Cosmetic petroleum jelly: properties and applications

Despite the abundance of innovative cosmetic products that appear on the market every year, some women continue to give preference to proven "grandmother" products and formulations. One such timeless remedy is petroleum jelly, which is still involved in hair and skin care.

What it is?
Cosmetic petroleum jelly, like other varieties of this product, is a product of oil refining, more precisely, of its distillation. Its use in cosmetology is due to its rich composition containing minerals and antioxidants, as well as a comfortable creamy consistency and a high level of fat content.
The safety of the cosmetic is ensured by the use of white petroleum jelly as a base, which is subjected to high-quality cleaning.

How is it different from other types of petroleum jelly?
Vaseline is usually divided into natural and artificial. Artificial petroleum jelly also has three more subspecies, depending on the thoroughness of cleaning - technical, medical and cosmetic. Plain, that is, natural petrolatum, is obtained through the use of paraffin resins contained in the leaves of plants. It is obtained by cleaning and bleaching products, has the highest viscosity, lack of color and odor, as well as a fairly dense structure. Although the composition of natural petroleum jelly is very rich and useful, it is very difficult to wash it off the skin, and therefore it is practically not used for cosmetic purposes.
The difference between artificial petroleum jelly and natural petroleum jelly lies not only in the method of obtaining (the first is the result of the processing of synthetic products). In addition, components that modify its consistency are added to the artificially created petroleum jelly, and the substance itself often takes on a yellowish color.

Technical Vaseline is used in industry for the treatment of moving parts or insulation. Its properties prevent corrosion of the metal, which explains the frequency of use of this product.
Medical petroleum jelly can be used as a laxative, as part of ointments, or as an auxiliary component for medical procedures. Cosmetic Vaseline, as the name suggests, is used for body, face and hair care.

Composition and main functions
As already mentioned, natural paraffin is made from paraffin resins, but artificial paraffin is obtained by combining ceresin in a solid state, paraffin, and perfume oil. For cosmetic purposes, the product is often combined with mink oil. Overall, this product is quite beneficial for the skin. Its elements help to create reliable protective layer from external factors.
Petroleum jelly also has properties to protect weakened tissues, for example, after exposure to a laser or peeling. The dense structure of the substance in this case allows, on the one hand, to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the skin, and on the other hand, to prevent the penetration of dirt and microbes inside. Protects petroleum jelly from both frost and dry hot air.
It is allowed to apply this substance even to the sensitive area around the eyes to eliminate dry skin.

Contraindications and possible harm
It is necessary to start with the fact that despite all the advantages of using cosmetic petroleum jelly, it is not allowed to use it too often, especially on problem skin. This can lead to disruption of metabolic processes and even blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Sometimes, overuse of the product even leads to the appearance of edema. When it comes to the face, it is better to limit yourself to a couple of times a week. It is strictly forbidden to apply the substance to uncleaned skin, since in this case all harmful substances remain under the vaseline film and begin to actively penetrate into the pores, which, in turn, leads to inflammation and other negative processes.
Although the product is considered hypoallergenic, some people do have an intolerance to it, so before use, it is better to carry out a test procedure by applying a small amount of the product to the inner surface of the elbow.

Review of popular remedies
On sale there is not only cosmetic petroleum jelly by itself, but also a mixture of the product with other useful components, for example, natural fats or plant extracts. For example, this applies to the tool "Mink", created on the basis of petroleum jelly with the use of mink fat. Thick Vaseline gets very good reviews "One Hundred Recipes for Beauty" designed to soften and moisturize the skin. Brand remedy "Nevskaya cosmetics" contains chamomile extract, and therefore provides the skin with additional protection and restoration. Vaseline has proven itself well "Dawn".
Interesting petroleum jelly for lips brand "Phytocosmetic", which contains strawberry extract, aloe and rosehip oil. It not only tackles flaking and cracks, but also adds volume to the lips. Cosmetic Vaseline from Unilever often used to remove make-up or to heal freshly done tattoos.

Where and how is it used in cosmetics?
There are a number of cosmetic uses for petroleum jelly. It should start with the fact that the substance is often chosen as an anti-wrinkle cream. On a daily basis, applying a small amount of petroleum jelly to problem areas will quickly and effectively eliminate age-related manifestations. The substance is able not only to smooth the skin, but also to increase its tone and nourish with vitamins E and A, which actually slow down the aging process.
We need cosmetic petroleum jelly to create a mask to strengthen the eyelashes. The nutrients present in its composition make it possible to heal the cilia, accelerate their growth and prevent loss. This method allows you to significantly save money on care, since the use of petroleum jelly is no less effective than expensive care products. This product also helps to tidy up the skin of the hands and nails. Thanks to him, the dermis receives the necessary moisture and softens, and the nail plates, on the contrary, are strengthened.

For women, of course, the fact that cosmetic petroleum jelly can be used to remove makeup from the face... The oily substance allows you to completely break down the remnants of cosmetics, dust or dirt, after which it will be enough to remove them from the face with an ordinary soft napkin. It is important to mention that in order to carry out make-up removal, the product will have to be applied to the required areas of the skin and left for a short time. An interesting ability of Vaseline is the elimination of small scars. Fatty acids and vitamin E are quite successful in regenerating skin cells, provided they are used regularly. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure twice a day, 5 times a week and in combination with a light massage.
Quite often, cosmetic petroleum jelly helps in the fight against split ends and hair damage. The product is distributed through the hair for 30 minutes, without reaching the roots, after which it is washed off with a regular shampoo. Another use of the product is to moisturize the skin of the feet. The substance is generously applied to the damaged areas, after which the legs are put on tight cotton socks. You need to repeat this action 3 to 5 times a week. By the way, if you add a little essential oil to petroleum jelly and spread it on your heels at night, then the next day your feet will smell nice and stay fresh.

In a similar way, by the way, you can take care of your hands.... It will be necessary to smear them with petroleum jelly overnight, and then put on special gloves. Cosmetic Vaseline is also irreplaceable for lips - it quickly heals cracks and moisturizes delicate skin. It will also be possible to use the product to create a home scrub. To this end, it is necessary to combine the fatty substance with sea salt or cane sugar, and then gently massage the entire body. An interesting solution is the use of the product for fixing perfume - before applying the fragrance, you need to rub the skin in the right places with a small amount of petroleum jelly.
Petroleum jelly, used after depilation, will quickly heal cuts and relieve irritation.
In the next video, you will find ways to use petroleum jelly in beauty.