Capricorn man, born in the Ox year: characteristics and compatibility in relationships

A man born under the sign of Capricorn and in the year of the Ox is a strong and purposeful person who is not afraid of difficulties. In personal relationships, these men remain calm and do not openly show their feelings. How to win the attention of such a man? And what zodiac sign can make him a perfect match?

Character description
The Ox-Capricorn man from childhood shows determination and self-confidence. A man is not afraid of difficulties and thanks to this he achieves everything in life that he dreams of. He has a well-developed intuition, and this helps him a lot. In addition, the Ox-Capricorn is used to making decisions, guided by logic. Before making any choice, Capricorn-Ox always analyzes, weighs all the pros and cons, and only then makes the final decision.
The characteristics of the horoscope indicate that this is a strong and bright personality. Such men do not like to live by the laws and rules that others set. They are used to obeying only their intuition and only their feelings. Therefore, it is very difficult to make the Ox-Capricorn live by its own rules and it is very difficult to convince him of anything. This man is not used to obeying and does not tolerate someone interfering with his personal life.

A man born in the year of the Ox and under the zodiac sign Capricorn is a practical person. He does not like to dream, fantasize and never hangs in the clouds. Capricorn-Ox is used to acting actively and assertively. Such qualities greatly help a man not only in work, but also in his personal life.
This man loves to be in sight and in the spotlight. He knows very well about all his virtues, therefore, every time, being in any society, he tries to demonstrate them in all their glory. In whatever company Capricorn-Ox turns out to be, this man will always find a common language with everyone, and soon all eyes will be focused only on him.
As a rule, such men achieve serious success in their careers and never experience financial difficulties. But sometimes their restlessness hinders them. In addition, many Capricorn Bulls do not know how to concentrate their attention on one thing. They try to do everything at once. And this does not always lead to a result. Rather, on the contrary, it leads to failure.
And when a Capricorn man, born in the year of the Ox, is defeated, he immediately abandons the work he has begun and does not complete it.

How to get attention?
In love, this man does not show himself in any way. Ox-Capricorn is never passionate, emotional, never openly shows his feelings. Therefore, it is impossible to understand whether he is really in love or not. But, despite all this, Capricorn-Ox wants to be loved. It is very important for him that the partner openly and emotionally show her feelings. The Capricorn-Ox man loves to be looked after, praised and cared for.
A girl can easily win the attention and warm attitude of the Ox-Capricorn if she completely forgets about her personal needs and transfers all her tenderness and love to him. Next to such a man there should be a woman who is ready to make sacrifices, give herself gifts and endure indifference towards herself. Capricorn, born in the Year of the Ox, will not confess his love to you, will not give compliments and will not arrange romantic dates. But if the girl organizes everything herself, then she will gladly go to such a meeting.

Capricorn-Ox attracts the attention of the opposite sex with its openness. A man does not know how and is not ready to flirt and start short novels. If the Ox-Capricorn begins a relationship with someone, then it means that he has serious intentions. And if a woman is not attractive to him, then he can tell her about it directly.
Most often, such men choose partners for themselves among their like-minded people. If a girl has common hobbies and interests, if they will easily communicate or work on a joint project, then there is a high probability that the Ox-Capricorn will pay attention to her. Therefore, if you want to win the heart of such a man, then you must be on the same wavelength with him.

Relationships and marriage
Even after Capricorn-Ox enters into a relationship, he is not ready to change. A man will continue to demand heightened attention, care and love. But at the same time he will not manifest himself in any way. Capricorn, born in the Year of the Ox, is not one of those men who take everything for granted and give nothing in return.
In an intimate relationship, a Capricorn man born in the year of the Ox also does not show much passion. He does not attach much importance to this side of the relationship. Ox-Capricorn is used to giving all the best at work, so sometimes he has no time for sex.
His partner should be prepared for the fact that intimate life will also be devoid of romance, affection and other tenderness.

A man like Capricorn-Ox, if he finds a suitable soul mate, then tries to legalize relations with her as soon as possible. He is not one of those men who need to be dragged down the aisle by force. Ox-Capricorn himself will make an offer to his partner only if you are sure that she is ready to accept him as he is, ready to share interests and hobbies.
In marriage, this man does not change either. Capricorn-Ox does not become an attentive husband and caring father. Therefore, a woman will have to do everything around the house on her own; you should not expect help from the Ox-Capricorn. His wife will have to first of all pay attention to him, and therefore already to the children.The only plus of such a marriage is that the Capricorn-Ox man will always adequately provide for his family, will always be ready to protect them and will always create decent and comfortable living conditions for the family.

Suitable partners
Capricorn-Ox compatibility with other signs of the zodiac is imperfect, but still, among other signs, there are those who can become his soul mate.
An excellent pair for such a man can be a woman born under the Taurus zodiac sign. Taurus and Capricorn are connected by many common themes and interests, and for the Ox-Capricorn man this is very important. They share common goals, and both have the same attitude towards marriage. In such a relationship, a Taurus woman will not demand too much from a partner, on the contrary, a Taurus woman will be the main inspirer, can help to become even more self-confident, thanks to which a man will achieve great success in his career. In such a relationship, a Capricorn man born in the year of the Ox will be able to feel like a real leader. And this is exactly what you need.
A woman born under the sign of Virgo will be able to endure the character of a Capricorn-Bull man. Thanks to common interests and a common worldview, Virgo and Capricorn will be able to make a good couple. Both are practical and know perfectly well what they want from this life. Virgo will be able to adapt to Capricorn-Ox and create for him exactly those comfortable conditions of existence that he needs.
Such a union may well be called a marriage of convenience, but both partners will be quite happy with it.

Oddly enough it sounds, but this man may well build a personal relationship with a Capricorn woman. First of all, they are united by the similarity in character. In this pair, everyone will know exactly what the partner wants and why he acts in this way. Both Capricorns will be able to get along well, they have a lot in common, both are not used to expressing their emotions vividly. Such a union can become almost ideal if the Capricorn woman is ready to at least sometimes show openly feelings towards her partner.
A woman born under the zodiac sign of Pisces can become a true friend and faithful wife for Capricorn-Ox. She will be able to create that coziness in the house that this man dreams of. The Pisces woman can become a reliable support and support for him. We can say about this pair that they are kindred spirits. Next to such a woman, the Ox-Capricorn will feel confident and calm. It is she who will be able to give him the feeling of that happiness that the Ox-Capricorn needs so much. And he, for his part, will provide her with a stable and safe life, which she dreams of.
You will learn more about the Capricorn man in the following video.