide - relieves skin irritation;
- retinol — has antioxidant properties, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the dermis;
- sulfur — fights acne and pimples on the skin;
- herbal extracts — most often they use extracts of aloe, horsetail, burdock, plantain, nettle and mint, these herbs have a pronounced soothing effect;
- essential oils - patchouli, thyme, juniper, rosemary, chamomile, ylang-ylang and other formulations with antimicrobial effects.
If the product is declared by the manufacturer as anti-inflammatory and mattifying, but at the same time it does not contain the listed components, it is better to refuse from the purchase right away, since there will be little effect from such cosmetics.

Varieties of cosmetics
Let us dwell in more detail on the main categories of cosmetics, which the owners of oily skin should have.
It is with her that problems most often arise - the tonal agent begins to spread a few hours after application due to the large amount of sebum. It also clogs pores, causing blackheads to appear. Effective decorative cosmetics should be created using innovative technologies that allow:
- achieve a matting effect for a long time;
- protect the skin from the negative effects of UV rays;
- prevent premature aging.
Such formulations should be free of phthalates and parabens. Loose powder is best suited for women, it destroys sebum, mattifies the face, removes oily sheen and heals minor inflammations.

For regular care, you need to stock up on the following compounds:
- cleansing gel;
- alcohol or salicylic lotion - it is applied after hygiene procedures;
- scrubs and peels - used no more than 2 times a week;
- nourishing and moisturizing masks;
- day as well as night cream;
- serums with a healing effect - used in courses.
It is optimal that all the products belong to the same brand, in this case they contribute to a complex effect on the skin, improve its condition and heal.

These cosmetics are used in beauty salons as well as in the spa care system. It is highly effective and transforms the epidermis after just a few uses.
However, do not forget that the products contain high concentrations of active ingredients, therefore, with prolonged use, they can cause an allergic reaction.

If you do not just want to remove greasy shine and disguise acne, then it is best to purchase medicinal cosmetics, which is sold in pharmacies.
Please note that it is best to make purchases only after contacting a specialist dermatologist.

Popular brands and products
When choosing the best cosmetics for oily skin, it is not worth saving. When you buy mass-market products, you are more likely to get formulations that have a short-term effect. We offer a small overview of the most popular remedies for problematic oily skin.
- Complex moisturizing care 5 in 1 BB-cream "Secret of Perfection" from Garnier - possesses moisturizing properties, pleasant texture and is well distributed over the skin surface. The composition of the product includes an absorbent perlite, due to which the sebaceous film is eliminated, the activity of the subcutaneous glands is reduced and excess sebum is eliminated.

- Kiehls Actively Correcting & Beautifying BB Cream SPF 50 - this preparation combines the properties of moisturizing and matting creams, its structure includes pigments that effectively hide all redness and other skin imperfections. Vitamins in tandem with glycerin tone up, provide hydration, and also prevent oxidative processes in cells.

- Garnier micellar water with oils - an effective composition that removes the most persistent traces of decorative cosmetics, even persistent mascara, foundation and corrector, without leaving a feeling of tightness on the face.

- Gel for clearing problem skin Effaclar Gel from La Roche-Posay - Foaming formula without soap and alcohol, can be effective even for dehydrated and irritated skin. Due to the presence of zinc, it has pronounced bactericidal properties, reduces the synthesis of sebum.

Recommendations for use
In order for the treatment preparations for oily skin to be effective, when choosing, you must adhere to simple recommendations.
- Look for lipid-lowering cosmetic formulations, as well as those with antiseptic and antimicrobial ingredients in less than 10% ethanol or salicyl.
- Give preference pharmacy hypoallergenic cosmetics, which contains extracts of medicinal plants that soothe irritated skin.
- Choose the Right Cleanser — it is better to give preference to tonics and gels, but milk is best avoided.
- All products must be purchased for oily and combination skin.

Follow these guidelines when caring for your skin.
- Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
- Avoid hot water, loofah and soap for cleaning.
- Use sunscreen all year round, both in winter and summer.
- Do not overuse tonal preparations, reduce their use to a couple of times a week.
- Any homemade masks should be applied no more than 1-2 times every 7-10 days.
- Lotions with saline solution are very effective. For its preparation 1 tsp. sea salt is diluted in 0.5 liters of water, soaked in a napkin and kept on the face for about 10 minutes.
- Trips to the bathhouse and sauna, as well as steam baths, are very helpful in combating the problems of oily skin.

If excess grease is accompanied by the appearance of acne and acne, then the list of care procedures can include:
- using scrubbing agents, for example, from almonds, clay, salt or apricot pits;
- application peels based on acids (lactic or fruit);
- women with oily skin are advised to regularly consult a professional cosmetologist in order to carry out an effective skin cleansing procedure.

In order to prevent dehydration of the skin, it should be constantly moisturized, tonics will help with this. They maintain the water and acid-base balance, protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Particular attention should be paid to protecting the skin in cold weather, because in winter it becomes more sensitive and vulnerable.
Well, remember that oily skin care should be started as early as possible. Already in adolescence, you should regularly visit a dermatologist, from 16-17 years old, seek the services of cosmetologists and use a special line of cosmetics for day care. At the age of 22-23, it is worth adding a night cream.
Remember that if you have oily skin, it is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Give up alcohol and smoking - then the work of the heart and blood vessels will return to normal, therefore, oxygen will flow to the tissues in full, and the skin will begin to breathe better.

Limit, or better yet completely exclude the use of fried and smoked foods. Avoid salty and pickled foods, it is best to include low-fat white fish in the diet, eat more vegetables, berries and fruits. Remember - what we eat has a serious effect on the condition of the skin. Do not forget about physical activity - regular sports activities help to remove toxins and toxins from the deep layers of the dermis, improve blood supply to cells, maintain a fresh, well-groomed and healthy appearance.
For oily and problem skin care, see the next video.