Eye serum: use and effect

Today, such a cosmetic product as serum is gaining more and more popularity. It can have various effects and be applied to different areas of the face and body. It is believed to be much more effective than a regular cream due to its high content of active substances. For this, serums are often called "activators" for nails or hair. However, the most popular serum remains, which is applied to the skin around the eyes.
Differences between serum and cream
Such a cosmetic product acts faster than a regular cream, and its effect lasts much longer. This is due to the special molecular structure of the whey and its consistency. Particles of the product, which are smaller than those of conventional masks or creams, penetrate faster into the pores of the skin. In this way, the serum not only fills in and smoothes fine mimic wrinkles, but also actively affects the very cause of their occurrence, tightening the face contour.

A quality serum must contain some kind of acid (for example, glycolic or hyaluronic). In addition, it should contain antioxidants against cellular aging, various peptides and vitamins. You will never find serum on sale without a sealed package with a dispenser. The fact is that many of the useful components of this product, upon contact with air, oxidize and lose most of their properties.
It is not common to see serum in a large bottle. This is due to the fact that the drug has a rather strong effect on the skin, its use should be limited in time. Most often, any serum is used in short courses with long breaks between them.The shelf life of such a product is much shorter than conventional cosmetics due to the high content of natural ingredients.
Indications and contraindications
Do not assume that anti-aging cosmetics with a lifting effect are suitable only for older women. Doctors-cosmetologists recommend such products for use since 20-25 years. This is due to the fact that the ecology and climate of industrial cities and towns, as well as the stressful rhythm of life of a modern person, have a very negative effect on health and appearance.
After reaching the age of 30-35 years, such a serum should be included in the daily complex for the care of the skin around the eyes. The more wrinkles and bags under the eyes, the more powerful the remedy should be.
For very young girls under 20-23 years old, instead of products marked "lifting", it is best to focus on those products that regulate sebum secretion, remove traces of inflammation and moisturize dry skin.

Unfortunately, not everyone should use these active remedies. Contraindications may be the peculiarities of the skin or the composition of the cosmetic product itself.
- The skin of the eyelids is sensitive to one or another component of the care product. It is best to test the activator on the back of your hand or the crook of your elbow before purchasing. If after 24 hours a clear allergic reaction is noticeable, it is better to refrain from using the serum or either look for an analogue, but with a different composition.
- You should not apply such essences after a recent surgical intervention in the area under or above the eyelids, after chemical peeling, or in case of severe dermatological diseases.
- The product is not used for ulcers and inflammations, a large number of moles or papillomas on the area of the skin on which the product is applied.

Depending on the effect on the skin, all serums for the eye area can be subdivided into several types.
- Moisturizers - fill dehydrated skin cells with plenty of moisture.
- Nutritious - saturates the skin with vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of epithelial cells.
- Regenerating (restoring) - restore depleted and damaged cells, give the skin an inner glow.
- Brightening - make age spots and bruises less and less noticeable, even out the natural tone of the face.
- Sealing - increase the protective membranes of skin cells.
- Firming - lifting serum for correcting facial contours and reducing expression and age wrinkles.
- Stimulating (collagen) - under the influence of such serums, the natural production of collagen is resumed.
- Combined - restore the water-lipid balance, reduce visible wrinkles and stimulate the natural regeneration of epidermal cells. This serum is often called "multi-correcting", it combines several effects from other means.

How to use?
To get the effect, it is not enough just to buy a miracle remedy, you must use it correctly. There are certain rules for the use of eye serums. Before applying it, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin from dirt and makeup. For this, water alone will not be enough, it is necessary to eliminate all unnecessary with the help of milk, foam or lotion. For both daily and one-time use, just a couple of drops of the activator will be enough. A large amount will only clog the pores.
Light watery structure of the serum perfectly moisturizes the skin, but quickly evaporates from its surface, so after application it is best to spread a nourishing cream on the treated skin area. The procedure carried out on a regular basis at the same time will bring more tangible results than performed at different times. On average, one serum course lasts from 10 to 20 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least 1 month.
The product is best applied with light massage or patting movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer edge. This creates an additional effect on wrinkles and helps to reduce them.
It is very important to follow these recommendations, since incorrect or too frequent application of the serum can lead to the opposite effect: additional wrinkles, swelling and redness will appear.

Rating of the best products
No matter what fashionable cosmetologists say, but often the effectiveness of the serum does not depend on its price. Good products can be found both in the luxury segment and in more democratic brands.
According to customer reviews, the rating of the best products for the skin around the eyes is as follows.
- One of the highest quality products is considered a revitalizing serum. "Night Doctor" by Estee Lauder... It is universal for all skin types and ages.
- The second place is taken by the correcting serum "Intensive lifting" by Revitalift Compliment... This activator is applied to cleansed dry skin, tightens and moisturizes it. It can even be applied under daytime makeup.

- A remedy from companies has similar reviews. Eveline and Compliment called SOS Instant Lifting... Although some customers note unpleasant tingling sensation and discomfort after using it.
- One of the most popular serums for aging skin is a product of the company Shiseido titled Bio Performance Super Corrective Serum... It works intensively with the problem contour, moisturizes and restores the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition, the products of the following cosmetic companies have good reviews: Givenchy, Lancome, Clinigue and the domestic manufacturer "Crown of Siberia"which can also be used as a lip moisturizer. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find the right tool based solely on network ratings. A popular remedy may not be suitable for skin type, give insufficient effect, and even cause an allergic reaction.
If possible, it is best to first purchase a sample of the product and test it on your own skin.

Modern cosmetics make it possible, if not to stop, then significantly delay the aging of the skin and preserve its fresh appearance for a long time. Serums regenerate, tighten and moisturize eyelid skin. At the same time, in no case should you forget about the main secrets of beauty and elasticity of the skin of the face - this is a healthy diet and sleep. A properly selected activator, if properly used, will preserve its pristine beauty for many years.
For information on how to properly apply the serum to the eyes, see below.