Capricorn man, born in the year of the Dragon: characteristics, compatibility in love

A man born under the zodiac sign Capricorn in the year of the Dragon is endowed with many qualities, which makes him a confident and purposeful person. Communication with the female sex takes on a special character, because often relationships are devoid of misunderstandings and disagreements. Let's dwell on the features of this combination and its compatibility with other signs.

general characteristics
Representatives of this sign combine all the strength and determination. Combining these qualities helps in achieving life goals. Good orientation in unusual situations will become a great privilege in almost every business. Sometimes all this leads to an increase in self-esteem, as a result of which Capricorn overestimates his capabilities.
An incorrect assessment ends with a breakdown not only in business, but also affects the mental state.
Also, if a man always succeeds, he can become selfish and narcissistic, it is bad to take even constructive criticism.

The Dragon man is a strong, confident, full of energy man, always striving forward. He copes with difficulties on the way easily and painlessly. There are enough friends around him, because the sociability of Capricorns helps in building relationships. But oddly enough, behind the merry fellow hides a very emotional and quick-tempered personality. Inside such a guy there is a rebel who needs movement and change.
The constellation of Capricorn endows men with a stormy, intractable disposition, which sometimes causes a lot of problems. Having achieved one goal, he immediately strives to conquer a new peak, the demonstration of such qualities as perseverance, confidence and courage continues.Self-confidence is an assistant in the pursuit of results. Men of this sign are also kind, sympathetic, not devoid of compassion.

Career and finance
Great success in the career of Capricorn-Dragon is guaranteed. Their skill and perseverance are the very tools with which they build their business life. Among the representatives of the sign, there are a lot of specialists who can cope with their duties. But they need approval and support from their boss. Otherwise, interest in work disappears, which entails reduced labor efficiency. And it’s not about raising wages or bonuses, but about praise and honor.

Sometimes their endless creativity, combined with inner strength, overwhelms those around them or colleagues. This can be avoided only by limiting your personal space, so as not to offend the interests of outsiders. From time to time, there are moments of envy and unnecessary conversations.
In relationships, these guys also need freedom and leadership, which has a positive effect on their self-esteem. Whatever one may say, but men love to be in the position of the leader.
This will once again prove their importance and add potential for upward movement.

Relationships and love
Distrustfulness prevents the representative of the sign from building a serious relationship. It is extremely rare that love at first sight happens to him. Oftentimes, real feelings flare up in the course of long-term communication and the presence of common interests. Paired with a Capricorn, a woman can not doubt his care and attention to her. But custody sometimes becomes excessive, as a result of which the chosen one leaves the man. Therefore, at an early age, personal relationships generally do not develop.
One way or another, but the Capricorn man seeks to find the one who will become his wife in the future. But it rarely comes to marriage. To reach the so-called milestone in a relationship, Capricorn-Dragon uses all his strength and capabilities. A woman is usually afraid of such pressure and refuses everything.

Intimate life for Capricorn is a simple part of a healthy relationship. Although it is not difficult for them to combine bed with the early period of the relationship. The long absence of an intimate relationship proceeds rather calmly, without causing any particular problems. Not so often a man takes the initiative in this regard. And if this happens, then, most likely, he has certain goals and objectives that need to be given to him to realize.
In his sex life, the guy is rather a conservative. But this does not prevent the representative of the sign from trying something new, experimenting. General mood, strong desire, and, of course, the words and assessment of the partner are important factors. Understanding female psychology, he is fluent in the ability to see through his woman through and through, which will help to identify some points that are worth working on carefully. She also perfectly understands what she really expects from intimacy with her beloved.
Surprisingly, this all adds to his unpredictability, even in the eyes of others.

Family and marriage
Marriage is just as important as career. Among his aspirations will always be a serious and long-term relationship. The initiator in such a matter often acts independently, since he has the understanding that his own happiness is only in his hands. In a pair, the representative of the constellation Capricorn is quite attentive to his companion, mostly solves problems on his own, and often offers something new. This approach protects the union from major conflicts and frequent disagreements.

More likely diplomatic ties are expected from relatives, which, in turn, will be able to provide assistance in unforeseen situations. He does not seek to hide such an attitude towards them, usually he knows in advance who and how will be able to help later.
It is easy for a Capricorn man to have relationships with children. Strong interest, concern, and understanding are noticeable.He wants to participate in children's life, to absorb everything that his own children love. In upbringing, he is fair, moderately strict. She is not even going to force and persuade her children in anything. The relationship with his wife is good, calm, proceeding without significant quarrels.

Compatibility with other signs
Capricorn-Dragons are quite emotional and quick-tempered. Therefore, love relationships acquire a similar character - stormy. Sometimes this behavior scares a woman, who may later leave him. But a man has a peculiarity - quick appeasement. The scandalous situation makes you think, realize your mistakes and shortcomings.
Ultimately, an apology may follow from him. But this only applies to those who are not indifferent to the chosen one of Dragons. And if there was the one nearby who was able to wait out the Dragon's anger, accept his apology and understand such a surge, she can be sure that she took a place in the heart of a man. These couples are usually very strong and durable, and most importantly, happy.
The likelihood of creating a strong union, up to the family, can be traced with the representatives of the signs of the Eastern horoscope - the Rat, Monkey and Dragon.

Complete incompatibility is observed with the Tiger, Dog and Horse. Such couples often collide with interests and principles, which leads to a breakup.
As a tip, astrologers recommend creating a personal atmosphere where Capricorns can fully use their enthusiasm and power. Other people should not be allowed outside the boundaries of this space, otherwise relations may deteriorate due to some kind of pressure. Representatives of this zodiac sign always need a sense of leadership, significance and gratitude. Only in this case, the guys Dragons will feel a surge of strength and energy for further goals and the way forward. When it comes to romantic relationships, you need to allow the man to be in charge. Such a role will have a beneficial effect on intimate life.
You will learn more about the Capricorn man in the following video.