Care cosmetics for the face: types and choices

Well-groomed and healthy skin is one of the important components of evaluating a person's appearance. Not only women, but also men strive to look attractive, and for these purposes they use a variety of cosmetics.
What are the differences between professional and conventional cosmetics?
According to their composition, cosmetic products for the face are divided into several types.
- Regular. They are sold almost everywhere: from specialized cosmetics stores to supermarkets. They are aimed at different buyers, as they are produced and sold in huge quantities. They do not differ in a unique composition of ingredients; they have a low level of vitamins and active substances.
Manufacturers of conventional cosmetics adhere to the requirements for products aimed at widespread use among the population - they act only superficially, without penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. This helps to soften, temporarily moisturize and elasticize the skin, but does not have a healing and rejuvenating effect. Usually the prices for these cosmetics are budgetary.

- Professional... Sale is possible only through cosmetology clinics, pharmacy chains, official websites of cosmetic brands. The composition of professional cosmetics includes active ingredients (retinol, peptides, antioxidants, etc.). Skin care preparations are aimed at maintaining natural moisture, collagen production, eliminating inflammation, fatigue and rejuvenating. The effect after their application is noticeable quickly enough. All professional products undergo the necessary laboratory tests, quality control and have the appropriate certificates.
Due to the high concentration of active substances, the use of drugs is advisable only after consultation with a beautician. The prices for professional products are quite high.

Varieties of cosmetics
Care cosmetics are represented by a series of preparations for different skin types:
- normal - the main purpose of use is nutrition and hydration;
- dry and sensitive - their use helps to moisturize, relieve irritation and additional protection of the skin;
- combined - the action is aimed at narrowing the pores, preventing the formation of inflammation and blackheads;
- problematic - have a therapeutic effect, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, neutralize bacteria and eliminate acne;
- with signs of rosacea - help to eliminate redness and vascular network;
- greasy - dry the skin, promote skin renewal and eliminate oily sheen;
- mature - correct age-related changes, increase elasticity, moisturize and improve the appearance of the skin

A series of cosmetic products usually includes:
- cleansers - foams and gels for washing, lotions, milk and tonics for cleansing and removing makeup;
- moisturizing and nourishing products - day and night cream, gel or cream for the skin around the eyes, firming serums and make-up bases;
- additional care products - scrubs, peels, masks;
- sunscreen for face –Creams, sprays, lotions.

Top brands
There is a wide range of professional and conventional face skin care products on the cosmetic industry market.
Among professional cosmetics, the leaders are the following brands.
- Christina. Israeli cosmetics. The preparations include Dead Sea products, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants and other active ingredients. According to cosmetologists and consumer reviews, the drugs are very effective, correspond to the declared characteristics. The Comodex series is very popular for the care of problem skin, and the ElastinCollagen line is presented in a wide variety to combat age-related changes. You can easily find care products for any type of skin at quite affordable prices.

- Clarins. A French cosmetic brand that has gained popularity all over the world. The complexes are developed using the latest technologies and are enriched with natural plant extracts. Beauty programs will improve the appearance of the skin, prolong its beauty and youth.
Very often, when ordering funds through the official representative offices of the brand, there are pleasant discounts and bonuses.

- Obagi. American cosmetics developed by a dermatologist. Due to the complex composition of the face care products are rightfully considered one of the best and fastest in the fight against age-related changes and acne. Each series has a complete range of skin care products for every type.

- Kora. The most famous professional cosmetics produced in Russia. All drugs are hypoallergenic, as they have a safe composition. There are lines for home and professional use. Most of the drugs are sold through pharmacy chains and online cosmetics stores.

Among the usual cosmetic products for face care, there are brands of quality cosmetics with a predominance of natural ingredients that have passed certification.
- Garnier. For flawless skin, manufacturers have developed the Garnier SkinActive line, which includes various products for all skin types. They are based on natural ingredients, the effectiveness of which has been proven by laboratory studies.

- Natura Siberica. A Russian brand that manufactures products based on natural Siberian herbs and oils, which, with regular use, significantly improve the appearance and slow down the aging of the skin. A wide range of products for all skin types. Rhodiola rosea based cleansers and moisturizers are well recommended for sensitive skin.

- "Clean line". Domestic popular brand established in 1996. The basis of cosmetics is herbal medicine. The task of cosmetics is to take care of the natural beauty and youth of women. Products can be found in any store. The line of facial skin care products includes extracts of chamomile, clover, pomegranate, iris, aloe and others. Cosmetics meet the needs of skin of different ages and types.

How to choose?
The purchase of any facial care products is not difficult. The main thing - take into account your age, correctly determine your skin type and choose a brand. Regular products can be purchased at the beauty section of any store. Professional cosmetic products are sold in beauty centers, pharmacies or specialized online stores.
To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to purchase cosmetics for problem skin prone to rosacea and increased pigmentation from professional series, but only after consulting a cosmetologist. The specialist will correctly assess the condition of the skin and recommend a step-by-step complex application of the preparations.

In some cases, the use of cosmetics alone is not enough, the use of dosage forms or hardware procedures in a clinic may be required, and cosmetics will be a secondary way of care that consolidates the results.
Creams, masks, lotions, gels, serums for preventing and eliminating age-related, mimic wrinkles from professional lines can be used independently, but it is important to adhere to the recommendations regarding the age indicated on the package (after 25, 30, 40, etc.) and strictly adhere to the attached instructions.
Applying quality cosmetics from popular commercial brands from conventional cosmetics can also have good results, but they will not be as quick. In addition, to achieve an optimal effect, it is better to use the entire complex of one series of care (cleanser, day and night cream, lotion, scrub for a specific skin type).

Effective lines of brands of care products for different skin types.
- For the problematic one. You can quickly eliminate skin imperfections using special series of brands - Obagi ClenzIderm M. D., Vichy Normaderm, Ultraceuticals Ultra Clear Skincare System. Cosmetics contribute to the elimination and treatment of acne. The composition penetrates deep into the pores and neutralizes bacteria, due to which there is a rapid cleansing of rashes.

- For oily and combination... Due to the use of drying agents, these types of skin may experience a lack of moisture, which manifests itself in a feeling of tightness. Specially developed lines of products Avene Hydrance Optimale Leger, Clinique (three-stage system), Effaclar H La Roche Posay will help to restore the hydrolipid layer, even out the relief and return pleasant comfort and softness to the skin.

- For dry and sensitive. EO Laboratorie (Ecolab), Natura Siberica (Rhodiola Rosea series). The components of the products help moisturize, elasticity and nourish the skin, as well as relieve redness and irritation.

- For mature (correction of age-related changes). The choice of funds is very wide. An alternative to salon procedures can be made by the lines Obagi Nu-derm FX, Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme, Vichy Neovadiol, Kora Premium Line. Peptide complexes, growth factors and retinol will satisfy the needs of mature skin: they will strengthen the contours, reduce expression and age wrinkles, and increase skin tone and elasticity.

If you have any doubts about the choice of funds of certain brands it will not be superfluous to consult a cosmetologist... He will give the necessary recommendations for care, guide you in the variety of cosmetic products and their manufacturers, select the optimal line with a suitable composition.
For more information on facial care cosmetics, see the next video.