Whey: varieties and uses of the product

Milk whey has long been considered an effective remedy in the field of cosmetology, dietetics and traditional medicine. Its unique composition has a healing effect on the body, as well as on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. For the manufacture of dietary supplements, it is whey liquid that is taken as a basis.
In addition, kefir and cottage cheese are also used, filled with valuable protein, characterized by rapid digestibility and high nutritional value.

Product feature
Whey is a liquid substance obtained during the production of dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, some types of cheese. The product begins to separate as a result of milk coagulation, and finally, when expressed, it is independently filtered. At first glance, it may seem that this liquid is a residual production substance, but not everyone knows about its significance and benefits. Today it is a complete drink that supports good health and the functioning of internal organs, and is also an effective component used in cosmetics and medical products.
There are two varieties of this product: sour and sweet. The first is the result of the production of pressed varieties of cottage cheese, the second is obtained during the production of hard varieties of cheese. The serum looks like a slightly cloudy substance. The color ranges from white to light yellow. The smell resembles an ordinary fermented milk product.
Recently, whey with the addition of fruit and berry juices has gained particular popularity. They contain the same milky liquid, but with a significantly smaller amount of valuable elements.

Industrial production is not complete without whey in the manufacture of bakery and confectionery products and, as already mentioned, soft and brown cheese varieties. Most of the production is based on cow's milk. Such a valuable product can be made at home, so you can be sure of its quality and freshness. It is also sold in health food stores.
About 95% of the composition is water - this feature makes the product low in calories. Other chemical elements of whey are:
- trace elements such as iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, calcium and many others;
- vitamins, such as A, C, E and members of the B group;
- lactose;
- glucose;
- a nicotinic acid.
The amount of carbohydrates is 4–8%. This can also include milk sugar (lactose), glucose, natural acid (neuraminic). The protein group (about 2%) is represented by globular proteins - albumin, ovoglobulin, lactoglobulin. They are a valuable nutrient, similar in nutrients to human muscle protein. It is worth noting the presence of fatty acids necessary for the body - acetic, formic, butyric, citric and nucleic acids. True, in very small quantities.
The nutritional value of 100 ml of whey liquid is only 15 calories, so on average one glass of the product will contain 20 kcal.

Concentrated product (CMK) is subdivided into several types.
- SMKP - cheesecake. Mass fraction of dry matter in three indicators - 13, 20, 30%.
- SMCT - curd. Produced in the same percentages - 13, 20 and 30%.
- SMKP Sat - fermented cheese is represented only by 30%.
- SMKPS - cheesecake with sugar - 52, 65, 75, 90%.
- SMKTS - cottage cheese with added sugar - the same indicators as for cheese.
The confectionery industry uses a different MC list:
- concentrated;
- dry;
- condensed;
- condensed with sugar;
- fermented condensed.

This natural concentrated product has many beneficial properties. This feature is explained by the content of valuable nutrients, among which an easily digestible protein occupies a special place. Fresh or in the composition of drinks, whey can significantly improve the health of the body, prevent the appearance of certain ailments.
The benefits of whey.
- Strengthening the immune system. The involved protective functions are able to protect against colds, viral and infectious diseases.
- Improving the physical and emotional state of a person.
- This product is dietary due to the low amount of calories, as well as the ability to burn fat cells.
- Eliminates fatigue, fatigue.
- Stimulates the work of the brain.
- Concentration improves.
- Absent-mindedness disappears.
- Useful sugar in the composition breaks down old fat.

- The lactic enzyme does not accumulate in the body, thereby helping to lose kilograms in a short time.
- Helps get rid of cellulite on the abdomen, thighs and legs.
- Blood pressure is normalized.
- Excellent for hypertensive nutrition.
- The state of the intestinal microflora improves.
- Positive effect on the liver, kidneys and stomach.
- Strengthens the nervous system, relieves irritability.
- A cold compress made from this liquid relieves headaches and migraines.
- Affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Withdrawal of harmful cholesterol.
- Heals varicose veins.
- Anti-inflammatory effect noted.
- Regular consumption affects the production of serotonin.

- Helps to cope with depression and stress.
- Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
- The cleansing action frees the body from salts, toxins, heavy metals and toxins.
- The serum is suitable for healthy, baby and diet food.
- An excellent remedy against fungal infections using external and oral application at the same time.
- Due to the release of excess moisture, puffiness and swelling are removed.
- Useful for pregnant women, nursing mothers.
- Slows down the premature aging of cellular tissues.
- Accelerates regeneration.
- High levels of antioxidants to prevent inflammation and swelling.

Like any dairy product, whey is a great way to keep your baby healthy. Today there is a category of MS-based baby food. Pediatricians advise using it even in combination with other medications.
Indications for the use of whey:
- bowel, kidney, and liver problems;
- violation of the functioning of the vascular, endocrine system;
- inflammation of the respiratory system;
- skin lesions;
- heart disorder.
So that the baby does not resist the taste of the dairy product, experts advise adding it to familiar dishes, which will only enhance the nutritional qualities. Whey makes delicious and nutritious cocktails, jelly, jelly. Such drinks will saturate the child for a long time, give energy and activity. In case of an allergic reaction, you must immediately stop using.
It is best to consult a doctor before adding serum to a children's menu. So you will be calm about the reaction of a small organism to the contained components, and the daily rate and frequency of use will also be established. As for adults, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals can be replenished with the help of a 3-week course. It includes a serving of serum - 300 ml per day. After the end of therapy, health and well-being in general will improve significantly.

In addition to benefits, a dairy product has a certain list of contraindications. Despite the fact that most of the product is water, its improper use can negatively affect the condition of the human body. But this is only in the following cases:
- individual intolerance to milk protein;
- laxative effect can upset the gastrointestinal tract;
- expired or low-quality liquid threatens with nausea, poisoning and diarrhea.
When buying store products, be careful, study the composition and expiration date. Expired serum becomes an excellent medium for the development of bacteria, which will lead to severe poisoning, as well as infection.
You should first see a doctor before adding serum to your daily diet. Each organism is individual and requires a certain daily dose, even with regard to a useful product.

Features of the use of milk whey.
- It is most often used in the preparation of industrial foodstuffs - bread, cheese, drinks, confectionery. Due to this component, the dough becomes tender and airy.
- It is part of sports nutrition sold in specialized stores. The contained micro- and macronutrients accelerate muscle growth, and also restore performance after long workouts.
- Modern manufacturers have introduced a special type of drink on the market - fortified soda with milk whey. In addition, it is present in infant formula.
- The sphere of cosmetology was also not without such a valuable substance. It is used for the manufacture of skin care products of all types, hair.
- Purified from lactose (milk sugar), it is used to create some medicines.
- To maintain normal physical condition, it is enough to drink 250 ml of serum per day. This dose is filled with a large number of vitamins.

Consuming MC as a standalone drink or in combination with food can solve many problems with the body.
- To cleanse the intestines, it is recommended to drink one glass of liquid with added salt every day. Necessarily on an empty stomach.
- 2 glasses for two weeks will help to normalize the digestive tract.The result will not be long in coming - appetite will appear from the first days, digestion will improve.
- A mixture of MC and carrot juice will relieve constipation in a short time.
- A glass a day is an excellent prevention of viral and infectious diseases.
- A four-time intake of a 100-gram serving will have a healing effect with a strong, wet cough, as well as with some stages of bronchitis. The treatment lasts a maximum of a week. A teaspoon of crushed wheatgrass root will help enhance the effect.
- Mint-whey infusion can cure varicose veins and strengthen blood vessels. To do this, pour boiling water over a few mint leaves and leave for half an hour. Then mix with 200 ml of serum. Two meals a day before meals for 3 weeks will significantly improve the condition.
- Doctors recommend paying attention to a whey drink for people suffering from gout.
The cleansing property removes uric acid while improving kidney function. To do this, you need to consume at least 100 ml per day.

In cosmetology
The valuable composition has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin. For example, regular consumption can clear the surface of the face of acne and diseases such as acne. The chemical composition of the product influences the initial causes of inflammation. In addition, it is easy to achieve smooth and toned skin with its help.
The presence of beta-carotene in the composition allows you to create medical and professional hair care products. This element has a powerful effect on boils, which subsequently awakens the hair follicles and accelerates their growth. No less important are fatty acids and vitamins, which improve the condition of the curls, give shine and density.
There is also a place for whey in anti-aging cosmetics. The tool is able to accelerate cell renewal, which leads to a slowdown in the aging process. Masks based on MC do an excellent job of their task - they moisturize for a long time, even out tone, give a natural radiance, and sometimes even tighten. In addition, the product perfectly brightens age spots and smoothes superficial wrinkles around the eyes, lips and nose.

The main methods of application in cosmetology.
- Slimming. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass (150 ml) of milk liquid. For lunch and dinner - half a glass. Thus, you stifle your appetite and prevent yourself from overeating.
- Skin cleansing. Within 2 weeks, drink 300 ml per day; add a few drops to your favorite day cream and apply to the skin; wash with gel or foam diluted with it - a proportion of 1-3.
- Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair. Apply the liquid to the eyelashes with a brush; for 4 weeks, morning, afternoon and evening - one glass.
- Strong, shiny, healthy curls. Add 60 ml MC to the mask you bought, stir. Apply to hair as directed; a pure substance will show itself perfectly as a rinse aid.
Whey is a truly versatile food and cosmetic product. Its rich composition and valuable properties can heal the body of adults and children, as well as improve the external condition of the skin, hair and nails. Consequently, whey is an ordinary liquid substance obtained in the process of milk processing, but so useful and effective.
To benefit exclusively from MS, consult a healthcare practitioner before using it as food. The risk of an allergic reaction is not excluded.

Homemade or store bought whey will always keep you healthy.
For information on how to make delicious and healthy whey at home, see the next video.