Organizers for cosmetics: varieties and recommendations for choosing

For some women, quite often cosmetics and accessories are scattered carelessly around the dressing table, and sometimes throughout the apartment. Such a situation, naturally, creates inconveniences, and the most rational way out of it would be to use an organizer for cosmetics. Today there are many varieties of such devices, so recommendations on the choice of specific options will be useful.
What it is?
Any organizer for cosmetics, regardless of its design features, is a device for storing any items. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. In particular, we can talk about the so-called beauty boxes that are popular with modern women... These can be chests, suitcases, stands with special grooves, fabric handbags.

High-quality organizers have the main advantage, and it lies in the fact that all the necessary accessories and cosmetics themselves are always at hand and each of them has its own place.
It should be noted that now there is a wide range of organizers on the market. This allows each potential buyer to make the best choice based on their preferences.
In addition, there are many instructions on how to make such devices yourself. By the way, the latter option assumes complete freedom of action, limited exclusively by imagination, as well as minimal costs.

Species overview
Organizers differ from each other in functionality, materials of manufacture, design and dimensions. So, such structures can be rotating, suspended, or made in the form of an originally designed box with compartments.
Taking into account the shape and design features, the following main types of organizers can be distinguished:
- made in the form of a large cosmetic bag with a considerable number of compartments, pockets, such organizers, as a rule, are equipped with clamps for pencils and brushes;
- soft bags;
- closed cases with a rigid body that can be used stationary or taken on the road;
- transparent boxes and structures consisting of several interconnected such elements;
- in the form of boxes with mirrors and pull-out compartments, depending on the dimensions, they can also be travel.

Models in the form of boxes deserve special attention. Most often they are vintage accessories. One of the main advantages in this case is functionality provided by a variety of retractable compartments. The latter can contain a variety of cosmetics and other items.
Are in special demand wooden boxes. This is primarily due to the properties of this material.
Firstly, closed organizers reliably protect the contents from exposure to sunlight. Secondly, as you know, wood practically does not exude odors, which has a positive effect on cosmetics.

All organizers are divided into two categories based on their size. They can be small, which are convenient to take on the road, or large, characterized by increased capacity. Round in shape, rotating structures can be distinguished into a separate category. Their main advantage is maximum ease of use and free access to all content.
Depending on the location, organizers are divided into the following options:
- desktop;
- wall-mounted;
- suspended.

Another important criterion is the purpose of the accessory. In this context, there are such organizers:
- universal, adapted for storing all types of cosmetics and tools;
- focused on a specific category of cosmetics (these can be lipsticks, nail polishes, eye shadows or pencils and brushes).
Don't forget about designer models.
Unique organizers made to order are in great demand among women and specialists. DIY accessories look no less impressive. The choice of materials, sizes and shapes in this case will be practically unlimited.

Materials (edit)
As already mentioned, one of the criteria by which organizers are divided into categories is the material of manufacture. Of course, such products can be made from almost anything. For example, we can even talk about bamboo napkins.
From the whole variety of existing models, the main types of organizers can be distinguished, taking into account the material of manufacture.
- Wood products. Such designs are aesthetically pleasing and provide for a sufficient number of compartments, including pull-out sections. Wooden organizers provide reliable protection of cosmetics and accessories from external influences, including ultraviolet light. They can be made in the form of boxes, chests of drawers or open boxes. Many models are equipped with mirrors.

- Acrylic organizers or plexiglass products... They are most often transparent glasses of various shapes and sizes. Such devices are as easy to use as possible and are most suitable for women who are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. All content is visible in acrylic organizers.The main disadvantage of transparent open-type models is the lack of protection from sunlight.

- Textile products characterized primarily by mobility. These organizers can be carried with you or taken on the road. The use of the accessory is greatly facilitated when there is a sufficient number of compartments for different types of cosmetics and accessories.

- Magnetic organizers. In this case, we are talking about original products that provide for the storage of cosmetics and accessories on magnetic boards. It is important to consider that each item must be equipped with a small magnet.

- Plastic models. They can be made of transparent material (outwardly similar to acrylic) or opaque. When choosing a product, it is strongly recommended to check its integrity and absence of chips. The color range of plastic organizers is wide, which allows you to choose the most suitable option.

Naturally, this is not a complete list of possible options. For example, you can find glass accessories. In addition, there are varieties of organizers for certain categories of cosmetics and tools. So Makeup brushes, which must be upright, can be stored in glass jars. By the way, the latter are decorated almost as you like.

Dimensions (edit)
The dimensions of the described structures can vary within a fairly wide range. It all depends on the amount of cosmetics and the intensity of their use. So, if we are talking about a stationary product for the home, then maximum capacity and easy access to all contents are at the forefront. In such situations, the size of the organizer will usually be larger than average. Portable models (cosmetic bags) are characterized by minimal dimensions that ensure ease of use.
Small storages will be relevant for the fair half of humanity who prefer a minimum of cosmetics.
If a woman tries not to miss sales and market novelties, then a small cosmetic bag will no longer work. In such situations, it is worth considering large stationary options. They can reach a height of 60-70 cm and look like a bedside table.

Hiking models deserve special attention. A well-chosen organizer will allow you to keep all cosmetics and additional accessories in order even during a long trip. The list of such products includes not only cosmetic bags. These can be practically any options with compact dimensions.
For those who love order in everything, as well as professionals who work with cosmetics, large, spinning organizers are ideal. Their main advantages are maximum capacity and the ability to freely arrange all items. When using such structures, each item will be at hand at any time.

How to choose?
Organizer for cosmetics - this is a good purchase for any lady. The huge variety of available models of similar products allows you to choose the most suitable option. Naturally, personal preference will be key in this situation. However, a number of other criteria should be taken into account.
A competent approach to the choice will allow you to become the owner of the most convenient and functional product. At the same time, it will harmoniously fit into the interior and meet all the requirements of the hostess. The following basic rules for the successful purchase of an organizer can be distinguished:
- if there are opening elements, they should move easily;
- all fasteners (zippers, Velcro, latches, locks) must be serviceable (easy to open and close);
- the seams must be smooth and of good quality.

One of the most important criteria is the design of the organizer. The choice depends on the following points:
- if you need an organizer for storing a large amount of cosmetics, then you can choose an accessory in the form of a box or a suitcase with several compartments;
- when choosing a stationary option, you can choose a product that imitates a small chest of drawers and looks very original;
- with a small space and a desire to save space, you can choose the wall option.

Design features are not the only defining characteristic of the devices in question. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:
- dimensions of the organizer, determined taking into account the amount of cosmetics that will be stored in it;
- the number and size of branches;
- the material from which the organizer for cosmetics and tools is made, the choice of material must be made, taking into account its performance and the peculiarities of using the organizer.

How to make organizers for cosmetics, see below.