Libra and Capricorn compatibility in love, marriage, and friendship

Astrology has always remained a science covered with many secrets and beliefs, however, only one thing is clear and clear in it - it has always remained a kind of bridge connecting the destinies of people, or an abyss that few manage to cross. Such a couple as balanced, sometimes frivolous and open to everything new Libra and a strict, conservative Capricorn with a clear outlook on life and an even step in any critical situations are rarely found these days. Therefore, today we will discuss the difficult compatibility of Libra and Capricorn in love, marriage and friendship.

Love relationship
Capricorn woman and Libra man
The love in this couple is often like some kind of romantic movie story. A restrained and intelligent Capricorn woman in the eyes of other signs may seem like an unapproachable rock, which with just a glance destroys any attempts to get closer. She is laconic, prefers actions to empty words, and a well-thought-out plan to spontaneous decisions. The Libra man is more gentle, gentle and careful. He seems to see through and through all her secret desires, hidden behind a dense mask of indifference. He sets a goal not to conquer, but to captivate. For him, the image of a strict and, of course, individual Capricorn woman is a kind of ideal that must be approached lightly, carefully, observing all the limits of decency, while giving the whole process of courtship lightness, ease and tenderness.

The Capricorn woman and the Libra man are not those who can fall in love on the first date and run headlong to the altar. Such a lady does not tolerate brute force; for her, the relationship must prove the serious intentions of the partner. Therefore, the relationship of this couple, even though it sometimes seems tender and even innocent, always remains strictly consistent and uniform. Partly because in this pair, courtship and the candy-bouquet period can last for months, and sometimes even years, that such partners are not at all a burden - neither one nor the other is in a hurry and are able to enjoy every moment with each other.

The horoscope promises a strong compatibility of the Capricorn girl and the Libra guy in sex. The intimate relationship between them cannot be called passionate, however, undoubtedly, aesthetic and tender. The slowness and regularity inherent in this couple is clearly captured in sex. It is difficult to say who will occupy a dominant position - on the one hand, the Libra man will always be in anticipation of a certain step from Capricorn, on the other hand, the key in their intimacy will be the mutual complementarity of each other. Most often, it will be the Capricorn woman who will act as the initiator of intimacy, the planning of time, possible conditions and place falls on her shoulders. The Libra man in this situation will act as a kind of creator - he will take care of the relaxing atmosphere in the room, he can please with a delicious personally prepared dinner or even an unexpected bouquet of flowers.

Capricorn man and Libra woman
A couple of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man has every chance of a fruitful and, to some extent, even ideal relationship. The inherent severity of Capricorns, together with masculine energy, makes a Capricorn man a real defender, strict, but, like all leaders, in need of support, tenderness and affection. This is exactly what the Libra girls are: they are graceful, affectionate, flirtatious, extremely witty. It should be understood that the Capricorn man to some extent is the standard of rigor and rationality, and if in business terms this trait allows Capricorns to achieve great success, then not everyone accepts such qualities in a relationship.

Deciding on such a responsible and difficult step as a relationship with a Capricorn man, Libra needs to follow two rules.
- The Capricorn man does not like to be disappointed in people, and even more so in partners. If, to seduce such a man, a Libra woman used all possible flirting techniques, be it coquetry, graceful possession of any knowledge or, banal, appearance, a woman should be ready to demonstrate identical dignity throughout the entire relationship. A ruined image for a Capricorn man is like a red rag for a bull.
- If we take into account some indecision and lightness of Libra, then such a trait as dominance inherent in Capricorns can be beneficial in further relationships. However, Libra's strong empathic abilities and pliability can play a cruel joke in such an alliance. The leadership qualities of Capricorn, together with a bad mood, can turn out to be a kind of bomb, all the destructive power of which Libra will have to take on. If a Libra woman is able to withstand such blows and at the same time remain the same sweet and gentle young lady that Capricorn noticed in her at the very beginning, then you can not worry too much about the rest of the relationship.

These signs are also sexually compatible. The passion of a strong and energetic Capricorn, as well as the sensuality, tenderness and lightness of Libra, often allow both signs to get a lot of pleasure from each other. However, in such an intimate union, there will still be a vulnerable spot - this couple will sometimes be sorely lacking in openness and sensuality. Accustomed to the complete openness of a Libra partner, they will be wary of Capricorn, who, even in an atmosphere of intimacy, often remains serious and consistent.
This couple has every chance of beautiful and sensual sex only if both learn to understand each other and make compromises for the sake of this union.

Family life
These zodiac signs in marriage have the same problems as the rest. All the same endurance and ability to support each other, only in this case the ideal union of husband and wife in Capricorn and Libra will be possible.

Capricorn man and Libra woman
This combination of signs can be found much more often. The Capricorn man acts in marriage as a vigilant and serious, businesslike owner. It will sometimes be difficult for Libra to get at least a little tenderness or sensuality from him, but as a person, the family Capricorn is simply irreplaceable. An unattached shelf, peeled wallpaper and non-working equipment - all this may be in other signs, but not in Capricorn, who prefers both stability and order. However, Libra should not flatter himself and throw off all the hardships of family life on Capricorn - he clearly knows his duties as a husband and master and will clearly outline them in the very first months of life together.
Libra women are wonderful wives: they are caring, gentle, ready to support any undertakings of a serious husband, however, what they lack is perseverance and thrift. If in the first months after the wedding a Libra woman looks like a bee always busy with cooking, cleaning and washing, then very soon, without the proper attention of her husband, she may lose interest in routine daily work. This can be a serious test for a couple, since the always calm and rational Capricorn is not at all inclined to constant "tenderness" and often prefers watching newspapers, news or playing sports after work to family life. The only thing that can help Libra in this case is to find additional hobbies in addition to kitchen red tape. However, one should not forget about the latter, because for Capricorns, family comfort and cleanliness in the house is one of the main factors of a happy marriage.

Capricorn woman and Libra man
This is a much rarer combination of signs, partly because the Capricorn woman often sets herself the goal of finding an initially reliable partner for marriage, to which the Libra man may not seem right away. While the Capricorn girl is in an almost endless search for a confident and serious partner and is constantly disappointed in them, the Libra guy approaches her inaccessible nature with great caution, which charms her.

The marriage of this couple promises to be really happy: there is both beauty, romance, and order and stability. The main burden of household and household chores will fall on the shoulders of Capricorn, however, the Libra man is not at all one of those who leave his beloved literally to live in the kitchen. If he feels even a drop of the same feelings in his direction that he gives himself, he will always remain a kind and moderately romantic family man.
This couple is one of the few who do not need a child for even greater happiness. They are ready to live their whole lives side by side, enjoying each other in their own abstracted and extraordinary world, full of mutual understanding, love and help. However, one should not forget about the ability to make concessions in time. This is especially true for Libra, for whom a sharp and sometimes undeserved statement by Capricorn in their direction can be extremely offensive. However, Libra is not at all touchy and not vindictive, and Capricorns are too rational to be angry with someone for a long time without reason. The secret of the friendship of these signs is all in the same long-term study and acceptance of each other's shortcomings and characteristics.

If there is anything to be said with certainty about this couple, it is that they make great friends. The friendship of these two does not start like everyone else - initially they may confuse sympathy for each other with romantic feelings, however, both will soon realize that only friendship and sometimes purely business support will be more productive for both. Friendships between these signs are often based on one of two principles.
The first principle is the most common and denotes a partnership of mutual assistance, where Libra, as a weaker and inconsistent sign, often cannot do without leadership help and support. With which, in turn, Capricorns do an excellent job and, as a result, receive a lot of sincere gratitude from Libra. And who, if not Capricorn, loves well-deserved praise and favor in his address.

The second principle is also based on the mutual usefulness of signs to each other, however, can be described as mutual moral support. With the help of valuable life and sometimes even business advice from Libra, Capricorn can achieve even greater success in the business field. In addition, Libra is an excellent psychologist and advisor in love and family relationships between people. As a rule, a friendly alliance between these signs is so strong that it can last for decades. It should be understood that their friendship will always be mutually beneficial, however, there is nothing wrong with that - they will always find how to interest each other and while away the long evening.

Child and parent
Capricorn child and Libra parent
The Capricorn child in the family resembles a little old man - he is almost always serious, it is difficult to cheer him up, he is almost from birth practical and calm, be it a son or a daughter. A distinctive feature of Libra as a parent can be considered the encouragement of absolutely all hobbies of his calm and sensible child (if, of course, they do not border on activities that are harmful to physical and mental health). This is especially true for creative activities, where a parent can not only support the child, but also help with his own energy and new bright ideas. The main task of Libra as a parent in this case will be to develop the horizons of their child, stimulate his imagination.

The parent must teach the child the ability to see the beauty around and make informed decisions. And if a child can even resist such attention to his personal life, then in the future he will understand how useful such upbringing was for the formation of his personality. Some problem in the relationship between the Libra parents and the Capricorn child can be considered a significant difference in the desired social circle. Libra has always been a very open sign in communication, they have a lot, if not acquaintances, then friends whom they often like to invite. Capricorn does not understand such preferences of the mother or father and can often experience understandable jealousy or simply lack of attention. Not to mention the fact that for Capricorns at any age 2-3 loyal friends is a limit that is almost impossible to overcome, and is it really necessary?

At first glance, there is nothing positive about such a difference in communication, however, if Capricorn from the very birth turns around in rather large companies, he will then be able to subconsciously “read” people, learn to communicate with them and understand what exactly this or that person needs. Another problematic point in this combination of signs in the family can be considered the relative inconsistency and frivolity in the thoughts of the Libra parents and, conversely, the mirror-like seriousness and rationality of Capricorn in thoughts and actions. The Libra parent often tries to instill his qualities in his child, however, with Capricorn, such an undertaking is unlikely to pass - he is too much disliked by the baseless fantasies and illusory thoughts of Libra.
The point to which it would be worth paying special attention in this pair of signs is the sensuality of the relationship between parent and child. Despite the fact that Libra perfectly feels any person, they know how to gain trust and understand people, they still sometimes do not understand the behavior of their child in relation to themselves. To be a little more succinct - Libra is loving and gentle, they love it when a child hugs them, says that he loves and cannot do without them.You should not expect the frequent manifestation of such feelings from the Capricorn child, and the point is not at all a bad upbringing, it's just that these little "old people" are used to keeping everything in themselves. Despite such external coldness, Capricorns need frequent support and consolation more than others, they are simply not used to showing it.

Capricorn parent and Libra child
Accustomed to obeying and following their rules, Capricorn, be it a father or a mother, is not in the mood to give his child too much freedom of action. For a Capricorn parent, the main factor in raising a child will be considered his success and difference from other children. Usually dry and greedy for feelings, Capricorns literally bloom when someone deservedly praises their child. And here, for sure, many of us will remember the cases when a parent, through a child, tries to accomplish something that he himself has not achieved in life.
However, Capricorn will never demand from a child what he himself cannot. Focusing on their past experience, on their behavior in childhood, the parent can keep the Libra child in a kind of iron grip. At the same time, Capricorn perfectly understands what limits the child, but is rarely able to do something about it. The main problem in such relationships can be considered the excessive authority of Capricorn in relation to the child, this often leads to such a phenomenon as “Mamen’s (a) son / daughter”. And here the Libra child faces a difficult task - he must learn to defend his opinion in front of the parent and his right to long walks and not always ordinary hobbies. Capricorns are absolutely authoritarian only at first glance, on the other hand, they love to see identical decisiveness and seriousness in other people, so they will only be glad deep inside that their child has acquired his own opinion.

What exactly this pair of signs of parent and child converges on is the general attraction to creativity. The eternally busy Capricorn parent, despite his far from creative hobbies, will be very happy if a cheerful and gentle child finds joy in prose or music. Perhaps the whole point is in the never fulfilled dreams of Capricorn himself. Whatever it was, but the Capricorn parent, albeit in the depths of his soul, is very proud of his child. He is fascinated by his cheerfulness, energy, ability to make a bunch of friends, even if naive in some cases. Sometimes a parent may even notice some envy behind him - after all, not everyone would call him sociable and cheerful. However, he skillfully suppresses these feelings and gives his child what he can himself: teaches him to be wise, careful and purposeful.
Not to mention the fact that there is no better motivator than Capricorn in performing any assignments and tasks.

Possible difficulties and their solution
It is difficult to say unequivocally what difficulties these signs may encounter on the common path. Be that as it may, one horoscope will definitely not be enough to solve all your problems with your partner. We must not forget that any partner is an individual and a special person, for whom none of the definitions we have indicated may be applicable. However, we have nevertheless identified for you the main points that would be worth paying attention to.

- Be patient with your partner / husband / friend / child. No one will dispute your right to order and comfort, you just need to find in this order, albeit tiny, but a place for indecisive and gentle Libra. If you find this place in your heart, be sure that you have found the happiness that you have been looking for for so long.
- Remember that in this union, in many respects, the responsibility lies with you - strong, purposeful and serious. However, do not forget to descend from heaven to earth more often, where Libra will wait for you with open arms. They are your connection with the outside world, they will always tell you what to do, comfort and hold you tightly. Take care of them.

- An equally important task lies with you - you are a kind of outlet for Capricorns. As a spouse or son, partner, you should always remain a faithful friend for Capricorns, able to find consolation even in the darkest situations. Do not regret using your innate empathy - this is your gift, capable of saving Capricorns no more and no less from time to time, even if they themselves do not understand it or do not want to admit it.
- Ignore your partner's possible coldness. Let this love / friendship or relationship sometimes seem dry to you, believe me - Capricorns value you, cherish you, love you, even if they are not able to often show it. If you manage to win their favor, they will never betray you and will forever remain faithful friends or spouses.

Well, for parents with children of both signs, only one thing should be said - your children are unique, do not forget to support their endeavors, turn a blind eye to some pranks and give them love and care as often as possible.
You will learn more about the pair of Libra and Capricorn in the following video.