Personality traits of a Capricorn woman born in the year of the Dog

Not all Capricorn women are the same. The year of her birth has a great influence on the character. A more accurate astrological characteristic can be obtained thanks to the combined horoscope. The eastern sign of the Dog perfectly complements and balances some of the qualities of the Capricorn woman.

General features
The practicality of Capricorn and the ideological spirit of the Dog create an excellent combination in a woman's horoscope. The dog comes up with, generates thoughts, and Capricorn directs all this in a practical direction. The Capricorn dog is consistent and in any situation tries to keep the direction set for itself. It is difficult to confuse her: if she has decided something, she will do it.
Capricorn women born in the year of the Dog are balanced natures. They know what they want and go to their goals in non-standard ways. Have healthy ambition and optimism. From an early age, they are already focused on success and set themselves the merits of successful individuals as an example, try to be equal to them. In their circle of communication, they choose smart, high-status people who have achieved certain heights.
The Capricorn woman is secretive, she does not immediately find a common language in the team and at first keeps herself apart.
But a friendly and sociable Dog smoothes out such qualities of Capricorn, endowing this zodiac sign with greater social activity.

Pros and cons of character
Capricorn Dog Woman has a number of advantages, the most striking of which are:
- constant striving for self-improvement;
- the ability to achieve almost any set goal;
- practicality: not inclined to soar in the clouds;
- organization and reliability: Capricorn-Dog will not let you down if you entrusted her with a serious matter;
- caring for loved ones: she is always ready to help friends in a difficult situation, and this will be not only words of support, but also real actions on her part;
- justice: never just cause pain to another and does not forget the help given to her;
- she knows how to steadfastly endure all adversity, it is difficult to break her.

But the character of Capricorn-Dog is not so simple - this lady also has disadvantages:
- takes criticism hard, gets upset, although sometimes this spurs and contributes to its growth;
- lack of a sense of humor, in particular, does not accept jokes in his direction;
- excessive cold prudence: this lady can “go over their heads”;
- selfishness and arrogance;
- harshness in statements, emotional detachment;
- suspicion, which sometimes arises from scratch;
- too high demands on others.
Despite the fact that these traits can repel people, but it is these character traits that help the Capricorn-Dog achieve what he wants.

Professional and financial sphere
The combination of signs makes it possible to become an intelligent leader. These women are natural leaders, they are smart, have the necessary insight and determination. Stress-resistant, can restrain excessive emotional reactions when the situation requires it.
Leaders from them come out tough, domineering, they do not tolerate idlers and workers "sitting out their pants". They are cold and impartial, only truly hardworking employees work under their leadership.
Thanks to these qualities of the Capricorn-Dog, the company is making great strides.

She is preoccupied with social life, interested in politics and the law. Capricorn-Dogs make good lawyers, notaries, judges, workers of social protection bodies. They are also inclined to methodical work, professions that require accuracy and order are suitable for her: archivist, secretary, personnel officer.
In general, this woman achieves financial success in any field. He treats money scrupulously, does not squander and often has impressive savings in a bank account. He skillfully distributes his budget, clearly separating the necessary expenses from the useless ones. From an early age he takes care of pension savings and in old age has good financial support.

Romantic relationship
The girl of this combination of signs is quite picky in relationships, she will not open her heart to the first person she meets. At the beginning of a romantic acquaintance, he keeps a little aloof, looks closely at his partner, analyzes and weighs all the pros and cons, so sometimes it seems cold. But as soon as she truly falls in love and confides in a man, she opens up and becomes the most passionate lady in the world. A partner who can win her trust will demonstrate all her best feminine qualities: patience, caring, loyalty.
Falling in love, she does not hide this and immediately admits her feelings to the object of her sighs. Receiving a refusal, she does not get upset, but begins to develop a plan to win the heart in the way she knows how: prudently and scrupulously. And often the plan works, and she manages to catch the desired man in her net.
And yet, inclined to rationalization, she chooses a partner not according to the aspirations of her heart, but according to calculation. The status of the chosen one, financial position and his attitude towards her are important to her.
A man needs to be attentive and serious, and he must also give up leading positions to her, because this woman loves to manage.

Family and marriage
Capricorn-Dog often marries in adulthood, after having built a career. She is not a housewife, in life she is more puzzled by professional growth. Therefore, it is hardly worth waiting for the daily rich borscht and lush pies - she cooks according to her mood.Nevertheless, everyday life equips comfortably, of course, not without the help of a domestic servant, because she is clean and does not tolerate dirt in the apartment.
He can forgive a lot to his partner, but he will not tolerate a slacker next to him. Even if a man is not as successful as she is, he should at least strive for growth, and she, in turn, will be able to channel his energy in the right direction. The husbands of such wives, as a rule, grow rapidly in the professional field.
He thinks about children when he creates a stable financial base. Capricorn-Dog is a very responsible mother. Perhaps at times she will not have enough time for her child, but the baby will always have the best toys and the best nanny.
In upbringing, he is moderately strict, punishes for offenses, but also encourages his child for obedience and success.

Compatibility with other signs
A good partner for a Capricorn-Dog woman can be a man of her own sign: they understand each other and look in the same direction.
Also, Capricorn has good compatibility with the elements of Earth and Water - it is suitable for:
- Taurus;
- Virgo;
- Cancer;
- Scorpion;
- A fish.

The Dog sign is friendly, therefore it is well compatible with all oriental signs, but the best relationships for love and friendship are formed with:
- Rabbit;
- Bull;
- Horse.
The Capricorn-Dog woman is attracted by the practical and hard-working Virgo-Horse man: he understands his chosen one perfectly. In such an alliance there is no reason for quarrels. A stable man Taurus-Ox is also suitable for her: a woman is comfortable with him. Both partners are reluctant to build illusions, they are sane and practical. But the happiest union can happen with the Scorpio-Rabbit: partners will complement each other, in addition, they have good sexual compatibility.
Fire signs are completely unsuitable for the Capricorn-Dog woman: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. Constant rivalry and clash of interests will interfere with a harmonious union.
Our heroine will not like the excessive fervor of the fiery man, and he will be annoyed by the pedantry of Capricorn.

Representatives of this combination of signs rarely complain about health. They have good immunity and a strong nervous system. But sometimes they tend to ignore the signals of an incipient disease and start its course. They need to monitor the health of their legs: they are prone to varicose veins and joint problems. In adulthood, they are prone to hormonal disorders.
To improve health, this sign is recommended to spend more time with the earth: plant and care for plants, walk barefoot on the ground. Work and rest at their summer cottage energizes Capricorn-Dog. In addition, travel to the mountains, forest hikes and picnics with loved ones are useful.

Lucky talismans and numbers
It is better to buy jewelry for Capricorn-Dogs women from platinum or white gold, but lead is the most favorable metal for them: it will bring luck.
When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to pendants in the shape of some animals that will bring good luck:
- goat;
- dog;
- owl;
- turtle;
- Wolf.
It is also favorable to hang a picture in the house with the image of these animals and their figurines made of plaster or clay. It is good to keep indoor flowers in the house, a money tree is especially suitable.
This plant will provide good luck in monetary matters, so occupying the Capricorn woman.

Some stones will also bring harmony to her life:
- tourmaline - will save you from trouble;
- black onyx - will give confidence, relieve doubts;
- obsidian - will help make the right decision;
- uvarovit - will direct energy in the right direction;
- jade - maintains health;
- rock crystal - will put thoughts in order;
- black hematite - protects against the evil eye.
Stones can be worn in a ring, earrings, pendants, or pinned to a small pin to clothing. Astrologers recommend using simple stones collected at sea as talismans: they will make the "dry" character of Capricorn more emotional and softer.
Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8, 14.
You will learn more about the Capricorn woman in the following video.