How to be beautiful without makeup?

Natural beauty is freedom, since you do not have to form an image with decorative means and always be on the lookout - no matter how someone finds it in a "natural" form. In addition, even under the most modest make-up, the skin feels worse than without it, it ages faster, and the cost of "art" is always required a lot. But in order to look really well-groomed and bright without makeup, you need some knowledge, effort, as well as tricks or life hacks, as they say today.

Skin care rules
But still, it is quite possible to be beautiful without makeup. And this applies not only to young ladies, whose appearance has not yet been affected by age-related changes. The more you treat your natural beauty, the longer you will be able to delight yourself and those around you with a shining view. To do this, attention should be turned from decorative agents to the caregivers.
The skin should provide:
- cleansing;
- good tone;
- healthy eating;
- moisturizing.
You need to cleanse your skin regularly from a young age. However, this does not mean the mandatory use of especially expensive funds for such purposes.

It is believed that you should wash your face no more than 2 times a day. Some experts advise to carry out such a procedure at all only before bedtime. For treatment, milk, lotion or a cold herbal infusion of a string or chamomile are suitable, which help to relieve puffiness and various inflammations.
In the morning, treatment with a piece of ice will give freshness to the face.obtained by freezing these herbal infusions. Thanks to the action of the melting piece of ice, the blood flow is increased, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, and the skin acquires an even tone and radiance.
As for soap or gel, these are too aggressive products that create the effect of skin tightness, so it is better to refuse to use them.

It is not recommended to firmly press the towel to your face while wiping it off. It is easier to gently apply such a cloth to your face to allow the drops to absorb. This will prevent the skin from stretching, and premature wrinkles will not appear on its surface.
It is helpful to do a cleansing mask once a week. It makes sense to use a scrub, but it all depends on the characteristics of the skin. - it shouldn't be too sensitive.
Can be used from time to time coffee grounds which is used both independently and in a mixture with kefir and chopped oatmeal. Leaving this mixture on your face for about 20 minutes will make a great mask.

Various cream formulations allow you to moisturize and nourish the skin, which are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. And you should also use the means protecting from the sunbecause the impact of its rays accelerates external aging. And not only during the beach season, but all year round. Thanks to regular and comprehensive care, your face will not look pale or tired.
Systematic support with natural remedies will help to even out skin tone and make your appearance well-groomed and bright.

How to hide flaws?
Our appearance is not always satisfying. Either acne will come out, then bruises will appear, and sometimes even bags under the eyes. And facial features are not always so graceful that you can enjoy your reflection in the mirror. Sometimes you have to take urgent measures or cheat, getting rid of unpleasant syndromes and retouching the flaws in appearance.
But for each problem, the best solution must be found. No need to think about how to hide acne under a layer of decorative masking. It is much more effective to use preparations containing salicylic acid. It fights this kind of inflammation very well.

It makes sense to use aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). The tablet is ground, a drop of water is added and the resulting gruel is applied directly to acne. The procedure is best done at night, and so that the remedy, when dry, does not crumble on the pillow, close the treated skin areas with adhesive plaster. In the morning, wipe the traces of acne with alcohol or lotion containing salicylic acid.
For lips, you can use a scrub. This will get rid of flaking and make them look more well-groomed and attractive.
Those people who are always preoccupied with the question of how best to mask oily skin can use clay mask. It removes ugly shine. You need to apply this tool once a week. In addition, liquid soap mixed with baking soda helps to get rid of excess fat.
And if there is aloe in the house, then its frozen leaves turn into an excellent cosmetic for a face with a similar problem.

To make the eyelashes lush and attract more attention to the eyes, they are smeared with castor oil as a mask. Herbal compresses made from chamomile or calendula also create the proper effect.
You can remove bruises under the eyes at home within 5 minutes using cotton pads soaked in black tea infusions. The traces of fatigue will go away, and the look will become clear. If you have at hand fresh cucumbers, then a couple of circles of such a vegetable will relieve unpleasant symptoms when applied to the eyelids. You can just chop a piece of cucumber on a grater and distribute the resulting mass over the skin under the eyes. The same is done with raw potatoes, which contain starch, which has a whitening and firming effect on the dermis.
It's also a good idea to master the technique. lymphatic drainage massage, who manage to get rid of bags under the eyes. This treatment draws stagnant fluid away from this area of the face, significantly improving the appearance of thin skin.

As for the disadvantages of the traits that nature has awarded, cosmetics cannot always help. Therefore, you will have to use some tricks related to the peculiarities of human perception. For example, to visually reduce the nose, switch attention to the eyebrows... Their curved shape acts as an expansion joint in this regard.
Often it also matters what kind of hairstyle the owner of a large nose does. For example, in such cases, it is better to refrain from tying the tail at the back of the head, as well as combing the hair smoothly. Waves or curls are the best solution to look the most attractive in this regard.
In addition, one should not forget that excess sebum is visible on the "unsuccessful" nose, and this will also attract the eyes. That's why all measures must be taken to cleanse and smooth the skin with special procedures.

How to highlight the merits?
If there is no opportunity or desire to do makeup, It is possible to draw attention to advantageous facial features using different techniques.
- To make lips brighter, you can use a toothbrush: with its help, the skin on them can be toned... Instead of lipstick, which makes the lips pale after long-term use, balms and oils are used. One of the best remedies is coconut oil.
When applied, lips become soft, bright and well-groomed.

- On a face without signs of makeup, eyebrows become especially noticeable. Therefore, it is very important to give them the correct shape, focusing on the outlines of the face. If the eyebrows are not naturally chic, it makes sense to lubricate them with castor oil, to which vitamin A is added. After a few weeks of daily use, the eyebrows will become more attractive and the face more interesting.

- You can accentuate your cheekbones with a massage.... One of the techniques is to alternately inflate the cheeks. This exercise is done until the muscles involved are tired.

- You can highlight the cheekbones with a properly selected hairstyle. Especially advantageous in this sense is the haircut cascade. A good hairstyle with a straight parting and twisted ends of the strands. The bangs above the eyebrows also draw attention to this part of the face.

Features of the diet
When it comes to the human body, you should always keep in mind that any external manifestation is a reflection of the internal state of the body. And our well-being largely depends on what we eat. Poor skin and hair condition is a clear sign that this is a problem.
To look good at all times, doctors recommend a diet like this:
- for breakfast - porridge;
- in the lunch and dinner menu, it is imperative to include vegetable salads, without seasoning them with mayonnaise or sour cream, as well as meat and fish, nuts - all these products contain vitamins important for the skin;
- use fruits and berries, dairy products as a snack, minimizing the use of sugar, high-grade flour baked goods and confectionery;
- drink during the day at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gas (the ideal rate is 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight);
- moderate consumption of coffee, tea and cocoa.
Following these recommendations, you can achieve that the skin becomes velvety, well hydrated and has a healthy color.

Sports and recreation
The appearance is affected by the lifestyle that a particular person leads. Therefore, it is important to devote at least 7-9 hours to sleep, give up unhealthy habits (smoking and drinking alcohol) and maintain a positive attitude in life.
And also you need to remember: if you endlessly "sit on the phone", watch TV and listen to loud music, then you will definitely not be more beautiful from this, since continuous contact with such benefits of civilization negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. And given the fact that many diseases originate from nerves, such a lifestyle entails a whole bunch of problems, including those that appear on the skin.
It is better to look for pleasure in sports, outdoor activities with friends and relatives, creativity.
A good mood transforms better than any makeup.

Some secrets on how to become beautiful without makeup, you will learn from the following video.