Capricorn man, born in the year of the Rat: personality characteristics and compatibility

The Capricorn-Rat man is endowed with hard work and a desire for well-being. This person does not like to express their emotions and personifies calmness and confidence in any situation. His personality traits depend on the environment in which he grew up. It is from the family that he takes the most necessary features.

Characteristics by horoscope
The Capricorn-Rat man is by nature a pedant who is sensitive to order. For such a person, everything should be in its place, and the mess will inevitably lead him out of balance. Everything that a man does is strictly described in his diary. Unplanned activities can seriously disrupt inner peace and completely change plans.
Surrounding such a young man are only promising and responsible people on whom you can rely.
It is quite easy to communicate with him, you just need to understand and take a too serious attitude to life.

Capricorn-Rat is always confident in his own abilities, as he has a sufficient baggage of knowledge and skills. It is almost impossible to convince such a person, it is easier to agree with his point of view.
To achieve a goal, such people are often ready to go over their heads and use prohibited methods. They can idealize the reality in order to clear their conscience for doing wrong.
The representative of this horoscope can rush from one extreme to another. Finding a middle ground for the Rat-Capricorn is a difficult task. But, despite this, such people are full of love of life and optimism and do not always understand how they deserve the dislike of outsiders.
Such a young man easily succumbs to temptation and can support even the craziest idea. If the end does not justify the means, Capricorn-Rat can abandon the venture and start looking for new tasks.

At times, the representative of these signs becomes a quiet and calm person. At such moments, you can agree with him about anything. During a period of calm, the young man tries to balance his life in order to achieve inner harmony.
As a rule, such people easily adapt to new circumstances and know how to find a common language with others. But Rats-Capricorns practically do not have real friends, as they are used to maintaining a certain distance in a relationship.
Capricorn-Rat can be noble and understanding, but for this he needs to have a personal interest. Despite the negative character traits, there are always a lot of people around such a man.

As a child, the Capricorn-Rat boy is very stubborn. It is impossible to convince such a child or instill in him a different point of view. Thanks to this, he almost always wins controversy and gets his way.
From an early age, the boy can be traced to leadership inclinations. There are always many children around such a child who value the opinion of the Rat-Capricorn and try to be equal to him.
In kindergarten and at school, the boy is peaceful and calm. He does not like conflicts and can reasonably judge any controversial situation.
Such a child seems too calm and reasonable, so parents often set him up as an example for their children.

Relationship to family and marriage
Family for a man born in the year of the Rat under the Capricorn zodiac sign is of great importance. He is very attached to his parents and appreciates family ties. At home, the representative of this zodiac sign takes a secondary role and does not claim leadership. But if necessary, he is able to make a decision that is important for everyone.
Such a man is looking for a life partner for a long time, since he makes high demands on girls. A long search allows a person to find an ideal woman with whom they can marry in the future. The Rat-Capricorn makes a proposal only when he is fully convinced of the chosen one, and this can take years for such a complex nature.
In the role of a father, such a person is able to fully realize himself. He loves and understands children, is ready to come to their aid in difficult times. The desire to communicate with the offspring, and to instill in them useful skills allows you to get educated and purposeful people.

Love compatibility
The Rat-Capricorn man loves female attention and is not averse to flirting with ladies. In adolescence, he is distinguished by excessive lovingness and friendliness, which helps the guy to build love relationships. Passion grips the young man with his head, which ultimately leads to scandalous partings.
Young Capricorn-Rat falls in love easily, but also cools down easily. For this reason, during his youth, a guy can change many partners.
Falling in love, he idealizes the girl in everything, not noticing her shortcomings. But after a short period of time, the man realizes that he attributed some qualities to the chosen one.
In adulthood, such a person is more focused on stability and is looking for a reliable and faithful companion for a relationship.
He marries deliberately and is ready to forgive a lot in order to preserve the family.

Misunderstanding in a relationship can begin due to the constant employment of a spouse, who can disappear at work for days to provide financial support to household members. But if an understanding and calm woman meets on his way, then there will be no disagreements in marriage.
A Rat-Capricorn man can build a happy family relationship with a Dragon-Taurus, Serpent-Virgo, Tiger-Scorpio, Rabbit-Aquarius, Dragon-Virgo and Rabbit-Taurus woman.
A stable union for a Capricorn-Rat man can work out with a Goat-Sagittarius girl, a Cancer Horse, a Monkey-Fish and a Pig-Aries. But with the Rat-Libra, the Dog-Gemini and the Ox-Leo, it will not work to build a successful relationship.

Career and finance
The representative of this zodiac sign knows how to enjoy work. To get the desired place, he is ready to risk a lot, including his family. To achieve career heights, the Rat-Capricorn uses its full potential and is ready to eliminate competitors by any means.
For such a person, the goal is not building a career, but the financial well-being of people close to him.
A man will not simply waste energy and make sacrifices if no one else needs it.

The Rat-Capricorn man will not engage in an unloved business, and therefore often selects places of work. Finding a job to their liking, such a person will show unprecedented ingenuity and enterprise, and also acquire beneficial connections.
This person's workplace is always clean and everything is laid out in its place. A pedantic man is not characterized by chaos, and therefore even one mistake can bring him to a nervous breakdown.
In all endeavors, the Rat-Capricorn is accompanied by good luck. But he cannot be called a darling of fate, since in order to achieve career heights such a man has to apply considerable perseverance and work.
You will learn more about Capricorn men in the following video.