Mirrors for women

Make-up mirrors: types, sizes and examples in the interior

Make-up mirrors: types, sizes and examples in the interior
  1. Features, pros and cons
  2. Where can you use it?
  3. Varieties
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Sizes and shapes
  6. Styles
  7. Manufacturers
  8. How to choose?
  9. Examples in the interior

Make-up mirrors have long ceased to be an element of the interiors of makeup artists, make-up artists and actors and have migrated to the homes of ordinary people. The reason for this is the functionality and ease of use.

Let's take a closer look at the types, sizes and examples in the interior of make-up mirrors.

Features, pros and cons

The design feature of the make-up mirror is the location of fluorescent light bulbs around its perimeter. That is, the product is a mirror sheet with such lamps around the perimeter. This guarantees good illumination while sitting at the mirror and its stylish appearance.

Undoubtedly, thanks to better lighting, it is possible to better see skin imperfections and work them out during cosmetic procedures or when applying makeup. It is convenient to use because it gives a good overview and helps to see all the details of the image. In a small mirror, you will be able to see only individual parts of the face or body, which will not allow you to get an idea of ​​the whole image.

In addition, the backlight in such a product gives the desired direction of light, which cannot be achieved using ordinary light in a room.

Thanks to this, the quality of the applied makeup is also significantly improved.

The advantage of the product is its durability. The surface of the mirror is covered with a special water-resistant coating that prevents streaks, stains and cloudy areas from appearing on it.

Burnt out lamps can be replaced.Modern models do not consume a lot of energy, so you can operate them for several hours a day, without worrying that you will have to pay a large amount for utilities.

Finally, such a mirror becomes a stylish element of the interior, adding notes of bohemian chic to it and demonstrating the good taste of its owner. It can be used to accentuate attention to a certain area of ​​the interior or as an additional source of illumination for this area. Like any mirror, the make-up room model, when properly placed, can visually enlarge the space of the room.

The disadvantage of a mirror is its higher cost. To these costs you will have to add (albeit small, but still) additional costs for electricity.

The product can not be found in every store, some models have to be made to order. This also increases their cost and delivery time. Finally, the product itself (especially the oversized one) will be the focus of attention, which is important to consider when planning the interior. Simply put, not always such a mirror can harmoniously fit into the existing interior.

Where can you use it?

Initially, make-up mirrors were used by professionals in theater and cabaret dressing rooms. It is clear that such mirrors performed primarily practical tasks - they helped to see the image as a whole, to avoid the appearance of shadows on the face, to work out every detail of the makeup.

Today, make-up mirrors are also purchased by make-up studios, various shops and showrooms. The reason is the same - the ability to see a holistic image without interference. In addition, such an accessory looks stylish and significantly increases the level of the makeup artist or store. Finally, make-up mirrors are placed in private living spaces. Typically in the bedroom or dressing room.

However, this element will look no less interesting in studio apartments, loft-style living rooms, corridors, in the hallway.


Make-up mirrors can be divided into several groups, and the classification will be based on more than one parameter. Various types of products can be distinguished based on their dimensions. There are models that reflect in full growth, as well as "portrait" counterparts.

According to the installation method, mirrors can be divided into several types.

  • Tabletop usually the most compact ones, they are placed on special legs on the table and can be easily moved in space. Such models can be placed on a special stand. There are designs with a shelf, a drawer.
  • Wall (otherwise - suspended) can be of any size, they are fixed on the wall. This is a convenient option for those who have decided on the arrangement of furniture in the interior and do not think about rearrangement in the near future.
  • Floor products - these are usually large mirrors on wheels that are placed on the floor. However, in some cases, it is the mobility of floor products that becomes one of the reasons for their damage.

Important! We should also mention dressing tables with a make-up mirror, which represent a single structure. The table itself can be combined with a chest of drawers, shelves, drawers.

As for the shape of the mirror, it can also be different. but the most convenient is the rectangular versionas it gives the best view.

By the presence of a frame, the products are divided into frameless and those with a frame.

Finally, differences may relate to the type of lamps used. A product with incandescent lamps will not be the most convenient to use - they quickly heat up, consume a lot of energy. Another unsuitable option is a mirror with LED strip. Analogues with LED lamps will become a more modern alternative.... They cost a little more, but this difference in price pays off when used - the lamps are ergonomic, give a white, even light, their use does not lead to excessive consumption of electricity.

Important! The mirrors themselves can be positioned around the perimeter of the mirror or embedded directly into the mirror surface.

A little less often you can find the option when the backlight is installed at a short distance from the mirror in special niches.

Materials (edit)

As for the materials of the make-up mirror, one can distinguish those that are used for framing and those that are used to create a reflective layer of the mirror surface itself.

Different materials can be used to make the frame.

  • Plastic usually used in budget models. It is characterized by less durability, does not have the same noble appearance as wooden and metal counterparts. Over time, it can begin to turn yellow and fade, make a creak.
  • Wooden (from solid wood or chipboard) frames look stylish and respectable. The surface itself can have different colors, so this product fits into almost any design. Thanks to special coatings, the tree is not afraid of wet cleaning, does not shrink, and mold does not form on its surface. However, this is a heavier and more expensive option.
  • Metal frame usually also done on premium models. As a rule, these are various forged elements that form an intricate pattern. Such a mirror looks original and attracts attention. The frame is durable and reliable, but it requires a certain style of the interior, that is, it is not suitable for every room.

Aluminum or silver can be used to create a reflective layer. The silver coating has a better reflective surface, but it also costs more. Aluminum spraying is cheaper, but it can distort the image and become stained and smudged over time.

Sizes and shapes

The most common shapes are the circle and the square. It was these products that were one of the first to appear and gained particular popularity during the heyday of Marilyn Monroe's creativity. The round model looks more compact and suits most interior styles. The standard size for round products is 50x50 cm... There are also smaller options, but they are no longer so convenient to use, and they look less attractive.

Rectangular mirrors are convenient. For home use, a model 40x60 cm (rectangle) or 60x60 cm (square) is sufficient... If we talk about an analogue for a professional, it is better to take a large product, for example, 60x80 or 60x100 cm.For shops, you can recommend a mirror 180x80 cm.

Rectangular and square options give the greatest viewing angle. They fit into most interiors and visually enlarge the room, making it more proportional. Models of non-standard shapes (rhombuses, hearts) usually serve as decorative elements and are equipped with only thin LED backlighting.

It is impossible to use them in practice for applying makeup - they do not provide the desired view and illumination.


In addition to functionality, the make-up mirror acts as a design element. It is not surprising that it can be performed in one style or another. Let's consider the most popular among them.

  • Classic style... As a rule, these are dimensional models in a wooden frame. Such a frame is often carved or gilded, making the mirror look respectable and harmoniously fit into most classic interiors. It is possible to use wood with an antique effect.
  • Minimalism... A mirror in this style is characterized by the absence of a frame (or it is inconspicuous, not wide). Lamps can be mounted directly into a mirror surface, and the mirror itself is usually wall or tabletop. It suits most modern interiors.
  • Loft... These are large floor structures. The mirror sheet is enclosed in a metal frame or rough wood.The lamps themselves are also quite large. The play of color is possible when framing the frame. The most popular options are black, white and red.
  • High tech... Small functional models with an unobtrusive frame or no frame at all. Shape - rectangle, square.
  • Provence... The mirror has the correct geometric shape, the frame is wooden, painted in light wood or white shades. There is also a version with an ornate floral-floral metallic pattern as a frame.


Many companies specializing in furniture manufacturing also make make-up mirrors. There are other manufacturers whose narrow specialization is the production of these particular products. Mirrors from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine are characterized by affordability and decent quality. Slightly more expensive - Polish and Chinese models. Premium products are usually sold under French, Italian and American brands.

Among reliable domestic companies one can highlight "Saturn", "Bridge", "Mirror Factory", "PromMaster", "PromSteklo" and other manufacturers. And also on the Internet, you can find many products from the manufacturer.

In some cases, this means the absence of state-recognized certificates for the product. But this is not always a bad thing, and whether or not to buy from such a seller is a private matter for everyone.

How to choose?

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a dressing mirror.

  • First of all you should decide on its dimensions and installation method... If it is a tabletop version, you need to check if the tabletop is designed for this weight. If the product is to be fixed on the wall, the dimensions should be clarified, the ability to groove the walls, and select reliable fasteners.
  • The next selection criterion is features of product operation... If the make-up mirror is purchased for professional purposes, it is better to choose luxury models with a large number of points of light. For home use, you can limit yourself to more budget options.
  • Rate the quality of the mirror - it itself should be quite dense, not have any scratches or damage on the surface. Lamps must not pose a risk of burns or fire.
  • Of course the product must fit into the overall design of the room... The most versatile are round and rectangular models without a frame. They fit into most interiors, but it is not always possible to make them an accent detail. Such a model will be especially appropriate in interiors in the style of minimalism or hi-tech.
  • If the product is selected for the bedroom, then the combination of framing with any decorative element looks interestingsuch as a headboard. They can both be white, solid or hammered.
  • It is convenient to use one large mirror in the hallway or corridor., which gives a full-length image of a person. As a rule, these are floor-standing, wall-mounted or built-in furniture models. By the way, the illumination of the product often acts as an additional source of illumination in the corridor.
  • For the bathroom, more compact models are usually chosen., in which a person is reflected up to the chest or waist. If we are talking about a rectangular mirror, then its width is usually matched to the width of the shell. There are no such restrictions for round models. The height of the mirror is determined by the ease of use, the height of the person.
  • For the bedroom, one of the popular options is a make-up mirror on the dressing table.... Usually these are square or rectangular models, the size of which is proportional to the dimensions of the table itself. The mirror is positioned so that its middle part is at eye level.
  • Most a mirror with lamps built around the entire perimeter will become functional and convenient to use... The latter can emit both cold and warm light.When buying a product with cold light, you should be prepared that it denotes skin imperfections more clearly and sharply - wrinkles, blemishes, acne.
  • The number of lamps can be different and here it is better to focus on your own taste. However, make sure that 2 lamps on each side are at the level of your face. This will give maximum illumination to the desired areas.
  • Optimal lamps - LED... These are the ones used by professional make-up artists and make-up artists - they provide full lighting and do not heat up. Fluorescent lamps cast shadows and distort colors and proportions. Definitely, framed by a mirror is not the best solution.
  • Pay particular attention to the quality of the wires and insulation - there should be no kinks in the wire. It is imperative to protect the wires from moisture.

Examples in the interior

Make-up mirror can become an even more functional interior detail. In this case, it acts as a partition and zones the room.

A variant of a small table mirror that is optimally combined with the shade and texture of the dressing table and the entire interior as a whole. This creates the effect of a spacious, light boudoir.

It will be very convenient to place the makeup mirror in the dressing room. In this case, it was possible to choose a simpler and more universal model. If there is a desire and funds allow, you should achieve a combination of all elements of the dressing room in one color and style. It turned out harmoniously and respectable.

The classic mirror "rectangle" of the floor type will fit perfectly into the high-tech bedroom. It can be combined with the main colors of the interior or accentuated the room.

The mirror looks unusual and stylish, the lamps of which are not located along the perimeter of the product, but on the wall next to it and are enclosed in special blocks.

The contrasting frame of the mirror not only draws attention to it, but also allows you to emphasize the tenderness and special luxury of other textures and surfaces in the room. And the connecting link between light and dark shades in the room is the floor covering.

Make-up mirror can also be made with a bright frame. The main thing is that the color of the latter matches the color tone of the room. Pink in this case looks gentle, but feminine, and not girly naive. This is a very appropriate option for a bedroom or studio.

For information on how to make a make-up mirror yourself, see the video below.

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