Capricorn woman born in the year of the Monkey: personality characteristics and compatibility with other signs

The Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Monkey, has a complex and contradictory character. Absolutely opposite qualities coexist in this personality: responsibility and an irresistible craving for a carefree life, hard work and laziness, a desire for stable family relationships and a tendency to cheat. If the Capricorn Monkey manages to "curb" the violent character and direct all its potential in the right direction, it will be able to create a strong family and rise high on the career ladder.
The stubborn and sluggish Capricorn and the mischievous Monkey jumping over the vines - there is hardly a tandem less compatible with each other. According to the horoscope, the Capricorn woman is distinguished by reliability, restraint and prudence. This is a serious zodiac sign, unwilling to new acquaintances and hobbies, frivolity, rash actions. Before taking the next step, Capricorn will calculate all the moves in advance.
The girl belonging to this constellation is hardworking and diligent. For her, both material values and spiritual values are important. Capricorns are characterized by distrust and arrogance, which is why they often hide real emotions behind a mask. However, the Monkey adds gentleness, benevolence, an inclination to communication and fun to Capricorn.

The Monkey-Capricorn tandem combines the incongruous. A woman belonging to this union has a developed intellect and good intuition, making it easy for her to find a way out of even the most difficult situation. She is always full of new ideas and plans. However, due to turmoil or life difficulties, a woman can become discouraged and depressed.
The Capricorn girl, born in the year of the Monkey, is one of the most reliable friends. She will not divulge other people's secrets or discuss acquaintances behind their backs.
Monkey-Capricorn will be able to support in difficult times, give practical advice or offer all possible help.

Capricorn belongs to the element of the Earth. It gives a person practicality and caution. An earth sign woman does not like increased attention to her person. However, despite this, she has a tendency to manipulate.
Women of the elements of the Earth are inertial and constant in achieving their goals. By their nature, they are conservatives, very slowly perceiving everything new that is happening around. Such people prefer a "sedentary" lifestyle. They don't like to travel. Even a banal move can be a serious problem for them.
Monkey-Capricorn, belonging to the earthly element, at first glance may seem "cold" and unemotional. But in reality this is not the case. Under the guise of inaccessibility, there is a deep personality who lives an interesting and eventful life, has many interests and hobbies.

Love relationships and family
Lady Monkey-Capricorn is smart, charming and active. The combination of these qualities, like a magnet, attracts individuals of the opposite sex to a woman. At a young age, a girl is often frivolous about relationships, which is why she is inclined to sort out partners and often change them. In search of his ideal, the Capricorn Monkey can date several men at the same time. It is worth noting that with all the guys who were in relations with her, she seeks to maintain friendly relations. And often she succeeds.
With age, the Capricorn-Monkey woman becomes more reasonable, she begins to make high demands on the future chosen one.
Because of the inflated standards, the lady is often disappointed in men, because they do not live up to her expectations.

Monkey-Capricorn wants to find a reliable and strong family. Over the years, she begins to appreciate the love relationship. Mutual understanding and reciprocal feelings are important for her. Having married, a woman tries to take a leading position in marriage. She seeks to dominate, make serious decisions and be responsible for them. Any attempts by a man to become the head of the family will be nipped in the bud.
Because of the desire to be a leader in family relationships, the marriage of a Capricorn-Monkey woman often ends in failure. To prevent this from happening, a lady should be more careful in marriage and try to become softer and more flexible. If a woman learns to listen and hear her partner, she can create an ideal union and be happy in family life.

Career and money
Lady Monkey-Capricorn is a careerist for whom success in work is more important than family life. Hardworking and responsible, she can excel in any field. Thanks to diligence, a woman can work for a long time, step by step achieving her goals. Every minute of the Monkey-Capricorn is calculated in advance. Making plans in advance allows her to keep up with everywhere and everywhere: to work fruitfully, to take care of the family, to meet with family, to relax with friends and find time for herself.

Monkey Capricorn is a hardworking person. Often in life, she achieves everything herself, because of which she knows the value of money and does not waste it. Even if a woman does not achieve a high career, she will never be left without finances.
Due to the versatile interests and breadth of mind, Capricorn-Monkey can achieve success in any work: it can be political activity, various creative projects or monotonous routine work.
If a lady correctly prioritizes and follows a strictly set goal, she can quickly grow from a simple employee to a leader.

Suitable partners
The Capricorn-Monkey girl is a difficult and strong personality. Representatives of this union between family and career often choose the second option. According to the characterization, they are more inclined towards making money than building strong relationships.However, having found their ideal, these ladies become not only wonderful housewives, but also loyal friends to their husbands.
A woman should take the choice of a partner seriously so as not to be disappointed later. To increase the chances of creating a good union, you should heed the advice of astrologers.
According to the horoscope, the Monkey-Rat has the best compatibility with the following zodiac signs:
- Taurus;
- Virgo;
- Scorpion;
- A fish.

These signs are able to feel and understand each other perfectly. Usually they have similar interests, thanks to which they achieve their goals together. These qualities are important in both friendships and marriage.
Monkey Capricorn has poor compatibility with Sagittarius and Leo. These signs do not match at all. They have different views on life, which in the future promises misunderstandings, omissions and conflicts. To preserve the marriage, a woman will have to give up a lot, sacrificing her interests for the sake of her family.
According to the year of birth of the Monkey-Capricorn, the Rat and the Monkey are best suited. They can become good friends, loyal family members, or business partners. In such unions, mutual understanding and respect for each other will reign.
Also, the lady Capricorn, born in the year of the Monkey, has good compatibility with the Goat, Ox and Dragon.

The relationship with the Dog, Horse and Snake will not work out well. Representatives of these zodiac signs will mistrust and misunderstand the ease and carelessness of the Monkey, which will give rise to many conflicts in life together. Due to the lack of compromises, it will not only be difficult for a lady to live under the same roof with a Dog, Horse or Snake, but also just to communicate.
Monkey Capricorn can often quarrel with perfectly compatible partners. This is possible if people compete to prove who is the boss in the house. If a woman does not learn to yield to her partner, she can lose him forever. Therefore, in family life, the Monkey-Capricorn should learn to hear his chosen one, and not try to manipulate him. In this case, the chances of a long and happy life together are great.
You will learn more about the Capricorn woman in the following video.
Well, it is.
One to one.
It all fits together.
They say everything correctly.
It all fits together. I started dating the Monkey-Capricorn. A very difficult sign: the brain is ready to eat its man for the purpose of manipulation, proof of righteousness and achievement of leadership. Even if a man's arguments are based on axioms (blue sky).
At 16, I demand too much of myself. I am Capricorn in the year of the Monkey.
Everything is correctly said, but what to do with such a character?
100%! When asked what to do with such a character: enjoy life and develop yourself as a person!
I disagree with some of the reasons. I was never so demanding of men that later I had to part. Even if you part, then there can be no talk of any friendly relations. What do you mean "frivolous and goes overboard" partners? Career first? I believe that Capricorn always values family.
The same question: what to do?) It is as if 2 different people live in me, and I can constantly change my view of the same situation. Then I think like a monkey: "Oh, what is it, do not care, we dance!" Enrages!)) It is very difficult to find a compromise and live in harmony.
That's right, we are demanding not only of ourselves, but also of others, perfectionism is in our blood.
Indeed it is, but sometimes you want to be weak.
It is very similar to me, but I am married to the Tiger-Taurus (there has been a lot of time already), but I am not on good terms with the Goats.