Characteristics and compatibility of a Capricorn man born in the year of the Monkey

The Monkey-Capricorn man combines almost incompatible qualities. On the one hand, he is pedantic and strict, and on the other, he is sociable and amiable. These traits allow such a person to find his place in any area of life, despite the routine or excessive activity of the chosen activity.
general characteristics
The Monkey-Capricorn man has charisma that attracts people to him. Thanks to his friendliness and sense of humor, he can fit into any company and liven up even the most boring party. Such a person has all the skills of a leader, and therefore is able to find an approach to any interlocutor. But, despite the ability to build communicative connections, a man born in the year of the Monkey under the sign of Capricorn often does not have close friends.
The main reason that many people revolve around him, but there are no real friends among them, lies in his complex nature. Monkey-Capricorn cannot always restrain his feelings and splashes out emotions at the most inopportune moment. And if earlier such a young man seemed compliant and gentle, then, after a while, he can show himself as a cruel and unprincipled interlocutor. Such people are able to forget the promised and step over the opponent. This is because the personal interests of the Capricorn Monkey always come first.

This person does not know how to correctly assess his strength and often chooses overwhelming tasks. Realizing that he will not be able to achieve the set goal, the representative of these signs simply retreats from the intended path.
In adolescence, such people are distinguished by responsibility and ambition. They try to put things in order in everything and control the life around them. As a rule, they are not conflicting, but in some cases they can zealously defend their own point of view.
Capricorn-Monkey is able to adapt to any conditions and perceive life difficulties without serious shocks.
He has the ability to find and develop abilities in himself that will help the young man find his place in life in the future.

This horoscope has a certain duality. On the one hand, he is a purposeful and responsible person, and on the other, a frivolous and changeable person. It is impossible to interest such a man for a long time. This is due to the fact that the monkey's desire to have fun overshadows the seriousness of Capricorn.
With a strong desire, such people can learn to control the struggle of opposite qualities and find a compromise. If at the same time they cannot find a way of stable harmonious existence, then at least they will learn to control their emotions and adequately assess their actions.
Having developed the strength of character, the Capricorn Monkey will be able to set the right goals and show perseverance on the way to achieving them. At the same time, the excessive seriousness of Capricorn will be able to balance with the liveliness and activity of the Monkey.

Family and Children
Getting married is not a primary concern for the Capricorn Monkey. He begins to think about building a family already in adulthood, when all the main goals have already been achieved. Such a man is only interested in an attentive and gentle companion, radiating stability and reliability.b.
In marriage, such a person shows himself from his best side and can act as a real support for his wife and children, invests a lot in the family and everyday life, is able to do anything for the sake of family well-being.

The only reason a representative of these signs can put the family on the sidelines is career. At the same time, he will not blame the household for his constant workload and will not demand dedication from them. A man consciously implements plans and always knows in advance what this can lead to.
The Capricorn monkey can become a wonderful father, capable of investing a lot in his children. His life experience and love of life are passed on to children, who will subsequently be able to independently draw up a schedule for their own affairs.

In an intimate relationship, a representative of this horoscope can show himself in different ways. On the one hand, he may not insist on intimacy and wait for the initiative from his wife, and on the other, he wants to completely dissolve in the process and experience pleasure from intimacy.
A person born under these signs is very fickle in personal desires. At one point, from a sensual and attentive lover, he can turn into a cold-blooded and apathetic man. Such fickleness often offends a partner. But if the Monkey-Capricorn is lucky, then he will build a relationship with an understanding and sympathetic woman who can restrain his difficult character.
The Monkey-Capricorn man will be able to build long-term family relationships with the Rat-Taurus, Rat-Virgo, Monkey-Fish and Rat-Scorpio.
He can acquire warm and reliable ties with the Gemini Ox, the Dragon-Libra, the Goat-Capricorn and the Ox-Cancer.

Love compatibility
The Monkey-Capricorn boy in love shows excessive activity, being in constant search and sorting out partners. Nevertheless, the representative of this horoscope tries to maintain friendly relations with all his women. It is important for him to part calmly, without hurting the feelings of the former chosen one.
At first glance, the young man seems windy and frivolous, however, getting to know him better, you can change your mind. With constant communication, the Monkey-Capricorn appears before the lady as a responsible and kind person.

In a love relationship, a man becomes attentive and caring and is always ready to help the other half.Sometimes a conservative and stubborn personality wakes up in him, which can greatly annoy the girl. Only with a great desire and patience will a woman be able to understand the changeable nature and accept all the shortcomings of her partner.
To fall in love with such a person, you need to be a bright and memorable person. Monkey-Capricorn does not like windy and freedom-loving girls. Also, careerists and "gray mice" will not receive his attention.
To really interest the representative of these signs, the girl needs to be well-groomed, romantic and devoted nature.

Career and finance
Financial well-being for the Capricorn-Monkey man comes first. Only by realizing himself financially, he will be able to feel like a happy person. For such people, self-development is of paramount importance, so they try themselves in many industries.
A representative of this horoscope can equally well recommend itself both in routine office work and in social activities of a traveling nature. He is able to sacrifice his own comfort for the satisfaction of personal interests.
You will learn more about the Capricorn man in the following video.