Capricorn compatibility with another representative of such a sign and the prospect of a family union

A person uninitiated in astrology may think that a man and a woman born under the sign of Capricorn are similar to each other. But this is a delusion. They are fundamentally different from each other. Men are brave and energetic, while women demonstrate their external defenselessness. However, the common features of the representatives of this sign are practicality, dedication and love of travel.

Characteristics of relationships
In the constellation Capricorn, Mars is exalted, which means that its representatives have a lot of energy. Men are restless and use this energy to conquer the world. It is important for them to be visible in society.
Favorite activities of Capricorn men:
- travel on your own transport (car, motorcycle, etc.);
- playing musical instruments;
- demonstration of a house of its own construction.
The sphere of the men of the sign Capricorn - construction and renovation. A woman in the constellation of Earth may have a secret sympathy for travel and construction, but if she meets a Capricorn man with whom she is compatible, most likely these activities will become her favorite. In relationships, women tend to learn from their men. That is why the relationship between the two Capricorns does not look like romantic. Representatives of the earthly element are dry on emotions and weakly susceptible to feelings, their love matures over the years. Relationships from the outside are similar to friendship and joint activities, so friends may not realize that a man and a woman are already a couple.
The compatibility of two Capricorns in love is not as difficult at the first stage as in a man of the elements of the Earth with other signs.Both partners hate the state of search and, when attraction to each other arises, they immediately begin to meet, without games and omissions. Capricorn is one of those zodiac signs that immediately translates sex into a relationship, and a woman of the Earth sign is just that.

The main condition for compatibility is sexual attraction and general field of activity.
Family relationships
Having finally met a practical woman, the Capricorn man can breathe a sigh of relief. If sexual relations are in harmony, and the characters are the same, an earth sign man can get used to such a woman. However, Capricorn marries only if he wanted to get married in advance. Usually such men begin to dream of getting married and having children at the age of 28-30. But if Capricorn is already divorced after an unsuccessful marriage and openly says that he does not want to marry, then it will be impossible to persuade him to marry.

Capricorn is the only sign that determines their plans for life in advance, and will not change them under the influence of relationships.
If a Capricorn man does not want to get married, then the only way to help him change his mind is by arguing in favor of financial or other benefits. For example, a real estate transaction or joint income. Capricorn women usually always want to marry the person they are dating, so it won't take long to persuade them.
In family life, a Capricorn man loses his main entertainment - this is the opportunity to conquer a woman. This is one of the most purposeful and easily excitable men. His Mars in exaltation forces him to strive for a goal, and then lose interest in it. Therefore, it is a mistake to believe that Capricorn needs, first of all, a good wife who fulfills all her household duties. Although he also needs this, but what Capricorn values in his wife above all else is her character. She should be able to say “no” and not be afraid to scandalize at the right time. A willing and obedient wife to a Capricorn man will quickly get bored with everything.
Capricorns in the family, as a rule, go headlong into everyday life and are engaged in the construction and repair of housing. This is one of their hobbies for them. You can even meet newlyweds Capricorns at their summer cottage even on their honeymoon. The fact is that Capricorns do not like hotels, so they prefer to spend the summer in their country house.

Also, Capricorns often begin to help each other in business. It is important for them to do something together, so a woman often gives birth to a child immediately after marriage, and the family begins to raise the baby.
Capricorn is not the most stable and predictable husband. He is responsible, but not caring, that is, he will do exactly what he promised, but no more. If the wife, after the birth of the child, loses interest in sex and stops positioning herself as a gorgeous woman, the man may fall into apathy, and his indomitable energy will go the other way. The fact is that this type of men is poorly aware of their feelings and simply succumbs to impulses. To stay attractive at all times, you need to not go headlong into maternal responsibilities. Better to demand from the husband that he earns more and can pay for babysitting.

Sexual relationship
The Capricorn man seeks to check sexual compatibility right away, but he does not do it for fun. Capricorn men are rarely hunters for random adventures; they want to find a permanent girlfriend. Before becoming a soul mate, a woman will be tested for compatibility in bed. It is important for Capricorn that his mistress arouses him. He will teach her all the subtleties of an erotic game himself, although he will accept a woman with experience with pleasure. The Earth sign knows itself, its body and seeks to teach and show what it gets maximum pleasure from.
In sex, the Capricorn man is usually good, because this is one of the types of Martian energy, which is unusually strong for him. In addition, Capricorn is diligent in training sexual practices. This is how his craving for learning everything useful is manifested.

Capricorn women may not have a very strong libido, because Venus is responsible for sex in women, which the sign of Capricorn suppresses. It's hard for them to fall in love, it's hard for them to really want someone. Capricorn women are often bashful in bed.
An important aspect of compatibility that awaits a couple is the complete trust of a woman in a man, which arises due to the identity of the sun sign. A man can become her guru in bed. Capricorn women who have had a relationship with a man of the same sign become skillful lovers.
One of the possible problems in the sensory sphere in a couple is inattention to each other's feelings. It's no secret that libido is closely related to being in love and being interested. If a Capricorn man's libido can function without falling in love, which allows him to have sex just for the sake of sex, then it is important for an earth sign woman to have a sincere interest in a partner and be in love. That is, problems in relationships that lead to resentment and discontent of a woman immediately affect the sexual sphere of partners.

It is worth knowing that the Capricorn man will never learn empathy, because he has weak feelings of intuition and empathy. Therefore, in order to avoid problems in the intimate sphere, a woman needs to defend the right to deny a man sex if she does not really want him. If a man realizes that her sexuality is related to his actions in relation to her, then perhaps this will inspire him to act for her.
Pros of the union
All the advantages of a relationship between two Capricorns can manifest itself if there is compatibility between them in the sexual sphere and if a woman respects a man and considers him smart. One of the important conditions for a long life together is that a man can freely express his thoughts without encountering criticism or condemnation from his partner. To many signs, the thinking of Capricorn seems peculiar, and only a woman of the same sign can understand it.
The pros of living with a Capricorn man for a woman.
- Stability. The Capricorn man is prone to stability, and if he is well in the family, then he will not cheat out of idle interest.
- Availability of real estate. Home for Capricorn is his second self. Acquisition of real estate and transactions with it is the passion of the men of this sign. He may have an apartment, a summer residence and another house abroad, and this situation may not depend on the financial situation.

Advantages of a Capricorn man in marriage with a woman of the same sign.
- Loyalty. Earth sign women are some of the most loyal.
- Thrift. The Capricorn man is one of the few who really appreciate the ability to clean and cook in a woman. Moreover, these qualities even excite him, so the household skills of his wife will not go unnoticed.
Capricorns get to know each other better over time, they are united by:
- striving for stability;
- understanding;
- running a joint business;
- love of travel.

Possible difficulties
The rapprochement of the two signs will not be cloudless, since the ruling planet Saturn makes them restrained.
Reasons why Capricorns may not find a common language.
- Lack of romance. An earth sign man does not know how to court. He is very practical and does not understand why flowers, movies, restaurants are needed. And if he is caring, then he does it as if from under a stick with a mournful look. In order for a man to become her man, the Capricorn woman should abandon her ideas of romance and plunge more into the home atmosphere. Capricorn can stay on a visit, he loves to cook together, he will gladly watch several films in a row, having sex during breaks. This is better for him than any romance.
- Lack of sex. Capricorn women can be too restrained and afraid of physical intimacy, thinking that the man will not want to continue the relationship after that. If he sees that there will be no sex, then he will not seek it.
- Selfishness. Capricorn men are courageous and hardworking, but only for themselves and their loved ones.In the first phase of the relationship, they may seem selfish and not respond to requests. If a woman thinks that a man is in a relationship with her, and asks him to help with repairs or purchases, he can safely say no. The best way to get help from a Capricorn man is to offer him help himself. This will most likely win over the partner, and he will do something in return.

Tips for dealing with problems
Two Capricorns are similar, so they look at each other like in a mirror. It is with this that they provoke most of the disputes and misunderstandings.
If a woman wakes up in a bad mood, the husband will not be able to comfort her and, most likely, will react coldly or sarcastically, this will upset the wife even more.
One of the rules for dealing with such situations is to go through your problems alone with yourself, and not seek support from your spouse.
Capricorn men are less vindictive than women. They educate themselves in a Spartan way and believe that the difficulties of life are the norm that should be accepted. But the woman of the Earth sign can often get upset due to the lack of emotional support, romance and the fact that her family is not a dream come true. This is especially likely if there is a child in the family, and the husband is annoyed by attempts to attract him to the household.

Capricorn women tend to accumulate resentment and distance themselves from their husband. After a while, such a wife will seem extremely cold and unfriendly to her husband.
Anti-crisis measures.
- Ask the family council for help if a woman gets tired at work or with a child.
- Transfer the responsibilities of preparing lunch or dinner to a man. Capricorn men are great cooks.
- Make it a condition to go out into society in beautiful outfits. This will bring the couple together emotionally.

The main advantage of marriage with a Capricorn man is that he is not afraid of a serious relationship and understands that there are problems that need to be solved. He can honestly and frankly talk about his emotions and ask him to find a way out of the situation.
It is better to justify your point of view not with emotions, but with logic. Capricorn will support any proposal if it is practical, rational and brings tangible benefits. However, if he considers something a waste of money or self-indulgence, he will never agree to it.
It is very important for a woman married to Capricorn to maintain her career ambitions, and it is better to work not at home, but in the office. Personal goals add character to a woman, this makes her more sexual in the eyes of her husband. Capricorn women often choose the profession of lawyer, engineer or manager. If a woman is successful in her career before marriage, it is not at all necessary for her to quit her job after marriage. But if she, on the contrary, worked in a low-paid position, then for some time you can take a break from work. However, if a woman feels that her husband is too carried away with power, then it's time to go to work. There is nothing worse for a Capricorn man than a submissive, dependent and spineless woman nearby.

A Capricorn marriage is a great example of how balance in all areas of life can improve a spouse's relationship. This family needs to balance work, play, travel and romance in equal proportions.
For the compatibility of the two Capricorns, see the next video.