Capricorn woman born in the year of the Pig: combination features and characteristics

Among other signs of the zodiac born in the year of the Pig or the Pig, Capricorn is considered the most successful combination, especially for a woman. With an open heart, these ladies strive to help others, lending a shoulder in difficult moments. They do it unselfishly, sometimes without even considering their time and position. Such women are smart, calculating, sociable, independent. They adhere to traditional views, do not like to rush and do everything thoroughly. A structural horoscope will help you figure out how the representatives of this horoscope sign live and reveal their positive and negative sides.
We must admit the fact that the character of Capricorns born in the year of the Pig is not easy. Such girls are stubborn and do not want to concede in anything. However, they are very open with others. Often their kindness and candor are used against her. Such a woman does not like hypocrisy and lies and does not tolerate betrayal. If someone has done this to her at least once, the woman will stop all communication with that person. In her opinion, whoever betrayed at least once will betray the next. This sign can experience irritation and hatred, which it tries to quickly extinguish in itself for the sake of loved ones.
The Capricorn woman is actively looking for her place in the sun. In this they are helped by intelligence and patience. The latter is especially important - she tries to solve too many problems at the same time in her favor. But she certainly achieves her plan, even if she has to spend a lot of time on it. Sometimes life plans are rapidly destroyed.Then Capricorns learn to breathe anew and only then, gritting their teeth, begin their journey anew. They overcome it in small steps, taking into account the mistakes of past experience. They can change plans, but they still stubbornly go towards their goal and will definitely achieve it.
Outwardly, Capricorn-Pigs may seem like loners, but deep down they know how important it is for them to have personal relationships and friends. Representatives of this sign can express exactingness to the people around them and by this they alienate many from themselves. They do not like disorganization and whiners.

Career and work
Capricorns are among the most hardworking signs. You can't find a better employee. This sign will stay at work as long as it takes. Often such a woman is entrusted with difficult work, because they are sure that she will cope with it. Good assimilation of a large amount of information. For these qualities, she is appreciated by the leadership and promoted up the career ladder. This sign has intuition that helps you make the right decisions.
Capricorns of the Year of the Pig will never go over their heads. It is very important for them to show themselves from all sides, showing professional qualities. Emotions and impressions are important to them, therefore, most often Capricorns-Pigs realize themselves in creative professions.
The lack of realization of their talents can lead them to deep depression.

Relationship with money
Capricorns love money, thanks to which they satisfy their needs. Lack of finance plunges Capricorn into a panic and forces them to act. Therefore, sometimes women of this astrological combination go ahead. In addition, they often end up in financial debt dependence. They try to solve their problems on their own. It doesn't work quickly, but sooner or later they pay off the promissory notes. They live according to the principle “If you took the money - die, but give it back! ". By the way, this is one of the most honest signs of the zodiac in this regard.

Love compatibility
Outwardly, it may seem that the Capricorn woman is happy with her partner. Such ladies absorb the energy of their second half. Because of this, partners become similar to each other, as a woman reflects the state of a man. If negative comes from him, then such a relationship ends. Capricorn Pig is not a fan of short novels. Her preference is a stable and reliable relationship.
In intimacy he adheres to conservatism. Therefore, a woman allows physical intimacy with a partner after a long relationship. It is important for her to get to know the person and then completely trust. In sex, he expects tact and attention from a partner. And only after such a check, Capricorn can try some experiments in bed.
According to the years, the Goat, Rooster, Pig, Rat, Cat (Rabbit) are well suited for the Pig. Medium fit, but long-term relationships are quite possible: Horse, Monkey, Ox, Tiger. Targets to avoid: Dragon, Dog, Snake.
According to the sign of the zodiac, the Capricorn woman will get along well with the representatives of Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces. Average compatibility with Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Libra. The worst is the relationship with Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius.

Family and marriage
For a woman of this astrological sign, the family is of great importance. Sometimes custody of loved ones becomes excessive. Pig women are always interested in their relatives and try to solve the problems of friends and their families. Capricorn tries to avoid scandals, so he tries to solve any problematic issue through dialogue. She has little passion in family life, but her husband receives stability from her, and her children receive her love and care.
The woman is loyal to her family. She is always ready to make sacrifices for the sake of her family and friends. They accept their loved ones with all their disabilities. He will never say about it, but deep down he will sincerely worry. The representative of this sign loves movement, but at the same time will never deny himself the rest.And if the husband puts pressure on her and tries to remake her, then the woman will break up. In family relationships, Capricorns can give up their leadership. The inability to say “no” in some circumstances makes life difficult for them.
Reflecting negative feelings from a partner can affect her health.

Capricorn Pig Girl
Children of this astrological combination are liked by everyone around them. They are cute and well-mannered. But at home, a child with the stubbornness and determination of Capricorn becomes an unbearable and capricious tyrant. Parents have to work hard to put him in his place. The Capricorn-Pig girl tries to lead in communication. She tries to invite friends to her house, showing her hospitality. In response, the children themselves try to come to her more often - after all, they are interested. Therefore, where the girl of this sign lives, there are always many little guests. She does not mind toys for them. The girl can feed the whole pot of soup to the guests or give all the sweets.

Loves animals very much. Therefore, parents need to be prepared that kittens or puppies will constantly appear in the house. Capricorn Pigs are very active. Therefore, girls often choose sports for themselves. It may so happen that instead of playing the piano, the goat will give preference to speed skating. It will only benefit her. This will allow her to throw out emotional stress and bring peace to her inner state.
In no case should the Capricorn Pig girl be physically punished, no matter what she does. Resentment will remain in her memory for life and affect her self-esteem. In adolescence, this can lead to misunderstandings with parents. Do not hope that the child will forget everything. Young Capricorn Pigs have a very good memory.

Disadvantages of the sign
The main drawback of the Capricorn Pig woman is her complete trust in her own intuition. As a result, a woman literally turns off her brain and loses control over her emotions. A woman does stupid things that spoil her life. It is for this reason that Capricorn Pigs have very crisis situations on their path, which they call a fall.
But they cope and start all over again.

Advice to Capricorns born in the Year of the Pig
You must always be objective about feelings, emotions and behavior. You need to get rid of the environment that carries the negative. It is necessary to clearly divide people into those who carry positive impulses and vice versa. It is imperative to put protection on the negative. This will help conserve vital energy. You don't have to try to be good for everyone.
You will learn more about Capricorn women in the following video.