Irish costume

A fascinating story
It is always interesting to learn about the origin of the clothing of a particular people. All suits are distinguished by a variety of styles, colors and small details.

Until now, national clothes are haunted by a newfangled designer who seeks to modify them, while retaining their amazing color. Irish traditional costume could not be an exception.

Ireland has created a truly chic outfit, however, there is now a lot of controversial discussions about clothing. The fact is that the Irish national costume has long become a part of history - the people of Ireland do not use it everywhere. Admiring a delightful outfit is possible only at festivals.

The formation of the Irish national costume was not influenced by the cultures of other countries, and this is a distinctive feature of the attire of the proud Irish.

Many elements of clothing had to be adopted from sailors and merchants from other countries, but the traditional costume of Ireland was never adapted to the representatives of other peoples. Only England was able to make some adjustments.

Stages of development
On the way to the look that people of our time can contemplate with pleasure, the Irish national costume had to undergo serious changes.
- The Irish began to create their own costume in the sixth century. The outfit looked extremely simple - a linen shirt, a loose woolen raincoat, the length of which reached the floor. The cloaks were equipped with large hoods.

- Over time, social stratification began to be more clearly traced in Ireland, and then wealthy families had the opportunity to stand out with the help of luxurious clothes. The rich wore a different shirt, which was made from high-quality fabric. Most often it was silk or fine linen. Not without embroidery with gold threads. The higher the position of a person in society, the more complex the clothes looked.
- The wealthy Irishman was not always allowed to wear what he wanted. Depending on the origin and field of activity, the law dictated to the Irish people what color of clothing a person could wear.

The national costume of the Irish people has changed over the years. The first part of the wardrobe was pants, but they were not invented by the inhabitants of Ireland themselves.

The Irish took over the trousers from the sailors.

The climate in Ireland is very harsh. The raging icy wind, rains and damp air forced the freezing Irish to come up with such clothes that they could save themselves from the cold. Then sweaters appeared! An irreplaceable sweater was made from gray and white fabrics. Since they were made exclusively with our own hands, each product was distinguished by its original ornament.

The patterns usually consisted of the owner's initials or some other personal signs and symbols.

Influence of England
For a long time, Ireland did not obey anyone, but over time, the influence of majestic England began to spread throughout the country. The British did not interfere with the development of the original Irish national costume. Quite the opposite - they brought clothes to the traditional wardrobe, which helped to finally form the outfit.

The national costume of the Irish people acquired features characteristic of Europe at that time.
- There were jackets made of dense material, as well as elongated jackets. By skillfully combining these clothes with baggy sweaters, the Irish people were able to completely save themselves from the cold.
- Large cloth berets were popular.

- Men could not imagine themselves without shirts decorated in light colors. There were no collars.
- The Irish loved the plain kilt skirt. Mostly orange variants could be found.

During the reign of the English state, the attire of Ireland acquired a piercing green color. It is the green suit that pops up in the imagination of a modern person when it comes to the national Irish dress.

Woman suit
Girls have become one of the main adornments of the Northern country. The fame of the Irish beauties spread throughout the world. Poets imagined Irish women as flowers grown in a gust of chilly wind. Dressed in national costume, women became even more beautiful. Their beauty haunted men.

Unfortunately, there is now little reliable information about what traditional women's outfits were like. However, historians studying the culture of Ireland claim that each girl had a bright green dress.

The style of the dress was perfect - it helped to emphasize every natural advantage of the figurine. At the same time, a woman could by no means be suspected of debauchery. The creators of the costume managed to combine two characteristics - seductiveness and modesty.

Male outfit
The men boasted two standard sets of clothing.
- If the Irishman wanted to appear serious and courageous, he dressed in strict trousers and a jacket. Also, no man could do without a black tie. Thanks to this accessory, it was possible to easily create the image of a domineering, self-confident person.
- The second set expressed the brightness of the Irishman. Throwing aside their trousers, the men wore quilted skirts, the design of which was made in a checkered or striped pattern. The combination of green and orange shades showed the individuality of the Irish people.In such clothes, the Irish preferred to visit drinking establishments.

National clothes - in step with the times
Traditional Irish costume is often used for dancing... The dress is comfortable, does not hinder movement and instantly attracts the attention of the audience, so the national one, along with ease, managed to win the hearts of both the public and the artists themselves. The clothes of the Irish people are suitable for performing tap dance and kaley dance.

Modern women's costumes look much more frank than in the days of good old Ireland. The length of the dresses was reduced ten times, exposing the long legs of the dancers. Girls use tight corsets to emphasize the beauty of their breasts. To make the look even more sexy, the outfit is completed with white stockings.

A large number of decorative inserts appeared. Bows, lacing and extravagant patterns aimed at attracting interested glances will leave no one indifferent.

Fans of themed parties will love the idea of having an Irish-style wedding (or any event). In honor of such events, men return to the origins of Irish culture and wear skirts.

The owners of national Irish costumes do not express any discontent, only boundless admiration. The traditional outfit has been able to find its place in the changing modern society.

Ethnic ornaments magically create a mysterious atmosphere. This effect cannot be achieved with another garment. Customers feel they belong to the mysterious history of the harsh, cold Northern country. In their reviews, the girls write that thanks to the Irish costume, they are immersed in the fabulous world of childhood.