Capricorn woman born in the Year of the Dragon: characteristics and compatibility

The universe keeps many unsolved mysteries of the universe. One of them, of course, is the influence of the stars on human destinies. Astrologers have been trying to study this phenomenon since ancient times. Through centuries of observations and experiments, 12 signs of the zodiac were identified and the characteristics inherent in each of them were described. What sign you were born under depends on the day and month of your birth. In addition to the zodiacal circle, which belongs to the so-called Western astrology, there is also a 12-year cycle described in Eastern astrology. Each year is given the name of one of the animals, which, according to legend, came to the Buddha's birthday. The cycle repeats every 12 years. In this article, we will tell you about what traits are inherent in women born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Dragon.

Features of the sign
The Capricorn girl, born in the year of the Dragon, is a truly amazing personality. Bright, strong, with a lively mind and interested in everything in the world. The energy from this lady is in full swing. She loves to set a high standard for herself and, if she does something, then she does it on the "5+". Her luck is not an accident and not a coincidence, but daily and painstaking work on herself, constant self-control and self-discipline. The willpower of Capricorn-Dragon is colossal.
However, one should not think that this is some kind of "iron lady", dry and tough, for whom building a career is the most important life mission. No, Capricorn-Dragon knows how to have fun, has a lively and sharp mind, a sense of humor, is always ready to learn something new and keep up a conversation on almost any topic. Boyfriends constantly revolve around her.
Going up the career ladder, such a woman will not stop in the middle.She has a highly developed intellect, knows how to calculate options, makes decisions quickly. As a rule, Capricorn-Dragon becomes either the owner of his own business, or the head of a division in the enterprise. She perfectly knows how to set tasks for the team, delegate authority. He enjoys respect and authority among colleagues.

But this medal also has a downside. The Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Dragon, does not like to listen to other people's opinions and rarely admits that she was wrong about something. Sometimes in an argument, she can flare up and show excessive aggression. The most pronounced character trait of Capricorn-Dragon is the desire to control everything and everyone. She loves making rules and requires everyone to follow them. Loves to teach very much. This cannot but affect her relationships with other people, since not every person will tolerate such an intrusion into his personal space and reading notations. In the family, because of this, conflicts often arise.
By the way, as for relations with members of the opposite sex, everything is also very clear here: such a demanding and striving for an ideal woman simply cannot have an affair with a “middle peasant”. She chooses a match for herself. She will definitely notice an intelligent, successful, energetic, strong-willed and purposeful gentleman. Lady Capricorn must see potential in the chosen one, must know for sure that he will be able to provide her with the level of life to which she aspires. In general, it is not at all easy for her to like her.
But do not think that a man will always have to deal with such a domestic tyrant, always dissatisfied and demanding something. As soon as a family arises, the Capricorn-Dragon girl will turn into a caring wife and mother.
She is able to give her beloved people such love and tenderness that many have never dreamed of.

Eastern horoscope compatibility
Now we will try to figure out which representatives of the signs of the Western and Eastern horoscope are suitable for building a relationship with an obstinate and self-confident lady.
We are looking for the perfect match for the Dragon girl.
- Dragon + Rat. They have good chances for a joint future, however, there is one caveat: it is very important to go through the stage of courtship and "grinding" correctly. The dragon, as we remember, always seeks to occupy a dominant position, and so, in the case of the Rat, this may not work. If they can come to a reasonable compromise, then everything will turn out great for them.
- Dragon + Bull. At first, the activity and liveliness of the Dragon may seem excessive to the calm Ox. In addition, the Ox will also not appreciate the Dragon's desire for supremacy. But as soon as he begins to take care of the obstinate lady, she will immediately transfer the reins of government into the strong hands of a partner.
- Dragon + Tiger. The relationship in this couple will be built on mutual respect. The Tiger is a wise sign, he will not suppress the Dragon, on the contrary, the Dragon will want to show true feminine weakness next to such a strong man.

- Dragon + Rabbit. A strange tandem, but only at first glance. This is exactly the case when opposites attract. It may be difficult for them to understand each other at first, but over time, it is the differences that will lead to building strong bonds.
- Dragon + Dragon. But this couple, on the contrary, has too many of the same character traits: love of power, exorbitant ambitions, explosive character. Because of this, quarrels will be inevitable. Only mutual respect and giving the partner the right to choose can unite the Dragons.
- Dragon + Snake. A very interesting union. In it, the Dragon girl will be able to take a leading position, however, this does not mean that she will have to make decisions on her own and be responsible for everything. It's just that the guy Snake will be able to implement his point of view so flexibly that at first the Dragon will not notice that the decisions she makes are actually "whispered" to her by the cunning Snake.

- Dragon + Horse. A promising couple.Sociable and bright guy Horse will definitely like the equally bright and lively girl Dragon. They will have tons of topics for conversation. In family life, a woman will happily hand over the reins of government to her chosen one, because the Horse is a very rational sign and knows how to solve problems even in the embryonic stage.
- Dragon + Goat. The success of this alliance is based on the readiness of the Goat to behave quietly and calmly in a pair and to agree to a "second role". The goat is not a conflict sign, but it can also “kick up” if it thinks that there is too little personal space left. The dragon, having got used to his partner's laconic speech, will be unpleasantly surprised by this. Therefore, it is very important to initially define your position in the relationship.
- Dragon + Monkey. The case when two very similar characters collide and it is this similarity that they cannot forgive each other. The signs are explosive, aggressive, striving for domination. Their conflicts, and they will certainly be, are likely to lead to a breakup.

- Dragon + Rooster. The couple has good prospects. For the Dragon, life is movement, dynamics. But even a perpetual motion machine needs a reboot. And the Rooster will help the lady Dragon very much in this, creating a calm harbor in the "family nest".
- Dragon + Dog. One of the most unsuccessful tandems. The fact is that the signs of the Dragon and the Dog are opposite each other in the zodiacal circle and are antagonists. Their dislike is embedded very deeply in the soul of each of them, no matter how hard they try, the signs cannot coexist together.
- Dragon + Pig. They have good prospects for creating and developing relationships. When family ties are tied, it comes to the point that each of the signs begins to intuitively catch the mood of the other. They do everything together and, as a result, form an excellent family-team, in which mutual assistance always comes first.

Western Horoscope Compatibility
Now we will select a pair for our lady according to the western horoscope.
- Capricorn + Aries. A great couple with promising prospects. Aries careerist will be pleasantly surprised to find that he has finally found a "fighting girlfriend" who will provide him with a reliable rear and keep his home while he is busy making money.
- Capricorn + Taurus. Ideal tandem, according to astrologers. These signs have similar outlooks on life, share and support each other's interests. They will come together like two pieces of a puzzle and will complement each other, constantly developing and progressing.
- Capricorn + Gemini. Far from being a perfect union. Capricorn is a serious and firm lady, and the Gemini man sometimes behaves like an over-aged child. Their marriage is possible only if it is built on the foundation of great love and passion.

- Capricorn + Cancer. These two have mutual attraction at the moment of meeting. Relationships develop slowly, but they have nowhere to rush. They are happy to do household chores, make decisions together, make plans. This couple is so harmonious that it can be considered ideal.
- Capricorn + Leo. Two strong signs. Each of them will want to "pull the blanket over themselves." Only in one case will their marriage be successful - if Capricorn gives in to Leo and recognizes his leadership. But Capricorn rarely obeys anyone, especially of their own free will. That is why the family ties of Leo and Capricorn will be short-lived.
- Capricorn + Virgo. In this pair, oddly enough, Capricorn acts as a muse for the Virgo man. He strives to conquer new heights and obtain all kinds of material benefits that he longs to put at the feet of his chosen one.

- Capricorn + Libra. Capricorn is a pragmatist, Libra is a romantic. At first glance, it may seem that a man with such a gentle character will be frightened and repulsed by this "iron lady". But if Capricorn learns softness, flexibility and relaxes a little, then she will understand that an alliance with such a guy can be very pleasant.
- Capricorn + Scorpio. Their relationship sometimes resembles a battle. Two strong and stubborn signs do not want to yield to each other in any way. They are interested in together, they have a lot in common, but if suddenly they do not agree, an explosion occurs.
- Capricorn + Sagittarius. Very different signs. Sagittarius, with his craving for fun and constant desire for novelty, may at first find the Capricorn girl boring and too dry. But, if he has enough patience, he will be able to "stir up" the lady and add bright colors to her life. In turn, Capricorn will be able to become the harbor to which the eternal wanderer Sagittarius always returns with pleasure.

- Capricorn + Capricorn. There is even nothing to say, except that two Capricorns are a perfect couple. They are both purposeful, businesslike, have the same tastes and preferences. Their tandem will be eternal.
- Capricorn + Aquarius. Signs of different nature, which can not always understand each other. The eccentricity of Aquarius annoys Capricorn, but Aquarius does not understand how one can be so serious. If they can understand the truth that all people are different and it is not worth trying to remake a partner, they will be together. If not, then they are not on their way.
- Capricorn + Pisces. The relationship in this couple is based on colossal physical attraction. And in other aspects of family life, they are all right. By the way, most often the head of the family is the Capricorn woman.
You will learn more about the Capricorn woman in the following video.