Cosmetics: composition, overview of types and tips for choosing

Cosmetics have firmly entered our life and have become an integral part of it. It is difficult to imagine self-care without cosmetics, because the desire to have a neat and beautiful appearance has been inherent in humans since ancient times.

The appearance of cosmetics can be traced back to the times before our era. In order to emphasize their belonging to a particular tribe, the aborigines of Africa and Australia painted their faces and bodies with different colors. The ancient Egyptians are considered the creators of cosmetics as such.... During excavations, scientists discovered amphorae with a variety of ointments and incense containing oils and incense. They also found a papyrus with a list of self-care tips, from which it follows that the pharaoh and his courtiers often used cosmetics.

Containers with blush and whitewash were also unearthed, because when sending the Egyptians to the other world, it was necessary to put 7 varieties of cosmetic products with them, as well as black and malachite face paint. The method of eyeliner, which the Egyptians used to lengthen their contour, is still used today: they eyeliner with dark lines along the entire eyelid. To do this, women used bright green paint, which was made from crushed malachite, and then black paint from burnt ivory and coal.
Various fats were often added to cosmetics; Egyptians skillfully made soaps, perfumes, even hair dyes. Many recipes have come down to us for how cosmetics were made in those days.

There is also a book about the cosmetics of Cleopatra herself. In ancient Greece, cosmetics were also used for a long time.To match the fashion, women used whitewash on their faces, and their eyes were painted with black paint, which they received when various products were burned. In order to add a paler appearance to the skin, Greek women made night masks from dough with barley flour, egg and spices. There, for the first time, a profession appeared, the task of which was to decorate a person.

Such specialists were approached with various imperfections in appearance, and they prescribed all kinds of procedures and creams to improve the skin. It is not for nothing that the word "cosmetics" itself has Greek roots and means "the art of decoration". Since those times, many works of famous thinkers on the use of various cosmetics have survived to this day. In Rome, the use of cosmetics was combined with body hygiene, because it was here that baths and solariums first appeared. In addition to cosmetics, the Romans used a variety of natural products, such as dairy products.

They knew how to lighten curls with the help of products based on such products. In Japan, various products were used for skin care, including whitewash, and also painted on the eyes and lips with special paints. To make hair shiny and silky, Japanese women used aloe juice. Ancient China and India also saw the use of a variety of dyes and cosmetics for skin and hair care. Chinese women painted their lips and eyes, whitened their skin and applied blush to their cheeks.

Indian women dyed their eyelashes and eyebrows black, their lips gold, and their teeth brownish. Women in Russia used mainly natural remedies for personal care: infusions and decoctions of a wide variety of herbs, as well as animal products. In the Middle Ages, white skin was in fashion, women lightened it in different ways. This color of the dermis indicated a noble origin, and ruddy cheeks indicated licentious behavior. With the Renaissance, cosmetics came to the countries of Europe, which were used mainly as decorative.

In France, it was considered bad form to go out without makeup on your face and white hair. Later, this country became the leading country in the production and use of cosmetics. The recipes were inherited and very strictly guarded... Gradually, the popular pallor of the face recedes, and lipstick and blush become popular, which emphasize the natural complexion. In the manufacture of cosmetics, natural products were used - a variety of herbs and berries.

But it happened that they could also contain such harmful components as acids or mercury. It is noteworthy that in those days, men used cosmetics on an equal basis with women. A little later, some countries passed legislation banning the use of cosmetics, so the majority of the female population began to use home remedies.
No decrees have been able to hinder the development of the cosmetics industry, secrets were carefully passed from one generation to the next using different methods. The last three centuries have been marked by the emergence of modern cosmetics and its wide variety.

Cosmetics companies emerged and became popular all over the world. New products of different colors began to be produced. Later, movie stars began to advertise cosmetics, and it became more affordable for any woman. Nowadays, for creating an image, as well as for personal care, there is an extremely wide range of cosmetics, both decorative and care.

Each representative of the fair sex can easily find everything she needs.
Safety requirements
The main requirement for any type of cosmetics is its harmlessness. All products must be absolutely safe for health. The conditions in which it is manufactured must comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards, during transportation it is also necessary that all the rules are observed and the products are not damaged. Storage terms and conditions are also very important.

Everyone knows that there are chemical and synthetic components in modern cosmetic products. Such substances add brightness and a more effective look to cosmetics, but their effect on the skin is often negative. That's why when choosing a cosmetic product, you should give preference to products with a more organic composition... Of the chemical components, various preservatives can be distinguished, cetearyl alcohol, sodium erythorbate, hydroviton, polymers, parsol.

Organic components include:
- oils;
- acids (including succinic);
- vitamins;
- peptides;
- retinol;
- silk protein;
- essences and extracts;
- plant extracts;
- iron oxide;
- talc;
- vegetable or animal based emollients;
- silica or silicon dioxide.

The more natural ingredients in the composition of a cosmetic product, the more gentle it will act on the skin, and, in addition, the richer in beneficial properties.
Types and rules of use
Cosmetics can be homemade and factory-made. The first type mainly consists of natural ingredients, and is a fairly budget option. Despite the abundance of factory-made cosmetic products, home remedies remain quite popular... Although their disadvantages include short-term effect from application and time spent on manufacturing. Factory cosmetics, in turn, are of several types and differ in cost, quality and purpose.

By age and gender
Cosmetics, especially care cosmetics, have an age range, and certain products must be selected for each age. They already have a balanced composition for a specific skin, all age-related needs of the epidermis are taken into account. In addition, in addition to women's cosmetics, there is a fairly wide range of cosmetics for men. Among them there are both care products and decorative ones.

By appointment
All cosmetics are divided into two groups:
- care;
- decorative.

The first group includes cosmetics, which have cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing properties... In addition, some products have medicinal properties and help reduce breakouts or redness. Such cosmetics include creams, masks, lotions, scrubs, mousses and milk. The care group also includes anti-cellulite cosmetics, as well as wrapping products.

Such products are quite effective in combating cosmetic defects such as cellulite.
They differ in composition, but have a similar type of action: elimination of congestion that causes cellulite. These products come in several forms: creams, scrubs, mud and paraffin wax. The decorative group includes makeup products. Mainly everything that is used after cleansing and moisturizing is considered decorative cosmetics. These include tonal foundations, correctors, powders, eye shadow palettes, lipsticks, pencils, eyeliners and many other products.

There is also pharmacy cosmetics, which include medicinal cosmetics. Such products are not only used to mask skin imperfections, but also take good care of the epidermis. Such cosmetics are sold in the pharmacy chain, their cost is quite high. Oxygen cosmetics can be added to this series. It saturates the layers of the epidermis with oxygen, thereby rejuvenating them.

In addition, there is professional cosmetics, which are distinguished by their high resistance to external influences and are used mainly by cosmetologists, stylists, and make-up artists.
By price
In terms of cost, cosmetics are divided into several types.
- Mass-market - budgetary cosmetics that are intended for mass use.A distinctive feature of such products is their low price and an extremely wide range.
- Middle-market - middle class products. Its cost is slightly higher than that of the previous type, but half of the composition is natural products.
- Lux are of high quality and are considered premium cosmetics. Such selective products consist mainly of natural ingredients and are made according to specially developed unique formulas. Such cosmetics are produced by well-known brands.

When creating makeup, it is worth considering the characteristics of each type, it is optimal if the product suits you both in price and in quality.
Each country has its own well-known manufacturers of cosmetics, which are distinguished by special characteristics that have become their business cards. An overview of some of the most popular cosmetics manufacturers:
among famous French brands it is possible to note Bioderma, Garnier, Lancom, Givenchy, the growing popularity of Lacrima;

- high quality German products - in brands Catrice, BeYu, Essence;

- inexpensive, but fairly high-quality Belarusian products Bielita, Vitex, Markell Cosmetics;

- exclusive Korean cosmetic brands - Erborian, Secret Key, Tony Moly, Genosys;

- high-quality cosmetics from Russian manufacturers - Aroma Jazz, Faberlic, Black Pearl;

- among Italian brands are in the lead Art Deco, Giorgio Armani, Nouba;

- American experimental production - Anastasia, Mary Kay, Beverly Hills;

- arabic decorative cosmetics - Huda Beauty;

- famous Spanish brand - Casmara.

Also quite popular in the world Australian, Swedish and Indian cosmetics.

From the reviews of cosmetologists who highlight the natural composition and beneficial effects of cosmetics on the skin, there are several brands that specialize in organic products: Russian Natura Siberica, Silapant, Walnut Korres, Indian Marico, French Yves Rocher, American Frech Minerals, English Bare Minerals. Professionals pay special attention to amber cosmetics, which have a completely natural composition. It contains succinic acid and oil as components, which regenerate the skin, saturate it with oxygen and nourish it well.

Selection rules
Any cosmetics are selected for a specific skin type. For oily, care cosmetics are suitable, which have a light texture and do not clog pores. Optimally use products with a slight drying effect. For this type of wash, it is better to use foam. For proper care of normal skin, it is worth using masks with a moisturizing effect and nourishing creams, and for cleansing it is better to choose soft scrubs and peels.

Dry skin needs good hydration as it ages faster. In order to delay the appearance of wrinkles as long as possible, such skin needs to be regularly nourished, but it is necessary to avoid products that contain alcohol, which greatly dries the epidermis. For mature skin, cosmetics enriched with peptides and collagen are well suited.

Such peptide agents help fight wrinkles and smooth the surface of the epidermis well.
Optional accessories
For applying makeup and taking care of the skin, in addition to cosmetics, auxiliary accessories are also needed. With the help of such devices, you can both apply makeup and rinse it off. For greater convenience, you should have in your cosmetic bag:
- sponges;
- brushes and brushes;
- tweezers.

It is also very convenient to use soft packs with products - refills, their contents just need to be poured into the existing bottle. This allows you to constantly have the desired product on hand (for example, your favorite perfume or lotion), as well as significantly save your budget, because, as a rule, such packages are cheaper than a regular bottle.

Is it refundable?
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, purchased cosmetics cannot be returned or exchanged. This can be done in exceptional cases:
- if there is no complete information about the product;
- in the presence of a manufacturing defect;
- if, upon purchase, the buyer was not informed about the properties of the product, or incorrect information was given.

How to store?
For storing cosmetics at home, the best option would be organizer. Such a device will help keep order on the mirror and have the necessary tools always at hand. You can also keep your makeup in a plastic container or box so nothing gets lost and will always be in place. All tubes and bottles must be tightly closed. If necessary, some products, such as oils or creams, can be kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Read more about storage temperature on the label.
Interesting Facts
- In ancient Egypt, plucked eyebrows indicated mourning for a deceased cat.

- In France, the death penalty was threatened for disclosing a perfume recipe.

- Long nails in China emphasized the girl's noble origins. The longer the nails, the higher the position she occupied.

- In Frankfurt am Main, a decree was issued that allowed the husband to dissolve the marriage if, after the wedding, it turned out that the woman was beautiful only with makeup. Such a woman was condemned as a witch.

- At the court of Catherine de Medici there was not a single brunette, preference was given only to blond girls.

- In Europe in the 18th century, bushy eyebrows were in vogue. To keep up with the trends of the time, women shaved off their eyebrows and put on artificial ones, which were made from the skins of mice.

- During the time of Louis XVI, men at court painted their lips with lipstick. This was considered the norm.

For information on how to choose cosmetics, see the next video.