Features of storage of cosmetics

Everything needs order. When he is present, then life becomes more measured. Cosmetics for a woman is one of the components of her life. Naturally, a certain place is needed for cosmetic accessories. Then the fairer sex will not have to waste her time looking for shadows and mascara, and after using the newfangled cream, irritation will not appear on her face.

Fundamental rules
Just as you look after your appearance, you need to keep an eye on your cosmetics. If you handle such things carelessly, for example, dilute mascara with water, use a 3-year-old eye shadow, then you should not make a surprised face when painful signs begin to appear on it.
Properly storing beauty accessories means constantly monitoring their condition: tightly close the lids of jars of creams and shadows so that pathogenic microbes do not penetrate there, and so on.... To further protect against bacteria from entering the containers, use special spatulas to apply the cream.
After use, they are easy to clean, thereby protecting your creams from dirt.

To get complete confidence in the safety of cosmetics, you need to purchase a scanty a special refrigerator that will provide standard conditions. It is designed so that it always maintains a temperature of +12 degrees Celsius. Its inner surface contains an antibacterial coating. Unlike refrigerators designed for food, here your make-up jars will be stored separately from food.
Most women rarely think about the expiration date of facial products. They think that nothing will happen to the body from using expired eyeshadows. And they are very wrong. The skin instantly absorbs any chemicals, and then they enter the bloodstream. And whether they will be useful or unhelpful, it is up to you.

Many packages, whatever they may be, always say: store in a dark place... Cosmetics are no exception. Many chemicals change and deteriorate when exposed to light. And along with them, your cream becomes completely unusable.
You need to be extra careful if you find an unpleasant odor from a cream or mascara. This may indicate that the product has deteriorated. Of course, it will need to be thrown away without regret.
Carrying a moisturizer in your purse can change its properties. That's why leave such things at home, and instead use disposable moisturizing wipes soaked in useful substances.

Shelf life of various products
Any natural cosmetics has a shelf life. On a quality product, it is always indicated on the packaging. Remember that printed cosmetics are stored much less.
Usually, the manufacturer indicates the shelf life after opening the package with a special icon: an open jar. Next to it is applied the number of months during which the product can be used.

On cosmetics, the expiration date is either embossed or laser directly onto the tube or box. Remember that cosmetics do not like temperature extremes. And if the cosmetics were transported from the place of their production to the trading network with violations, then changes could have occurred with it, which definitely influenced the reduction of its shelf life.
Therefore, when choosing products in the store, rely on your feelings.
You should especially be careful with those products that are applied directly to the eyelashes or to the skin around the eyes. Expired mascara can cause serious vision problems. Symptoms such as redness and inflammation may occur when using the old unit.

Particles of shadows, when applied to the eyelid, necessarily fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes. A poor-quality product can cause conjunctivitis and lead to loss of vision. Therefore, you need to remember that the shelf life of the above beauty products is quite short. The decorative cosmetics used for the eyes need to be changed frequently. Pressed shadows can be an exception.
Next up are foundations such as cream. These products contain water, and microbes multiply quickly in it. And this happens despite the addition of various preservatives to them. Therefore, these units can only be stored after opening for about a year.

A thickened concealer is a problem. Not only do germs grow quickly in it, but it can also cause irritation and itching. That's why its shelf life ranges from 8 months to 1 year.
Blush or powder is mostly in powder form and is not considered perishable. However, the sun's rays, skin particles from the brush and oil contribute to the fact that microbes can start in these products. That is why these funds cannot be used for more than a year either.
After the above information, you need to add some additions when it comes to blush. If stored properly, compact blush and blusher in balls will last for more than two years.

And how many dangerous microbes and pathogens of terrible diseases lipsticks can contain! This direction of cosmetics should attract the greatest attention when used. Through the oral cavity, harmful substances, parasites and viruses can enter our body.
Therefore, it is lipsticks and gloss that should be used on a strictly individual basis. Otherwise, you may become infected yourself or infect other people.These beauty products often have a bad smell, or they become too greasy and soft, or too thick. If this happens, then you must immediately part with your favorite decorative means. And if you do not notice anything suspicious, then still do not use gloss for more than 8 months.
The lipstick can be stored for about a year.

Nail polishes last for about a year. It was at this time that you will have to say goodbye to the varnish, not because germs have gotten in it, but because of its drying out. Your favorite substance can be diluted with acetone. But is it worth doing? Acetone is harmful to health.
It is customary to count the expiration dates 2 times - after release from the conveyor, and after you have opened the packaging of your product. Therefore, we list the exact dates during which a body care product is considered safe:
- shower gel, body lotion, solid soap, shampoo and conditioner considered safe for 2 to 3 years;
- cosmetics to maintain mature skin can be used from 3 months to 1 year;
- styling products - varnishes, wax and others - are long-livers and can last more than three years;
- solid deodorants and bath oils have a shelf life of approximately 1 year;
- men's shaving cream can last 2 years;
- perfume (eau de toilette) will last from 2 years or more due to the alcohol content in them;
- eye cream and face toner can be used from 6 months to 1 year;
- sunscreen cosmetics with careful storage, it will last 2 years.

Can it be stored in the refrigerator and bathroom?
Some fashionistas keep their face and body products in the bathroom. This is strictly prohibited. Due to the high humidity in the room and constant temperature fluctuations between the chemicals that make up your creams and mascara, a constant reaction occurs that spoils the composition of the products. As a result, you will not use a useful substance that helps your skin to be beautiful, but a harmful one.
An exception here may be cleansers. They are less susceptible to the above actions and, in principle, end very quickly. And in a short time nothing special can happen to them.

Of course, it's best to keep your cosmetics in the refrigerator.
- There they are in complete darkness, and the sun's rays cannot affect the content of beauty products.
- In the refrigerator, in the coolness, germs are unable to multiply quickly. Therefore, a certain microclimate of the refrigerator makes it possible to preserve all the substances for the induction of beauty in the desired form.

Better to purchase for cosmetic storage purposes special refrigerator. It will not contain any food, just your jars and bubbles.
Cosmetics will not be able to pick up the smell of parsley on the next shelf, and butter will not smell like your favorite perfume.
Here's another reason to buy a separate small, dedicated refrigerator for your favorite helpers to keep you looking your best.

Organization and storage ideas for cosmetic products
For many women, the issue of compact storage of cosmetics is a real problem. To solve it, you need to choose the most suitable method.
- You can buy a compact box for your home. It should be transparent. This item will be a paper organizer. For convenience, separate your accessories according to their specifics: lipsticks separately, and brushes, eyeshadows and blush separately.
- A cool option and, most importantly, ultramodern is beauty board, which provides for the storage of cosmetic units on magnetic devices. If you wish, you can make it yourself, and if you do not have enough imagination, then write it out in the Internet market.
- If you have cosmetics stored in a drawer, then purchase special divider and place it inside. This will clean up the mess by separating the mascara and lipstick separately.
- You can go ahead and buy special transparent plastic boxes. These items are all the rage right now and are great for storing small items like lip gloss and tiny eye shadow jars.
- For those who are accustomed to a creative approach in all matters, you can offer to make with your own hands storage boxes for nail polish. To accomplish what you want, you need to take ordinary cardboard shoe boxes and glue them with paper to your liking. Life hack for beginners: you will not be looking for the desired color of varnish for a long time, if you put a drop of the contents on the lid before placing the bottle with the substance in the box.
- There is always an old chest or suitcase in the house.... Do not rush to throw these things away. All cosmetics can be placed in them and kept in a conspicuous place.
- Brushes are often used to apply blush and eyeshadow. When you need a brush of a certain size, it is quite difficult to find it among other similar objects, if they just lie in a heap on top of each other. Therefore, it will be much easier to decide on the choice of a thin thing if you place all the brushes in a vertical glass transparent container. Moreover, decorate the bottom with multi-colored pebbles (sprinkle them on the very bottom with a thick layer). So the ends of the accessories will be fixed from below, and the fleecy tops will not touch each other, and you can always see the item you want.
- The transparent material cover is very comfortable... All things will always be in sight, and you can easily get them.
- Acrylic holders can be placed in the closet. And this option will talk about your advancement.
- The cake tray is an unusual solution and very practical at the same time. On different tiers, you can keep various cosmetics, which will be divided according to purpose.
- Perfumery products should be kept separate from other products. Therefore, for its storage, you can purchase dense containers that protect the perfume from weathering.

The storage system should be such that it is convenient for you and only you to get to the necessary cosmetics.
For information on how to make an organizer for cosmetics with your own hands, see the next video.