Capricorn compatibility with representatives of other zodiac signs

People born under the sign of Capricorn are patient and hardy. Their minds are usually called "brilliant", which is difficult to dispute - their ideas are born almost out of nothing. A distinctive feature of the sign is persistence in achieving their goals, for which they are able to work hard and use all their capabilities.
As a rule, this behavior is noticed even in childhood: they will never stop until they get what they want. The same applies to love - if Capricorn loves someone, then even unrequited love will not stop him. Time and effort will be spent trying to win the heart of a loved one.
Capricorn is energetic and practical. His element is Earth, and his patron is Saturn. It is difficult for him to change his way of life, he adheres to conservative views. They often find it difficult to be condescending to the inappropriate behavior of others.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign in love
As for love relationships, there are a lot of disappointments and tears in them. A common problem for a Capricorn woman is restraint in her feelings, which can interfere with a relationship that involves dedication and passion. Their work or creativity becomes their outlet, this is facilitated by their character traits: self-discipline, the desire for independence, prudence.
Materialism does not leave them even in love and romantic relationships.
The Capricorn woman is not at all against love, but her mind is in the first place. Despite the external restraint, a woman of this sign boils sexuality, so she can get married early, but the union will quickly break if a man cannot give her what she needs in a relationship.
Often women belonging to this zodiac sign are looking for new partners for themselves, wanting not to limit themselves in anything. The Capricorn woman always goes forward and demands the same from her partner and children.

The Capricorn man will never betray and he himself will not forgive treason. He can change only when in his plans there is a break in the previous relationship. The man of this sign is prone to constancy, he is not interested in intrigues and short novels. They are secretive and cold, but they open up and become romantic when they find their true love.
If this does not happen, the Capricorn man is unlikely to be passionate and emotional. In marriage, he is a very reliable spouse, with him any woman will feel safe. The man of this sign will by all means protect his family from troubles, even if he has to sacrifice his interests.
The marriage is foreseen to be very cool, because the Capricorn man is very restrained. As he grows old, he may want to travel and have fun. His relationship with his wife becomes friendly and stable, but he remains an impenetrable wall for the rest of his life.

Perfect couple
At an early stage in life, Capricorns have the opportunity to build a successful union with the signs of the element Earth, to which they themselves belong: Virgo, Taurus. Only Taurus should not have great material requirements, must be hardworking and cope with household chores.
Virgo should be a consolation in any difficult situation for Capricorn and take responsibility for him. In a more mature age, the best marriage of this sign will develop with Pisces or Scorpio.

For woman
Both signs have intelligence and prudence - just those traits that can make a union strong. The Libra man is very impressed by the efficiency and assertiveness of the Capricorn woman, because he himself lacks decisiveness in his actions. Libra will always be interested in the woman of this sign, which combines beauty and coldness.
A woman born under the sign of Capricorn is a leader, and a Libra man is not at all against this, on the contrary, he likes that there is such a strong woman next to him. Libra is used to being considered soft and passive, but with a Capricorn woman, their behavior becomes different.
The man begins to show strength of character, trying to be on a par with his companion.
The Capricorn woman, on the other hand, becomes softer and softer, adopting the features of her partner. Next to a changeable and romantic Libra man, a Capricorn woman can reveal femininity and beauty in herself. A union consisting of these signs, if it survives quarrels and accusations, can become very interesting and bring happiness.

Capricorn and Taurus, one might say, behave like adults from a young age. If others allow themselves childishness and stupidity, then people of these signs of the zodiac are judicious beyond their years, patient, grasp everything on the fly. Representatives of air signs may find Taurus and Capricorn boring, but this is not so, just their element forces them to approach everything thoroughly, they are characterized by prudence.
For a Capricorn woman, the best marriage is foreseen with Taurus. Most often, a union consisting of these signs turns out to be long-lived. They both belong to the same element, so partners understand each other, share a love of nature.
The Taurus man and the Capricorn woman are very practical, purposeful, responsible and hardworking people. What they are looking for, they just find in each other - this is stability, measuredness and comfort.

A Cancer man with a Capricorn woman can make a great couple. Cancer is characterized by expansiveness, he is immersed in dreams, thanks to which a woman belonging to the sign of Capricorn can adopt interesting ideas from her partner. Cancer will help a woman to liberate herself, charge her with her sensuality.
Both signs will be comfortable with each other, because they value reliability and stability, it is unlikely that quarrels and misunderstandings will ever arise in a relationship. A union consisting of these zodiac signs can be found very often. You could say more: they are great for each other.
A mutual attraction is formed between Cancer and Capricorn, so they understand each other without words. Regular communication brings them closer together, growing into something more. Their main values are comfort, family and home. The life of people of such zodiac signs is measured, there is no intrigue or jealousy in a relationship, support and mutual understanding reign.
For them, a quiet life is ideal.

A common alliance. The Capricorn woman and the Virgo man have a lot in common. The partner has a sense of purposefulness, perseverance on the way to achieving the goals set, this will just be appreciated by a woman belonging to the sign of Capricorn. The partners have the same values - family, traditions, comfort, which makes the signs of the zodiac compatible.
There is almost no passion in a couple's relationship, but it is difficult to see so much friendship, understanding and support in any other relationship. They both prefer to rely on common sense, are not inclined to do stupid things and go about their emotions. A strong union is guaranteed, since Virgo and Capricorn have similar outlooks on life and prefer to spend their time in tranquility and comfort in their own home. They are ready to make every effort to make them feel good in their nest.

People of this sign are characterized by caution and suspicion, so it is difficult to predict who will take the initiative in acquaintance or showing signs of attention. The wait can take a long time.
A Capricorn woman will wait for action from a man, and he, in turn, will hesitate, doubt the correctness of his choice and the woman's feelings. But when someone manages to take the first step, the relationship can turn out to be quite successful.
A woman and a man belonging to the same sign, as a rule, are fighting with each other, defending their positions. But not in the case of Capricorns. Representatives of these signs can find happiness with each other. Man and woman Capricorns set themselves tasks that they must achieve with the help of each other's support.
They show caring and understanding towards each other. Since the partners are both hardworking, their joint activities always bear fruit.

Aquarius does not tolerate constraint, he is light and fickle, these qualities can attract a Capricorn woman. But a misunderstanding may arise in a couple: Aquarius prefers freedom, and the Capricorn woman needs constancy and knowledge of what will happen tomorrow.
On this basis, frequent quarrels are outlined, because no matter how hard the woman tries to keep the man of the air element, she will not succeed - she will either have to accept him like that, or look for another partner. The signs of the zodiac differ in their elements: Aquarius is air, Capricorn is earth, but despite this, it is likely that the union of a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man will be successful.
Aquarius is characterized by eccentricity, and the Capricorn woman is restrained in her feelings.
The partners of these signs can make each other happy only if Capricorn gives Aquarius a sense of security, and in return he gives inner freedom.

The Pisces man and the Capricorn woman do not see any flaws in each other, the union can be called simply ideal. They are united by spiritual and intellectual kinship, but besides this, people of these signs also experience sexual attraction to each other.
The support in the pair is a woman who takes responsibility for important matters, and Pisces men, being very good psychotherapists by nature, give Capricorn a sense of confidence. People of these signs can truly experience the pleasure of communicating with each other, and they may even be silent, but feel a surge of strength from being around.
There are differences in friendship and love. Most likely, friendship between them will not develop, but love - yes. Partners are completely immersed in each other and the interests of the other are not an empty phrase for them. Since both highly value love, they try to bring a touch of romance into the relationship, to please each other with gifts.

For a man
According to the horoscope, the union of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman is considered one of the best. A Cancer girl is ideal for a man of this zodiac sign. The relationship of this couple can hardly be called romantic and passionate, but they know firsthand the words that they are perfect for each other.
In addition to love, the people of these signs are connected by something more, some kind of invisible thread: they have the same goals and outlook on life, they are able to give each other what they do not find in others - this is solidity and support. A couple of these zodiac signs are very harmonious and happy. When a compromise is found, their love relationship can last a very long time or even a lifetime.
The Capricorn man will be delighted that his woman is domestic and calm, especially if she does not mind sometimes making concessions. But misunderstandings may arise later: the man of this sign is used to making money himself and providing for his family, which may not please the Cancer woman, because she can take care of herself.
The best way out of the situation is to let your companion make decisions on her own.

The union promises to be lasting. There are no violent passions and emotional impulses in him, but the representatives of the signs do not need this. The Capricorn man and the Virgo woman are united by common views - this is reliability in relationships, thoroughness and, most importantly, trust.
Together, people of these zodiac signs achieve material achievements: the Capricorn man gives himself completely to work, and the Virgo woman serves as a support for him. Caring and friendship in a relationship makes the union permanent and over time it only gets stronger. Riots, moral violations and public disturbances are unacceptable to them. Both the one and the other never leaves a sense of duty.
Among them, you rarely meet employees who are late for work, students who have not prepared their homework. To create a family, Virgo needs to fall deeply in love, to feel the reliability in the partner, which Capricorn can provide. If people of these signs manage to reach mutual understanding and show more love for each other, then they will become one.

The marriage of a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man can become long and strong. Deep mutual respect for each other, love unite partners. In a couple, as a rule, there are no violent emotions, but they do not need it.
The union consists of two strong self-sufficient individuals, but none of them seeks to suppress the other, on the contrary, they are able to appreciate and rejoice at the achievements of their partner. Everything is present in a relationship: romance, stability, love and devotion. Since Capricorns are restrained by nature, do not show feelings, a woman of the Scorpio sign can just melt a man.
The ardor and passion inherent in a Scorpio woman is enough for both partners. Capricorn values activity and constancy, and this is exactly what is in the Scorpio woman. Complementing each other, partners will be able to learn something from each other, they will get everything in a relationship. And the mysteriousness of the Scorpio woman will always be of interest to Capricorn.

The union can be long-lived, but only on one condition - if there is great affection and strong love in front of the people of these zodiac signs. The Capricorn man may not like the expression and unhealthy looks of the Aquarius woman, which can make the relationship difficult.
The Aquarius woman is prone to extravagance and a vibrant life, and Capricorn appreciates calm and workdays. A couple of these signs can turn out to be very bright and happy if there are strong feelings in the relationship. The dissimilarity of partners will attract prying eyes, which may even please the partners.
In the Aquarius woman there is lightness and ease, she breaks off old attachments without regret, changes her place of residence, and thanks to this behavior, a woman of this sign can attract a reliable and strong Capricorn to herself.

Worst partner
A marriage consisting of an Aries woman and a Capricorn man does not promise anything good. Partners will constantly quarrel and clash their heads, each of which will not give in and listen to the other. The reluctance to compromise will be constant in the relationship, followed by disappointments, reproaches and accusations of each other. But with strong feelings, it is possible that the relationship will hold up.
Aries can bring light expression into the life of Capricorn, and he will endow him with his discipline in return. An Aries man and a Capricorn woman may decide to create a marriage, but due to the low level of trust, it will not bring anything good.
The Capricorn woman needs stability, and the Aries man needs variety. If we talk about the Aries woman, then she is bright and dynamic, so people will not be comfortable with each other: one wants a planned program for the near future, and the other seeks to find new experiences.

a lion
People of the zodiac signs are too different, but if they ended up together, then something attracted them to each other. But, as a rule, the union, consisting of Capricorn and Leo, disintegrates as easily and quickly as it was formed. Capricorn is characterized by steadfastness in convictions and calmness, and he is somewhat upset by the excessive assertiveness of Leo.
Plus, Leo is used to being praised. Capricorn is not able to give him admiration and enthusiastic looks, so the relationship will soon end. The Leo woman constantly needs compliments and proofs of love from her partner, loves to be in the spotlight.
She may be bored with the earth zodiac sign Capricorn, she lives in the moment, and the man makes plans for the future. The same can be said about the Leo man - he chooses a bright woman and "going out", while a Capricorn woman prefers home comfort.

The union of such signs is very unfortunate. Relationships can seem happy only at first, when there is still intoxication and euphoria from falling in love. As soon as it passes, in the eyes of Capricorn, his partner Sagittarius looks frivolous.
Any attempts to control Sagittarius at the sign of the earth element end in failure - he does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself and, most likely, will leave without even giving the reason. A Sagittarius woman can easily win the attention of a Capricorn man.
He will have fun with her, interesting, there will always be a topic for conversation.

The difficulty is that the Sagittarius woman will not allow herself to be dominated, and the Capricorn man strives for a dominant position. If we talk about a man, then the Capricorn woman will remain a mystery to him, because she restrains feelings and experiences in herself.
If a union of these signs was formed, then this is not for long - until the Capricorn woman set a condition - she or his friends, and, most likely, the choice will not be in her favor.

With whom will the tense alliance be?
The horoscope promises that a couple, consisting of representatives of the same sign of the zodiac Capricorn, will bring people a long and stable relationship, in which there will be support, mutual understanding and a joint desire to achieve what they want.
Yes, everything is so, but one thing can happen - partners will simply become bored with each other over time. A man of this sign is more restrained, and a woman may want something new, on this basis, omissions and quarrels can arise.
Cancers and Capricorns are suitable for each other, but conflict situations can arise in a relationship. The latter can get bored with Cancer's emotional outbursts and resentments. Moreover, Cancer may not understand the coldness and restraint of their partner.

Capricorn may have a desire for leadership, this will force the vulnerable Cancer to withdraw into himself. Relationship tensions can be avoided and compatibility is ideal if partners are more attentive and listen to the demands of the other.
For more information on the compatibility of Capricorn with representatives of other signs of the zodiac, see the following video.